Any stay at home moms there?



  • AmandaR910
    I'm a SAHM.

    Three kids, ages 28 months, 14 months, and 6 weeks.
  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    My kids are 3.5 and 2. In the last 2 months I've started taking a zumba class its good for my mind and body, getting out of the house for a few hours is the biggest help with my sanity, I was with the kids all the time up untill that point! this past week I got a Zumba video and the kids love to do it with me! Dylan (my 3yr old) asks to do it and even had his dad doing Zumba moves the other night lol. I don't keep junk in the house and make almost everything from sctatch. we live way out in the country so if it doesn't come home on shopping day its not easy to come by, so there is no cheating and going out to eat either. I don't snack during the day, it just took some getting use to. I have trouble not snacking in the evening after the kids go to bed. I just want to sit and veg and eat so I save calories to use for a snack.
    I keep my breakfast and lunch pretty much the same all the time (changing it when I get bored of that item and sticking with that change for a while) it helps me to keep those meals consistantly low cal.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    HI I am a sahm too!! Nice to see so many on here :)

    My daughter is 2 and she eats whatever I eat, well beside turkey hot dogs lol I cant take the sodium takes like a salt lick to me lol
    Any who, she even eats cottage cheese and tuna fish and my vanilla protein shake!

    We do lots of veggies and fruits too, I introduce tons of foods that are healthy and that I eat as well. I figure she doesnt know the difference so minus well teach her now lol

    I get up at 5am to work out, some days I dont make it that early but my hubby is super supportive and lets me get an hour in before he leave for work.

    I am so happy to know that there are other sahm and not sahm that are starting their kids off with a healthy diet. I cant count how many play dates we go on and all they have is sugary foods and snack for the kids to eat. I have started bringing my own and just telling parents that she has food allergies. With all the healthier alternative that are out there is just amazes me lol

    Any who, please feel free to friend me, I would love to lend some support and god knows I need it too :)
  • britmom
    I am as well. My kids are 5, 9, and 12. Granted the elder two are my soon to be step sons but I call them mine just the same. I would love to be part of an at home mom support network.