Stand Up Workstation

I finally got my stand up workstation at work!! No more 8 hour days of sitting still in a vegetative state. Now the question is how do I log it? Should I change my daily activity level setting from sedentary? I would hate to overestimate the number of calories I am actually burning. Anyone have a good solution?


  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    You could do a little research online to see how much you burn if you stand all day. It definitely isn't sedentary anymore, so probably lightly active. I'd take that into account. Let me know how it goes; have been thinking of getting one myself!
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member

    I stand at my desk about half the time when I am at work... I've also found that a little music kind of make you move a little too while standing there.. :)
  • RetroGlitzDiva
    RetroGlitzDiva Posts: 109 Member

    I stand at my desk about half the time when I am at work... I've also found that a little music kind of make you move a little too while standing there.. :)

    I find I end up doing squats and lots more stretching. Good stuff!
  • SGreen134
    SGreen134 Posts: 136 Member
    Awesome artice, Tony. Thank you for posting that!!
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    I am conducting an experiment tonight... I will wear my HRM for one hour while standing at my desk. Then I will wearit for one hour while sitting at my desk, and see if there is any difference between to two results.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Some HRMs are designed to only count your calories from exercise, not at rest. I think they start figuring calorie count above a certain HR maybe, or don't add in the BMR component? I don't know if there's a measurable HR difference between standing and sitting.

    It's better for your back, though. If you can't do it all day, consider a leaning chair.
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    True... But this way I will at least know how many calories I burn while sitting on my butt for an hour.... LOL
  • juwan24
    juwan24 Posts: 27
    I would personally just not log it and take the added bonus knowing it'll show up in your results
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    Oh.. I dont log standing.... This is merely curiosity to see if any difference will show up at all
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    OK... Interesting.
    from 6pm-7pm. Standing at my workstation. Music playing. HRM says 368.9 calories burned.
    from 7pm-8pm... Sitting at my workstation. Music playing. HRM says 220.3 calories burned.
  • juwan24
    juwan24 Posts: 27
    put that over an 8 hour shift and it's a huge daily difference, almost 1200 calories.