Any stay at home moms there?

daniwynn Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hi, I am a stay at home mom of two (16 mo old and 3 year old). I would like to friend other stay at home moms who are trying to loose weight for tips and support. How do you fit exercise in. HOw do you stay away from munching on thier food. How do you fight off boredom, stress ect?

Hope i get to know some of you through this group and we can be fit, strong moms together.


  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I am a stay at home mom, HI! :)

    I have 2 girls, 2 1/2 and 11 months.

    I get up at 5am to exercise and get my work in (I work at home as a medical transcriptionist). I usually get about 30 minutes in the mornings. I usually try to get out for a walk a few days a week also, which gives me something to do and we get to stop at the park which gives them something to do.

    I don't keep crap in the house. We all eat the same things. My girls love fruits and veggies, so I am very lucky in that regard.

    Add me as a friend! We can all use all the support we can get!
  • tina_h
    tina_h Posts: 22

    I'm stay at home of three ( 2yrs 10 months, 18 months and 6 month). I'm not worked out how to fit into exercise but determined to do it. I may alternate mornings and evenings when they are asleep. I have considered going gym at 6.30am but not sure if hubby would cope with all three!

    As for stress - its been fine until last couple weeks. Yesterday was a terrible day I was nearly reduced to tears after my oldest hosed down my 18 month with water from the douche.... My bathroom was flooded and I couldn't believe all this happened in literally few mins....

    Anyway, would love to keep in touch and exchange stories!

  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    Im a SAHM! 7 & 5 yr old boys & 2 yr old girl!
  • NMorse1907
    NMorse1907 Posts: 90 Member
    Im a SAHM of two! A 5 yr old girl and 3 yr old boy. I go to the gym as soon as my hubby walks in the door from work 3 days a week. They do have a family room at my gym where I could take the kids, but I just don't get as good of a workout in there. :)
  • I'm a stay at home mom. I have one little boy who is 19 months. He'll be 2 in June. I don't really have any tips on fighting stress becuase I'm under a TON of stress daily and I still haven't figured out how to deal with it. I haven't lost barely anything yet but to keep from munching on food, I always have a glass or bottle of water next to me and when I feel the urge to eat when I know I'm not hungry, I take a drink. It works 95% of the time for me. We don't really keep junk food in the house. My husband takes some snack cakes to work with him but, I can proudly say that I don't even feel that urge to eat those anymore... Probably because they give me a wicked stomach ache. I work out when my son is sleeping. I try to clean and walk around my house while he's awake becuase that burns more calories than sitting on my butt does. Any stay at home moms can feel free to add me.. We need all the support and tips we can get.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of two boys Trey who is 8 and in school and Evan who is 4 and in preschool. I may not be as busy as you are but I do find it hard to not eat there snacks and stuff. My son comes home and wants popcorn or something and I try and just makes sure I have a small portion. But I do find that I get bored working out by myself at the gym or at home. I recently just moved to a new state and have no friends are family, which is really tough for support. Everyone on this site has been my biggest supporters. Not sure if I helped but your not alone its tough.
  • Annybel
    Annybel Posts: 62
    I'm a stay at home mom, and I have a 18 month old boy. I'm just now finally getting him on a decent schedule. He's an attention hog, so when he's awake I have a hard time doing anything for myself, but I get in a 40 minute workout while he takes his nap. As for eating right... My son is picky about what he eats so I don't eat what he does. I also take him to the park and that keeps me on my toes. He's all over the place. I go to school at night, so I have to get in all the exercise I can before class. I could definitely use some support and am actually looking to join a group of some kind. I'm new to the site and to exercise and dieting in general.
  • HI I'm Kim mom of a 4 1/2 year old and 2 year old. I used to be able to fit exercise in during nap time, but my 4 1/2 year old no longer naps. So now I"m trying to get up early 3 days a week (mon, wed, fri) I go to this AMAZING class tues and thursday nights. Its like zumba on steriods. As for snacking. I try to have healthier options in the house to snack on and I try to drink more water so it fills me up. Weekends I tend to splurge just a little but nothing crazy. SO far its worked for me.

    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • Hi, I am a SAHM of twin 5YO boys. I started my weight loss 2 years ago. I hit my goal of 100 lbs lost in April. I have since gained
    @10 lbs , mainly from trying to figure out this whole maintainence thing. It's tricky! I started exercising by doing the Wii fit and work
    out videos in my living room while the kids played. Also I have an exercise step that I would do step ups on for about an hour
    every night while I was watching television, or I would run in place. I have a recumbent bike that I love and I will ride that pretty
    much every day at nap time or while the boys are at school. Just remember any activity is better than NO activity. So even if you
    only can find 10 min a day it is better than nothing. Good Luck and continued success!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi, I am a SAHM of twin 5YO boys. I started my weight loss 2 years ago. I hit my goal of 100 lbs lost in April. I have since gained
    @10 lbs , mainly from trying to figure out this whole maintainence thing. It's tricky! I started exercising by doing the Wii fit and work
    out videos in my living room while the kids played. Also I have an exercise step that I would do step ups on for about an hour
    every night while I was watching television, or I would run in place. I have a recumbent bike that I love and I will ride that pretty
    much every day at nap time or while the boys are at school. Just remember any activity is better than NO activity. So even if you
    only can find 10 min a day it is better than nothing. Good Luck and continued success!

