SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Aug. 23rd

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise

I'm quite sore from this weekend's workshop, but I still have to get ready for the next workshop in two weeks. This one is invitation only, and I really stuck my foot in it by mentioning it yesterday after class. I thought the guy I told would be coming, but he wasn't invited. I truly have foot in mouth disease.

Today: walk and yoga. I hope the walk will work out some of the soreness. Goals this week: work on headstand and continue to work on pausing between bites.

Sore everywhere, boogaloo!


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, I had foot in mouth disease on Saturday. I think some of my friends had it yesterday. I think it's going around. :wink: I got to thinking about what you said in the last thread about overweight people have the next bite ready to go before finishing the bite before. That is me, so I will try to join you in being more conscious about how I eat.

    I am trying to get caught up on house work. I thought I'd get some done over the weekend, but we were gone almost all day, both days. I also need to start school with Alex in a few minutes. I got my daily schedule on paper and showed it to my husband. He said it looks pretty overwhelming. Well, all that stuff is what I have been doing over the last few weeks, minus a few days. I had my rant on the last thread so I won't start over. I just wish people knew that I am a busy person. I am a low energy person though. I can't go like many people can. I just don't have it in me, but I do stay busy. I feel like I have to prove myself and I don't know why I even care. I've just heard so many comments about how I have SO much time right now etc. Maybe when I have more than one child I will realize that I have a lot of time right now. It doesn't mean I am lazy. Sorry. I went off on my rant again. It's really been bothering me.

    Goals today: cleaning (got about two hours done, have about two hours more to go), doing things with Alex, laundry, drinking a lot of water, eating a salad for lunch, and maybe a walk on the treadmill later. My knee is bothering me today. It feels like it needs to pop, so I'll see if that clears up before I decide to get on the treadmill.

    Chatterbox boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Trying hard to re-focus and re-commit to just about everything. I feel like I sort of took August off from reality, and now I have to come back swinging. Just at present, I don't feel particularly swingy. In other words, I have no motivation currently, and I'm just behaving "as if" I'm a motivated person. I hate these little valleys.

    Anyways, I have the following workout goals for the week. Since I feel the need to have some structured goals (I get lazy if I get too loosey goosey lately) here's the plan for the week

    Mon: bootcamp (done)
    Tues: Zumba
    Weds: trainer or circuit training on my own
    Thurs: Zumba
    Friday: Yoga (this is a hard enough class that it feels like a weights session with extra stretching)
    Saturday: walk/recovery day
    Sunday: Zumba

    Also, lots and lots of fruits veg and green smoothies to try to re-boot my digestive system in general. Wheat is not my friend, but it is so very delicious. Also, lots of water, and getting back to work on my academic stuff, which is currently the source of all my stress and worry. Ugh.

    MM, I think you are amazing, for the record. I understand the way you feel. People need to realize that they have no idea what other people's lives are like, and just well, mind their own business.

    Sticking to the plan, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I think it's very easy to look at someone's life and say what you think they should do, or how much time they should have, etc. I wouldn't stress over it, MM. :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    My body is coming back to normal. I'm still very sore on my left ribs - not sure if this is from coughing or something I did in yoga. Feels like a bruise, but looks like nothing.

    Today - walk and practice yoga at home. I need to practice more at home. I can always work on my classes this way.

    Hoping for rain, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Was very cranky yesterday (pretty sure this is carb/sugar withdrawal). Started to feel a bit better last night. Dragged my butt to Zumba, and was really glad that I did. So, workout goal for the day accomplished.

    Other than that, a pretty typical day planned. Hoping that the sunshine sticks around so I can walk home from the subway later. Not much else to report, except the feeling of pushing through a lazy period continues.

    Mary, I had something like the rib thing after/during the pneumonia. Then again, I get something if I overstretch that area, so could be either.

    just keep swimming, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Pebbles,

    Thanks for the sweet and encouraging words. :smooched: It cheered me up!

    Today's plan changed a little and I'm kind of glad. Horse therapy is now on Tuesday, which is weird because it's been on Wednesday for 1 1/2 years. But it makes my schedule a little easier on me. I was also suppose to babysit for a friend this afternoon but she changed her mind. Probably a good thing. Within the last hour I have gotten one of my hormone headaches. :frown: Kids would not have helped.
    So instead I am going to try to get off my butt soon and work out. I would also like to find motivation to do some more cleaning. I got four hours of work done yesterday and the house looks so much better. I organized the living room. Now I need to work my way through the rest of the house. I really do enjoy having a clean house.
    I didn't eat a good lunch, so now I feel gross. Gotta go work it off.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Morning again?

