

  • I'm 8-10 pounds below this now, but haven't taken a new after pic yet
  • kind of fitting that I'm pulling up my shorts in the before pic and eating an apple after finishing an obstacle course in the afterrpicture
  • I'd just log it as running for however long it takes and call it good. I'm doing a mud run/obstacle course tomorrow morning....i guess it's today now as well. Log it as running and now you're ahead
  • I'm 6'3 237 (started at 273) You need more food, not less food. You're body is burning 2100 or so calories on it's own, if you're eating less than 1200, you're body isn't getting enough energy to burn the fat and it's storing it instead. I have a spreadsheet where I log all my food and exercise and my bmr from here…
  • It sounds dumb, but I'm a stats kind of guy and tracked everything for the last 6 months in excel and I can see wherever my net calories gets too low, the weight loss stops
  • you need to eat more for one, and then pick a day and time that you plan to weigh yourself every week. Currently I'm working a system that gives me a bout a 1 pound deficit every week and if I weight myself throughout the week, it's anywhere from even to +3 pounds, but every monday morning after basketball i've been down…
  • I know my scale is off as we had one at work for our contest and it was 3-4 pounds lighter, the one at Planetfitness is 4-5 pounds lighter and the Doc office is 3-5 pounds lighter. I use my home scale strictly to know how much i've lost, it's the one I initially weight on. The doc office is the only one I get a reading and…
  • congrats on figuring that out at 24, you're future will be much easier having figured it out now than at 32
  • are you working out? if so you need to remember that the target is net calories. If you're truly hungry and not just bored, then 1200 might not be enough. Check out the calculator here http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ this gave me the number 2516 (37yr old male, 6'3 240) and it's spot on. Take whatever they give you…
  • Better yet, withold sex until you hit your goal. He'll be driving you to the gym every night
  • I have days where I go over (sporting events, birthday parties, golf outings, etc) but always try to log it as accurate as possible.
  • the farther you get into it, you'll need to eat those extra calories to keep up your workouts
  • I don't add every gain, or it'd be an up and down thing daily, but if I'm over for my "official" saturday morning weigh-in, then I enter it everytime
  • @mehaffeymk Less sodium and more calories. Hit your goal net calories as close as possible everyday and the more sodium you eat, the more water you'll retain
  • the usual answers are to make sure you're netting enough calories to cover your exercise and to make sure you're drinking enough water. Anytimes that I've "plateaued" it's been either not enough water or not eating enough
  • if youre good with excell, make a spreadsheet that shows you waht you should lose in a week based on bmr, exercise, eating, etc...and keep your net around where MFP says it should be. One of the big things is seeing that you're only supposed to lose .4 pounds based on your week, and knowing you're on track helps
  • nice work man, I started out at 6'3" 273.5 and plan to hit 213.5 (about halfway now) and then just not worry as much about making sure I get enough cardio in and doing some lifting or p90x type stuff. I personally want to crack 200 just to say I did, but I'd guess 210-215 is where I'll try to maintain
  • in my experience, I always pay more attention to the week not the days. You cna have a bad day and succeed, just don' thave a bad week.
  • Bump this up to 1800-2000 for a week and you'll see a change. The amount of exercise you're doing needs more energy to work. I'm 6'3 240(started at 275) and had a couple weeks in the middle of it where my number just didn't move and turned out I was cutting even below my budget thinking I didn't need it. My understanding…
    in plateaued? Comment by juwan24 June 2012
  • 3 words. Make a Plan The thing that's helped me the most is to plan out the week ahead. I've got an excel sheet that factors eating, exercise and normal calories burned by living. Then does the math for how much I should lose that week if I stick to it. Really helps in exercise motivation as it's almost as if it's already…
  • put that over an 8 hour shift and it's a huge daily difference, almost 1200 calories.
  • The biggest thing people have to realize is that exercise takes energy, so if someone is on a 1200 calorie budget with no exercise and then start exercising, the scale is going to slow down. From what I've done and tracked it seems best to up the intake somewhere around half of what you're burning off to keep the energy…
  • I would personally just not log it and take the added bonus knowing it'll show up in your results
  • I don't have scientific proof, but in theory the more water you drink you'll feel fuller and eat less. And when I've logged everything I can always tell the stretches where I don't drink enough water because my weight doesn't budge
  • where I think this "use the lefotovers" theory works best is for special occasions. If I know I have a birthday party on saturday or I'm going out to eat for something special, or a ballgame or something of that sort. I'll try to be really good and skim a few off the top, or workout a little harder heading into that event…