SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Aug. 23rd



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yeah, here's my current craziness:

    My official gym would make me pay a reinstatement fee if I re-upped the membership after putting it on hold, which is why I hesitate. (it's...gulp...$90 a month, but I'm almost at a $10 a class/visit basis right now, even just going 2 and rarely 3 times a week.)

    But, I also belong to a "pay as you go club"...but this is just a studio for Zumba classes. No cardio equipment, no weights, nothing but class or out-of-my-price-range personal training. If there is any hint of a holiday, these classes are cancelled (and Canadians love holidays, seriously.) (it breaks down to $12 per class, and I only pay if I go)

    Also, I take a once-a-week Zumba class at a dance studio. (I sign up every eight weeks, and classes are about $10 per pop)

    My rationalization for this is that, outside of cable television, it's my only luxury expense/entertainment expense, and except for the rare social event, it's often the only time I leave the house, if I'm working hard-core. (that is less pathetic than it sounds, but it keeps me from turning into a total monastic hermit type individual). I called them up this a.m., and their new fall class schedule is coming out Sept. 1st, so I'm basing the decision on that. If there are more classes that I can go to, I'll keep it. If there aren't, I'll drop it. Probably.:laugh:

    I miss the Y in Toledo. It was crazy cheap, even considering the extra fee for my spin classes, and there were six Ys within a 15 minute drive from me. Ah well, the peril of city living and high standards.:wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,700 Member
    "Mostly, I just want food to not make me crazy." I can so relate to your comment V. That pretty much sums it up. Thanks for posting the link for the cake. :)
    Mary, I like your comment: So I guess MM and I jump started the economy in Texas. :laugh:

    Well, I typed out most of my post and the mouse went crazy and I lost it all. So I'm a bit irritated at the moment. :laugh: It's been one of those days. Would you like to hear how my day has gone? Well, I will tell you anyway. :wink: Steve took the new car to church. He stopped on the way to get it washed. I drove our friend's truck and stopped to fill it up for them. When I started the truck, a guy stopped me and said fuel was pouring out under the truck. So I called Steve and he had left his phone at home. Anyway, he eventually came to get me and our friends managed to get their truck home after church. So I drove the new mustang home, and the check engine light came on. Seriously? It hasn't even been 24 hours since we bought it! Needless to say I decided I'm not driving any more today. :tongue:
    We will probably do something with friends tonight, though I'm not sure what yet. Other than that I need to get some cleaning done that I have been putting off and finish laundry. In laws are coming tomorrow so I want to make sure I have things smelling decent and cleaned up (like cat hair etc) to try to keep MIL from getting another headache. I'm just really lacking the motivation to do anything. I'm not sleepy. Just lazy.
    Must get off the couch boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,700 Member
    Sorry about the double posting. I'm having a hard time adjusting to this laptop. :blushing:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    I can't believe that it is already after 4:00 on Sunday and I managed to miss the whole week of posting! Oh, well. Got settled back in downtown. That was good. Got several new cases. That's good, too. Getting the boys ready for school tomorrow. Doing lots of laundry. LOL. The boys go back to school and I have homework. Ick.

    I'll check in more next week.

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