    I went to the doctor yesterday about my cough. She heard something in my lung and sent me for an x-ray. It's either walking pneumonia or bronchitis. I'm on antibiotics either way. I should hear something today. I couldn't get sub in time, so I'm teaching yoga today. Doctor said take it easy for a few days. I really hope it's not pneumonia - I've been to the old folks home twice - yikes.

    I haven't decided if I'm going to yoga tonight. Should be a fairly easy class (since I can request no backbends), but I definitely don't want to be really sick.

    Taking it easy, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oh no, Mary...I hope you are better soon. Please be gentle with yourself. Either of those are pretty serious business.

    Today, I have a session scheduled with my trainer, and then it's down to business. I made a big to-do list/things not to worry about that I can't control list, and will set to it after training. I have lots and lots of chores and organization projects and school related details to take care of. I need to exit denial and get back to "real" life.:tongue:
    Thus far today, I've already faced the music of my budgeting post vacation (yikes.) I expected to receive enough of a bursary to cover my summer tuition (as I have for the last two years) and I didn't. Now I have to come up with a sizable amount of dollars so that I can register for fall/get my student loans approved for fall/exist officially at the university. The other two accomplishments I'm aiming for today are: a closet clean-up (it's become pretty unorganized and my clothes are sort of everywhere) and making some doctor appointments. (eye doctor/acupuncturist) I realize that these goals seem pretty tiny, but I've been sort of frozen with anxiety for the past few days. What a wimp. (I kid, mostly).

    Face it and cross it off the list, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Oops. Double post
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Oh Mary, that's not good. Take care of yourself and rest up. I'm glad you went to the doc though and got it checked out.

    V, hope you get a lot checked off your lists today!

    This is a perfect day here. It's a fall day! High of mid 80's, rainy and breezy! I love it! Right now it's like 73 and it felt cool when we went out! Did I mention that I love it?
    Alex and I went out and drew a big clock on the cul-de-sac and had him ride his tricycle to different numbers. He needs a lot of help on the trike since he hasn't ridden it much. I think he will pick it up pretty quickly. The rain will wash away our clock so we will have to write it again next time. :) We are about to do some school stuff. I am frustrated with my hip hurting. It's not really bad but I don't want to injure it more by working out. I will probably walk on the treadmill this afternoon. DH is in better shape than I am in now. I think he's lost like 8 pounds. Like he needed to lose any. Oh well. I will just keep plugging along. I don't know what's wrong with my body. It's being rebellious. I also plan to drink lots of water today.

    Fighting back boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    managed to get a couple of things crossed of the list, then got a migraine. It's pouring rain now, which seems to be helping. But, I had to cancel my training session.

    Looks like today is a day off. Boo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary how are you doing today? Coughing any less?

    V, how's your head? So sorry you got a migraine.
    Hope you both are better today!

    It's so quiet in here. Where'd everybody go?

    Alex asked me what we were doing today and I told him the different things we would do this morning, and then I realized that I need to go to the store. I'm telling you. Changing his classes up has completely messed me up! I always go to the store on Thursdays. I guess I thought it was Friday.
    So grocery shopping, a walk on the treadmill, cleaning, drinking lots of water. Just the usual I guess. Trying not to get frustrated with the lack of downward movement of the scale or lack of feeling smaller in my clothes. I really don't think anything is working right now. I did drop back on my exercise though due to fatigue and hip pain. I think more than those excuses, I just lost mojo. Three weeks ago I was walking/jogging and doing 30 minutes of taebo. Now I'm walking for 30-60 minutes a day. There's a pretty big difference there. I hope my energy will come back after AF leaves. :ohwell: We all go through seasons in our lives when we are physically able to do more than at other times in our lives. I think I am just out of season right now. It's important to me but there are other things that are more pressing, so I am just making sure that I am staying regular with exercise no matter how long or what form it comes in. One day I will be able to go at it again. But if I just quit altogether (as I have been accustomed to doing in the past), then it is extremely hard for me to get going again. So the goal for now is just to keep moving everyday. My body will catch up eventually.