    What is the step up? Can you make your own step or buy one. If you buy one how much are they? Do you just step and watch tv or something as long as you are moving? Sound like something I should do at night while watching tv.
  • All the snacks in our house are fruit or chees and the kids love that. I have been doing well with not eating thier leftovers--but it was a bad habit I had to break. I log on everything I put in my mouth and "little leftover bite" really add up. I have been staying away from that and measuring out all my own food.
    Yesterday--between potty training, messes, screaming, ect I was frustrated and found myself running for the carbs. I did stay under my caloric goals--but really need to catch myself when it comes to stress eating.

    As far as exercise--I have been dancing with the kids and throwing in some lunges and sit-ups. My kids are usually up so early that I can't beat them to the exercise and when I try to get on treadmill 16 mo old wants to jump on with me. Winter time is hard to get exercise.
    Thanks for replying and hopefully we can continue to share stories and tips.
  • A step up is just simply that. I have one of the plastic exercise steps like they use for step aerobic classes. I just step up and down for an hour or so while I watch my nightly shows. You would be surprise at the workout you will get from just simply stepping. I am sure that you could use anything that is sturdy enough to step on, or even the steps in your house ( if you have some) although it would be so easy to watch tv that way. lol
  • Oh and I have had my step for years, so I do not remember where I got it, but they sell them at Walmart, Target, ****s. I think they run @ $20- $30? You could also check Craigslist.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    ok thanks so much!!
  • I picked up two steps at a yard sale this summer! I think I am going to try doing it while I watch tv tonight :) Hopefully my daughter will let me. She is a 19 mo old attention HOG. I have found that working out is a great stress reliever because I was getting so frustrated with trying to find foods she would eat or get her to play for 30 minutes to let me clean. She is letting me do the dishes daily, so I guess that is a step! Staying at home is so much harder t han some people think and it is especially hard to exercise!! (Sometimes she will not nap without me)
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I am one! I have a 5 month old and a 2 year old. :]
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi there! I have 3, 2 boys ages 10 and 7 and a girl 2 1/2. I babysit a 6 month old on top of that so I feel your pain ;) I do workout almost daily and make a few minutes of "me" time a priority.. it keeps me from losing my mind! LOL Friend me if you want.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Im a SAHM of 2.. I friended you :) Anyone else who wants to friend me feel free :)
  • Hi, fellow SAHMs! It's good to find you here! I am an SAHM to a 4 and 1/2 year-old boy and a 2 year-old girl.

    We joined a gym so I could put the kids in the playroom while I work out. Packing the kids up and getting them out the door to do this is a challenge, but I try to get there myself at least twice a week and then I go with my husband on Saturday mornings. I loooooove this because it is truly my only "mommy time."

    Of course, between snow and germs, we've been stuck home quite a bit lately, so I've been pulling out the videos and getting the kids involved. My little guy likes Zumba and my little girl likes the jumping rope on the Biggest Loser DVDs! It's fun to do it with them, but they do interrupt me a lot, so it's tough. Better than nothing, I guess! I also just bought a balance ball, but I haven't blown it up yet because I'm afraid of what the kids will break with it!

    I just started this MFP thing, so please friend me (this goes for all of you SAHMs out there) so I can start my MFP support network! I need all the support I can get!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of two boys Trey who is 8 and in school and Evan who is 4 and in preschool. I may not be as busy as you are but I do find it hard to not eat there snacks and stuff. My son comes home and wants popcorn or something and I try and just makes sure I have a small portion. But I do find that I get bored working out by myself at the gym or at home. I recently just moved to a new state and have no friends are family, which is really tough for support. Everyone on this site has been my biggest supporters. Not sure if I helped but your not alone its tough.

    I'm a SAHM of two boys. Caeleb is 7 (first grade) and Casyn is almost 21 months. I, too, don't have any close friends or any family where I live (they are all at least 8+ hours away). My working out right now is doing the Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort while my youngest naps and oldest is at school. Some evenings I can do a little too, once they are in bed and my husband is out in the garage. Otherwise, when it's warm out, I walk (pusing a stroller) to take Caeleb and pick him up from school, which ends up being anywhere from a mile to two for me.

    As for not snacking on their stuff, when I started this journey (in Sept.), it was REALLY hard for me, but lately I haven't had such an issue with it. I just have to get used to throwing small amounts away, which is hard for me because I feel the need to use/save everything to get our money worth (I'm an avid couponer and saver).
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