65kalena Member


  • YOU LOOK AMAZING! What a difference:) Your face is just glowing with happiness and you should be so proud!
  • That was my day yesterday! Coudn't get enough chocolate:) I did sooooooooooooo well ignoring the Halloween candy and yesterday I ate 2 small milky ways and didn't even taste them when they went down. Thank god I had some dark chocolate stashed to get over the hump. Today is a new day!
  • So far I've been able to have the upper hand on my emotional eating. I have been using this website and keeping track of my food. Knowing that certain comfort food are high in carlories I keep good snacks easliy on hand and go to them. Almonds, fruit, carrots, dark chocolate in moderation, crackers (Trader Joe's whole…
  • Holly, You can do this. One day at a time. One meal at a time. Just remind yourself that your not alone and all of us are on the same journey to feel/look better. You are going to succeed!! Good Luck.
    in Help Me Comment by 65kalena October 2011
  • I also had hypothyroidism diagnosed after the birth of my 20 year old daughter. I lost 10 lbs, in the first week on medication. They told me that it's something I'd always be on. My dosage has changed over the years to needing more but it's a good thing to get checked every 6months. Also if you can afford the brand name…
  • It looks like you got younger also:) Try reposting the pics. I'd love to see your change. I'm also at about the same loss 12 lbs in 56 days but I'm in no hurry and will continue to exercise and eat better and see what I can do!
  • I weigh in on the website as soon as there is a change (for the better) in my weight. I usually weigh myself before I work out and after as motivation to do well. It's also fun to see the change in the graph as far as the weight loss. Day 56 today with 12 lbs lost!
  • You are amazing and brave! What a difference in your photos-you look like a brand new person! Congratulations!
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? Mine was "low" or Hypothyroid after the birth of my first child. I had put on a lot of weight and after getting diagnosed I lost 10 pds. in the first week. If you go to the doctor they have a test for it. I was 26 when it happened. Good luck!
  • I"ve been eating Trader joe's whole wheat with flax crakers ( qty. 8) and a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese ( 1 wedge) with fruit (usually an apple or bananna). Having carrots or broccoli cut up in a zip lock bag is also very handy. Good luck with your new job!
  • I have found that listening to music (my 13 year olds i pod no less!) and also breathing (count to 4 inhale and release 4 exhale) plus the harder you work the less time your in the gym! It's good to mix up your workout so it doesn't get boring.
  • Welcome Lisa! This is a great site. Your going to love the combination of keeping track of food and excersize. I've been only doing it one week but it gets so much easier when you have started logging in all the food information. Best of luck to you:)
  • Dear Newbe, I've only been at it one week and already lost 1.4 lbs.! So if I can do it you can too. Good luck! One day at a time:)
  • My goal is a size 6 or 8. I currently am a size 10 but they are so snug that's why I started on MFP. Yesterday I bought a size 8 summer pants on clearance as my goal to fit into for next summer! I hope they are too big for me then:) I'm 5"-4.5". Good luck everyone! One day at a time.
  • I too started this site 5 days ago! I am an emotional eater also and the pounds just kept creeping on in the past yeat. It seems like a lot of work to keep track of everything I eat but it's opening my eyes to how many calories etc. are in each food. It has helped me stay away from the bad food. It's also nice to be able…