    To Wally World boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I love the idea that people get "out of season". Fall would have to be my season - even if the ragweed is out. We got that first cool front (it's only going to be 97 today :laugh: ) - and it felt great. It was a perfect day to get back on the bike yesterday. Soon, we will have another one.

    I'm still coughing, but I'm going to walk today. I never really felt bad, so that is a blessing. I just found a place round here that offers yoga to the elderly and others that cannot afford it. They require a 200 hour certification, so maybe I'll volunteer after I'm certified. I would definitely need some training for old folk yoga.

    I think I'm going to schedule a massage for the day after my 5 day workshop. I have a groupon that needs to be used before Sept 15th anyway.

    Seasoned exercise, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs (dwindling as we are...)

    Just finished Zumba with my current favourite teacher. I think my HRM is getting hinky (new battery, maybe?) as my calorie burn (which has been suspiciously high) was pretty low, but feels good to have worked out. The rain cured my headache yesterday, but I stayed lazy and didn't do a weights workout. I'm still on the fence about a "whole" day off being a good thing, as my workouts are so varied. I pretty much, except for some light tidying, didn't do any activity yesterday. I don't like those days, but they happen, too...seasonally.:wink:

    It was a big deal for me to figure out that "seasons" thing. The fibro has really forced me to learn the following mantra: "and, that's enough". I have said it out loud at the end of a workout. Sometimes, a two hour workout feels easy, some days a thirty minute one feels next to impossible. The important thing is to keep in the habit of moving.

    Keep moving, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    Hope everyone is doing well. I've been on a complete rollercoaster for the past two weeks and no sign of slowing down. Let's all remind each other to relax and be nice to ourselves! Viv, sorry to hear about the migraine and MWD, hope you are feeling better!

    I had the Emmys last weekend -- we lost but what a great party!! I posted pix on my profile, I"m still not sure after all this time how to add them to a post.

    I also started my new NBC job last week and had 10 drunken Australians staying with me for the awards, but things are settling down now a bit. I worked out this morning for the first time in a week and even though it was only 20 minutes it felt great. It's been tough because I now commute 2 hours a day, so unless I get it done in the morning at 6:30am then it doesn't happen. But given the choice between snuggling with my bf and exercising...well, you can figure that one out.

    My goals from here are to schedule the workouts into my day. I've set the precedent of leaving the office promptly at 7pm (which is very early in our business). I'm researching options for working out at lunch -- I heard there might be a pool nearby that does lap swim.

    Hope everything is really going well in your worlds!

    What's everyone making for dinner, incidentally? I need some ideas and inspiration...
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    WL, You look amazing in that dress! I wouldn't have been able to tell you apart from all the Hollywood babes! That must have been fun dressing up and going to something like that. :happy:

    I was able to walk 60 minutes on the treadmill today. Still not walking that fast because of my hip but that's okay. And so far this is the best AF I have had in years, or maybe ever! I wonder if it's something I have been eating (healthy) or if it's the walking. I hope it continues like this and next month is not from the pit of - well you know. :wink: I have been wondering if I had miscarried last month. I will spare you the details but it's a possibility. That might explain the change this month. I didn't take a test so I won't know. Anyway, I have been feeling much better since yesterday. Not as cranky, and a little more energetic at times.

    Anyway, rambling. Just got on here to say WL, you look awesome in that picture.
    And V, you really do look beautiful in your FB pic!

    I'm friends with some very beautiful ladies!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey everybody! It's past my bedtime but I just wanted to let you all know that I am thinking of you. And, I'm finally getting back on track with eating and exercising (despite oversleeping for yoga this morning - I just lay in bed for a minute after the alarm went off, but suddenly it was an hour later!).

    The dreaded exercise-induced weight gain struck again, but I prevailed! After an alarming jump last week, I seem to be back to about where I thought I was (around 4-5 lbs gained). And, it also doesn't matter as much to me because I feel so much better about myself for exercising. I guess it helped to frighten me into (continued) action, though!

