

  • That is awesome!!! Congratulations! Also, I love your style. You two are adorable.
  • Want to watch this when I've got time.
  • Pixie hair cut and a new wardrobe.
  • Thank you everyone for your input!!! It has been incredibly helpful. And to clarify, I'm not out of shape in regards to what I can do, 30 pushups in a row is doable, I go on hilly hikes with friends every now and then for an hour or two without any problem. When I said not in good shape, I actually mean the shape of my…
  • Yes! That is more coherently what I am asking. I would be able to stick to either to reach a goal, but I simply don't like cutting time out of my day for intense exercise. Some people Enjoy it, but I don't. A walk or bike ride is meditative for me, which is why I will continue those. The only time I'd do more for years…
  • I used to be more vocal about not liking females with large muscles. And I've thought about it a lot, why I feel a need to vocalize and degrade others. Part of it was a lack of self esteem. Another, bigger, part was a mentality I was faced with whenever I mentioned to somebody that I wanted to lose weight or get in shape.…
  • A while ago I lost about 20 pounds. Went from 34 H to 34 FF. My mom came to visit and kept staring at my chest saying my boobs were so small. So even if they don't get down to a B or C, there is hope!!!
  • It is difficult to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Working out muscles in order to keep them, eating enough protein to fuel them, while still getting a deficit (though not starving at all) is how you lose fat while retaining muscle. There are a whole lot of nuances to what you eat to be healthiest, and I'm sure…
  • She easily could have weighed that much at one point. Having read an interview with her, she is like most women and her weight fluctuates. Also, I do have a few friends that are that short and have lots of curves and are under 120 pounds. It isn't impossible, it is just genetic/diet/exercise.
  • I really like this. Very calm, but still pointing out that it isn't the other persons business. Although, if the person asking had a little baby, or was older, I could see it being a precaution against being exposed to the virus. And even then these questions would give them opportunity to say "I'm concerned about exposing…
  • Select goals, then change goals, then custom, THEN you can put what you want. As for what are the best percentages? Entirely depends on what you want. I know people that eat a ton of healthy fats and protein and are super healthy and losing weight gaining muscle. I know others who do closer to 30/30/40 and are doing great.…
  • I go based on body fat percentage. And fortunately live near a place that I can get the bod pod test done for just 25 bucks. So when I lose a significant amount I can go back and make sure I'm on track, and if I gain muscle it'll take that into account and my body fat will be lower even at a higher weight.
  • I'm a fan of cremation and the wooden boxes with plaques which is what most are returned in. As another person said, they are very discreet but you know who it is.
  • My goals don't have as much to do with weight loss as just being more healthy. So I track things like how much I move a day and what I eat not necessarily to have a deficit, but to ensure that I'm consistently moving and not eating enough to gain weight. I would like to lose weight, but if I stayed a size 10 I will not be…
  • Also, from what you said it sounds like you have a lot of fear about your ankle getting hurt again even though it is healed. While not knowing anything but what you said here about it, I would suggest talking to a professional about that. Getting over emotional blocks about running might do more to enjoy any form of…
  • Absolutely this. It's all about what you are looking for. And I really loved "it's more about his intentions than my capabilities".
  • From my experience I haven't been able to lose from one specific area more than another. So getting the waist smaller in comparison to other areas, not necessarily doable. However, there are ways to make your shape look better whatever that shape may be. Such as toning and getting muscle definition in that area. So…
  • The only thing I purchase that has a label is bread. And then I usually don't read the label because the only bread I get is either Ezekiel or sourdough baguette. But all other food comes into my home raw. And I really need to get around to learning how to make sourdough bread so I don't need to purchase that either.
  • My mothers dog sleeps like that, with the tongue hanging out. Actually, she lives with it poking out, but sometimes it ends up an inch or two hanging out. But not panting or anything, rest of mouth closed. I LOVE pinching it. She gets so frazzled.
  • Haven't read all the replies, so this may have been said already, but he obviously also broke your trust. And if it was with various women, did so a lot. Someone you were married to doing that can definitely make it harder to trust anyone new. It will be hard, but one thing to remember whenever you are approached by other…
  • Most sounds don't bother me at all. I'm REALLY good at tuning stuff out. EXCEPT for scratching skin. I can not stand it. Scratching clothes, fine, but nails on the skin grosses me out.
  • http://www.barenecessities.com/freya-firm-control-underwire-sports-bra-4002_product.htm?pf_id=Freya4002&search= It is expensive, but I have a similar situation, 34H. This is the only one I've found that works. And I can run without feeling anything.
  • When I was a teenager I didn't have my period every summer. Three months of bliss. Then again in mid 20's didn't happen for a few months. For me, my body reacts strongly to stress, not just the kind that gets you frazzled, but any change. So if your body does the same, it could very well be the exercise. Still worth going…
  • She is also 6' tall, and carries herself very well. She is absolutely gorgeous and it is times like these I think maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be more than 5'3".
  • Scarlett Johansson before she leaned out for Iron Man/Avengers. Or Kate Winslet.
  • I agree that running (almost any cardio) without weights will not make a person firm. Although, different people want different results. So weights would certainly be the way to go if she wants to be firm, but if she wants to remain soft, but smaller, then running would be fine.
  • One concern I see is that he knew all their names. I'd check (very diplomatically) to ensure that none of the neighbors posts pictures with names of the children on blogs or facebook. It is shockingly easy for dangerous people to get a hold of that sort of info. Good luck, and I sincerely hope nothing has occurred yet.
  • I'm always a few pounds heavier at night than in the morning. Water and food. I'd just pick one time of day to weigh yourself and not worry about the little fluctuations.
  • My father told me I would have to lose weight to ever get married, I was 16, newly diagnosed with depression, a size 8. My brother told me that only the hot girls didn't have to play games to get attention, so I'd have to figure something out, I was a size 10. My mom, well, there have been too many comments positive and…
  • THIS!!! I am one of the curvier girls, and I love my body the way it is. I have friends who are naturally quite thin, 98 pounds and 5'4", she is absolutely gorgeous as well, in a different way. We can all be beautiful/handsome with different frame size, heights, bf%, different goals of how muscular we want to be.