ChristaS Member


  • is it your TOM? I'm just back at this this year after falling off the wagon for a year so I reset my start weight for this time around. anyway I lost 44lbs last time around and over the time it took to do that I noticed that i could easily gain up to 10 lbs in the week before my TOM once it was over that extra weight came…
  • I mix some plain or vanilla yogurt with the same amount of frozen blueberries and leave it for a minute or two. the blueberries freeze the yogurt a bit, its like softserve icecream. guilt free and yummy!
  • I had morning sickness up until my 7th month then it started again in the last month. eating crackers or anything carb made me worse. I ended up figuring out that if I used mouth wash ( I liked the orange Listerine) frequently and then again at times that I had extra nausea it helped a lot! I hope you figure out what works…
  • Mostly no I don't exercise, I do here and there when I have the time to fit it in like you I have good intentions but am a busy Mom, I would rather spend that extra 30 min I'm not running around trying to accomplish something giving extra attention to my children. and to me (for most of us) being a mom is an active…
  • Nice job!
  • I give myself a cheat day once a week and every few months have a week or two of somewhere near maintenance calories (I actually don't track it but I try to 'behave' while eating more freely). since I started doing that I haven't hit a plateau. my first 30 lbs wasn't done that way (nor was it on MFP) and I struggled to…
  • I had to order my dress 6 months in advance. of course if your buying "off the rack" (which for the record I have no problem with ) it wouldn't matter. but to keep all options open I would say shop earlier. why not go looking and if you see one you like find out how much in advance you have to order. each designer is…
  • I'm in Parry Sound. North of Barrie. I lived in Leamington for 5 years and I have Sisters and a Brother in London.
  • since healing mine had never hurt. I agree with PP though if its just sore I wouldn't worry at this point. if it gets painfull or gets worse worse I'd check in with a dr.
  • I generally put on 5--8 lbs in a matter of days :noway: thankfully it comes off just as quickly afterwards an if I've managed to stick to the diet a few extra leave along with it!
  • Welcome! no one can see your food diary unless you set it so that they can. Yours is nice and private :)
  • A friend sent me a pic she had taken of me holding my 6 wk old daughter, it was a good pic... of a fat chick! its the one I've got on my profile as my before because I don't have any other of me at my heaviest, I hid from the camera all the time.
  • Great job!
  • I've recently started exercising too and my weight is now stuck. I've lost 1/4" on my waist in just over a week so I can't complain but I too am having trouble getting over the scale not moving. I know better its just a mental hurdle to get past.
  • My Wii fit is about 2lbs heavier than my scale. I got the fit part way through my weight loss so it was a bummer to start going with that weight but I did and now I'm glad because its pretty accurate with my doc scale at my appointments. meaning my weight on the wii first thing in the am before eating after using the…
  • he sounds like my 3 yr old only yours eats more variety! I try to mix in some tofu in with what I can since he notices meat peices and it makes things like pasta unedible. I can coat chicken breast strips in lightly seasoned bread crumbs (which I make myself) he prefers if I do this before I cook it but sometimes its…
  • I can't do crunches because of neck/back problems and my Brother in Law, who is a personal trainer recommended doing planks.
  • My kids are 3.5 and 2. In the last 2 months I've started taking a zumba class its good for my mind and body, getting out of the house for a few hours is the biggest help with my sanity, I was with the kids all the time up untill that point! this past week I got a Zumba video and the kids love to do it with me! Dylan (my…
  • good tip on the iron, will try to keep that in mind and see if it helps next go round. Thanks!
  • oh boy yes to both! I'm hungry no matter how much I eat and even if I manage to stay within my calories I can gain anywhere from 5 -8 lbs in a matter of days. it disapears just as quickly though usually and tends to take a few extra lbs with it when it goes :)
  • WTG!!!
  • cripes no wonder I'm doing so well this time. lol I started drink my coffee black around the same time I started losing the weight and drink a pot of the stuff a day. been thinking I should cut down but maybe I'll wait a while...
  • I've found the calories burned on different sites and its anywhere from 400-900 cal for 60 min. When I use my HRM with my 20 min video its usually around 130cal burned. I just got the HRM so haven't wore it to my 60 min class yet but looking forward to it tonight!
    in Zumba!! Comment by ChristaS January 2011
  • I weigh myself daily because it helps keep me on track for the day. I record it every time I have a loss, no so good at recording the gains lol I only record a gain if it stays up. generally for me that doesn't happen usually unless it my TOTM.
  • I don't know what your meals are usually like but when I first joined this site I realized that I could eat way more food and feel fuller if I just increased the amount of fruit and veggies I was eating. I know it sounds like a no brainer but I didn't quite "get it" untill being on here. once I started going heavy on…
  • Most of the weight I've lost was done while drinking a lot of Diet Pepsi. I'm cutting down on it right now just because I would rather put more natural things in my body. I've noticed that after a few days of not drinking it when I do have it I get really bloated but its still not effecting my actual weight loss.
  • I use to love my french vanilla or Irish cream creamer! now I just drink it black and it didn't take long for me to prefer it that way. I tried having some Baileys in there at Christmas time and had a hard time drinking it!
  • Great job! even if 16 lbs is only a fraction of your goal its still a big accomplishment! How encouraging for you to be able to SEE a difference!
  • I have a major sweet tooth too. I discovered last night that Apple sliced thinly and dipped in Dream whip takes care of my need to munch (like chips) and the sweet tooth, the dream whip is reasonably low cal too.