    My goals for the week have been pretty simple:
    exercising/moving every day
    no sugar

    That's it. Yes, I'm trying to eat less overall and drink more water, but those are the official ones. I managed to get to the gym on Monday (elliptical + stretching - couldn't do the pullup machine because 3 people kept rotating on it :grumble:), yoga and dance class on Tuesday, an hour on the bike my neighbors gave me yesterday (my quads are feeling it!), and some barefoot walking/running today. Tomorrow may just be another walk if the weather holds - I hate to go to the gym when it's so nice out. The weather was just gorgeous this afternoon - I can't believe it's August. I'm trying to take advantage of it now to motivate me to keep exercising so my habits are back on track by winter time.

    V, welcome back! I am definitely with you on just keeping moving. Bobbie, I hope you get a chance to settle down and take some time for yourself. Mary, I hope the antibiotics do the trick - and quick! :wink: WL, glad you had a fun time - you look awesome in your pic. I'm having some of the same struggles that you are working out - I give you a lot of credit for fitting anything in given your schedule! MM, I'm glad you are feeling better. I like what you said about having 'seasons'. And, you're right about not judging other people - I caught myself doing that the other day ("why I am working so hard when these people seem to have it so easy?"), but I know that's not fair and frankly, it's petty. Honestly, I have it pretty easy compared to most of this world! We're all on our own journeys, right? (Also, I love your smiling profile pic :smooched:)

    Mini-novel, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Oh, and Wandering - I don't do much of the cooking. :laugh: But, this week my lovely husband has made:
    vegetarian shepherd's pie (w/sweet potato topping)
    what we call "spring rolls" (they use egg roll wrappers and are baked)
    greens and beans
    pasta with fresh tomatoes and feta

    Aren't I lucky?? :heart:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I'm taking a break from a cleaning binge to check in. I have started referring to myself as "intermittently OCD". I'm able to ignore the state of the house for a while, and then I snap and start cleaning like my grandma (who scrubbed the kitchen floor every week, then laid newspaper over it unless company came over.) So far this morning, I've cleaned/scrubbed the kitchen and most of the bathroom. (it helps that I woke up at 4 a.m.) I'm blaming hormones, but taking advantage of the manic energy just the same.

    Other than that, I'm debating between yoga at the gym and yoga at home. There's something seriously wonderful about yoga on the freshly vacuumed floor to close off a cleaning session...I'm weird that way. I'm starting to seriously contemplate giving up my gym membership. Between paying the dance studios for the zumba (pretty much my sole form of cardio outside of circuit training or boxing with my trainer) I feel myself going broke. I don't think I'm using the gym (maybe 1-2 times a week right now) enough to justify paying for it. Pondering...I may wait until the weather turns and see if I don't use it a bit more. I'm waffle-y, but I have bills I could put my (sizable, due to big city prices) gym monthly fee towards.

    Wanderin, I've been living on caprese salad since basil and tomatoes are in season. I also rely a lot on roasted chicken (I'm not sure if you eat meat, sorry). Also, just salads in general and cut up veggies with a dip (I make a screaming vegan "cheese" sauce or cottage cheese pesto for this purpose). My main thing that I do now is do a food prep binge twice a week where I chop everything up, make a protein or two and the dip of the week (or half week). I'm due for another session. Also, I use the crockpot, or my vitamix. A lot. A lot of times for meals, I just eat veggies and dip, because I am a lazy-pants and don't wish to turn to takeout (dangerous for me...or anybody I guess). Not sure if that helps.

    The "break timer" just went off, so back to work.:tongue:

    Cleaning/yoga boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    So I talked to the doctor yesterday - nothing on the x-ray - so no walking pneumonia or bronchitis. Still coughing though. Oh well. I just hope I stop coughing by next Friday.

    My headstand was super shaky yesterday, so not much yoga going on. Walked a lot though. Teaching yoga this am, then walk this afternoon. It is so nice outside (75 degrees, which I haven't felt since Washington) - it will get hot this afternoon, but it would have been a great day to get on the bike (except for the air pollution alert, blah!)

    Dinner this week: salad and baked potatoes, salad and bread (lentil soup for husband), whole wheat pasta with artichokes and homemade alfredo. Other things we usually have: roasted veggies (use misto sprayer to spray veggies with olive oil, season, then roast in oven) with either couscous or other bread product, fruit and cheese (mostly fruit) with toast, tacos or taco salad, Ethiopian stew, lasagna or other pasta. Whole Foods website is my friend - great recipes. I also make a lot of salads: cheese, fruit, nuts, lettuce (I don't use dressing).

    Food, boogaloo!
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