Bobbie145 Member


  • Thank you, and yes. Carbs are not my friend either. I have to stay on top of that for sure.
  • Thank you. I appreciate the insight.
  • Thank you. ☺️
  • Thank you. I have not this time around. I will get it back out.
  • Thank you. That’s a pretty cool diagram!
  • Happy Monday, everyone! We visited my in-laws this weekend in their new home. Had a wonderful time. They have moved from a beautiful place to a beautiful place that feels much closer. Still logging. Didn't get to exercise today. One child home sick. Dad stayed home. Other child has baseball shortly and still need to get to…
  • MM: So very sorry. :cry: Had a good day today. Busy, but good. Cases are being disposed of with good results and happy clients for the most part. I made it to Curves today in between the orthodontist appointment for Andrew and the haircuts and tennis lessons after school.:happy: Still logging food and exercise. I lost a…
  • Yay, MM! That's awesome!!:drinker: So glad I was here for this. Mary: The teaching class on how to teach sounds interesting. That's neat about the words. V: Hope you get some answers soon! Had a busy day today. Three clients in court this morning. Then back to the office for an appointment. Talked with a mom on the phone…
  • That's a very good question! When I have been diligent at diet or exercise and the results have shown, I get asked, "How do you make yourself do it?" The truth is that I do it when I "feel" like doing it. I can't take credit for "pushing" myself or making myself get up in the morning to exercise when I don't feel like it.…
  • Happy weekend, all! I ended up with sort of a surprise weekend. Husband and number one son out of town. Number 2 son at an oyster roast, then spending the night away. Hmmm. I started to think of all the things I could get done. Thought of so many things I decided to make a list so I wouldn't have to keep reciting over and…
  • Good morning, ladies! Didn't get to Curves yesterday. The gods were conspiring against me! :laugh: Kept getting phone calls at work, so left later than I wanted to get to Curves. Was still going to make it, but then I got behind a horse in the historic district. After I got past Luke (the horse), I got stopped by a train!…
  • Good morning, everyone! Down another pound this morning! Yay!:drinker: Still logging. Going to Curves after work today and before the boys get home from school. Hope everyone has a good day. :heart: Bobbie
  • Hi, Shari! Welcome!:flowerforyou: Bobbie
  • When I get shin splints, it usually means I need new shoes. I'll get the new shoes, and the problem goes away. Good luck! I hope that's all it is since that's an easy solution.
  • Hang in there, MM! Hoping for good news! Mary: So sorry about your kitty. I have one that is 17. He is our oldest. So far, he is doing fine, but we don't know how long we will have at this age. V: Good luck with the apartment! I'm continuing to log and trying the Curves diet. Mostly low carb, but not too bad. It may be…
  • Hi, Girls: Checking in. Went to Curves this morning. Logging my food. Hope to see some results. Happy Valentine's Day! :heart: Bobbie
  • Hi, everyone. Me, again. I have five cats. One is going on 18. He seems very healthy, too. He's walking around the desk right now. He also sleeps with us most nights. Just got back from a cruise and had a great time. I signed up for another cruise in March for our 18th anniversary. I decided now was a good time to get back…
  • Hi, everyone. Sunday afternoon. Watching football. Jack's team played yesterday. Had fun and will leave it at that! Followed Jenny C faithfullly. Lost 3 pounds. Got the munchies last night and had pizza and pecan pie after my Jenny dinner. :huh: Oh, well. Back on today.:bigsmile: Need to get moving. Sitting around too…
  • Hi, everyone! I've followed Jenny Craig for four straight days. Yay me! I'm a little hungry tonight. Maybe it's just munchies. I'll try to keep it up until my clothes fit again. At least I didn't let it get up as high as I got last time. That's good. Goal for this week is to follow Jenny C faithfully. Guess I'll have…
  • Hi, girls! Better late than never? Had a good and busy week. Went back to Jenny Craig. My husband has lost about 30 pounds and weighs about tn pounds less than me, now. Can't have him all slender and hotty hot and me all um, well, um hmmmm, plump? Plus, my clothes are tight again and I hate having a closet full of nice…
  • Hi, everyone. Middle of the week already! Court this morning. Nice lunch this afternoon. Gonna go put my feet up shortly and read my book. Been watching a lot of the U.S. Open. Andrew had his piano lesson yesterday. It went well. Both boys are doing well getting their homework done and not complaining too much. Jack is…
  • Sunday evening. Good day. Started out with a tennis lesson at 8:30 this morning. It was fun. I've scheduled another lesson for 8:30 next Sunday morning. That gives me time to get home, get showered, and still get to church. Gotta get back on the church schedule. We fall out of the routine so easily. Went to see The Other…
  • Wow. Another week gone! The boys got through their first week back in school. They have good teachers again this year. Jack continues with football. Andrew has decided he wants to take piano lessons again, so I've signed him back up to take on Tuesday afternoons. I played tennis today for the first time in a long time. I…
  • I can't believe that it is already after 4:00 on Sunday and I managed to miss the whole week of posting! Oh, well. Got settled back in downtown. That was good. Got several new cases. That's good, too. Getting the boys ready for school tomorrow. Doing lots of laundry. LOL. The boys go back to school and I have homework.…
  • Hi, everyone: My husband and I were supposed to have a wonderful week together in the comfort of our own home without our children. Both boys were invited to spend a week at the beach with a friend. However, boy number one got evicted for hitting less than 24 hours after his arrival. Arrrggghhh!!!:explode: Oh, well. It…
  • Hi, everyone. We are back home. Mama passed away on Saturday morning. Visitation was Sunday. Graveside service on Monday morning. The service was beautiful as was the weather. We all seem to be at peace with her passing. It was her time, and we all believe that she is with Daddy. She was a wonderful woman and will be…
  • Hi, everyone: I'm in NC this week. Got a call from my brother on Monday that my mom was not doing well and that hospice had been called in. She will be 85 tomorrow. The family is all here. She hasn't had much quality of life recently. So far she has been peaceful and comfortable. The hospice people are wonderful. Heading…
  • Hi, all. Trying to do better, but the weight keeps creeping up. Arrgh. Gotta keep trying.Stopped by Talbot's yesterday and found out they were having an additional 50% off of their already marked down clothes, etc. I also had a 15% off discount for my birthday month. It has been a while, but I got some nice things for next…
  • Whoa! I turn my back for a minute and you guys go off on a cleaning frenzy! :laugh: My house could use a cleaning frenzy. I'm afraid the mood (or the shame) doesn't stike me very often. Getting rid of stuff sounds good, though. I don't like "stuff", but we have so much of it! :tongue: WL: Can't wait to hear about the…
  • Hi, everyone! MM: So glad things have worked out with your agency. V: So cool about your "dream job". I know you will keep us posted. WL: I do like my medicine ball. MWD: Hotel lobby sounds like fun! I did get to go bowling. Have been twice this week with boys. Was actually sore when I bowled yesterday and wondered how…