SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Aug. 23rd



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Pebbs,

    Quick post here. I was pretty excited to get a couple of boxes organized enough to get rid of one of them! I still have some cleaning to do. I haven't been able to get most of my list done each day, so it's piling up on me. AF also decided to pick up the pace so I just want to lay around. I plan to walk again this afternoon and get some more cleaning done. Other than that, Alex's OT might be coming this evening. Then begins the car hunt for the weekend again. DH has been looking for a car for a month. He's picky but I am thinking he needs to start getting less picky. I don't want to take advantage of our friends' use of their truck.
    That's it for now. Glad to see you CP! And glad to hear you are able to work out again.

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    CP! Nice to see you! Mary, hoping you feel better. Mechanic, I'm constantly amazed at how you prevail and keep it all together, work, life, family, etc. Such an inspiration. Viv, I'm conducting a cleaning binge this weekend as well!

    I'm so inspired by you ladies and really love how our posts have such a positive impact.

    I forgot my bathing suit and got sucked into a marathon meeting, so swimming during my lunch hour won't happen today. Instead, I'm going to leave early (I'm working VERY hard to not sit at my desk just because everyone else is -- my boss trusts us to just get our work done as needed, but it still seems to translate to everyone thinking they need to be the last one to leave. I have never believed in that!)

    Anyway, this weekend will be food management and a long workout tomorrow morning, and perhaps a 45 minute walk / run tonight.

    THANK YOU so much for the dinner suggestions! I ended up making a tomato sauce with roasted eggplant, black olives and a tiny bit of salami in it. Served it over ravioli for the Pilot, and over zucchini for me. Delish!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hooray for the weekend! WL, setting boundaries around work is something I have trouble with for sure. I hope you made it out early today! I, unfortunately, did NOT make it out early, but I resisted getting any junk from the vending machine to fuel my frustration, so - victory is mine! I'll be chasing my friends' kids tomorrow, so that should be some exercise. MM, good luck with the car shopping. And, you all are inspiring me with your cleaning - I was just thinking today that I need to get out of perfectionistic "marathon cleaning" mode, and instead just work on doing some things regularly. Mary, I'm glad you don't have pneumonia or bronchitis! And I'm glad y'all got a break in the heat. How are you doing on your 50 new recipes this year?

    TGIF, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Totally forgot about the 52 recipes, CP! :laugh: I got so far ahead this year, that I stopped trying. Hmmm - I'll have to give it another go. I'm doing two cooking classes next month, so maybe that will inspire me.

    I'm debating between doing double yoga and 1 yoga + 1 walk. The yoga takes longer, but it's more fun. The next two weeks are filling up fast - I guess that is what happens when you have a 5 day yoga class in the middle. I'll see how much I can get done today.

    I also got Rodney Yee's advanced yoga from Netflix coming. Last time I looked at it, I did just that look at it. I wonder how much of it I can do now?

    Getting it done, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning and happy weekend, pebbs.

    I got up early again (slightly less crazy early than yesterday) so I've been busy already. I'm doing two green smoothies a day (trying to get the fruits/veggies in by any means necessary) so I made a trip to the produce market (a green smoothie is essentially a liquid giant fruit salad, so I've been going through the fruit/veg quickly). Now I'm boiling some beets, and then have to boil oranges to experiment with a gluten free orange almond cake for a potluck next week. (I'll report back).

    Yesterday, after the cleaning binge, I didn't work out. At all. I feel a slight amount of guilt. I have new goals as of late:

    finding the balance between pushing myself and driving myself crazy, workout wise. One day off a week? Two? Zero? I just have no idea what's right, even after all this time...


    finding the balance between eating intuitively and eating impulsively.

    Also, recognizing that both of these may be a very long (life-long?) quest for me.

    Due to hormones, there was impulsive eating yesterday.

    Mary, I have a copy of Rodney Yee's intermediate yoga that I self-test with every six months or so. It's so encouraging to see the progress, which is so slow in yoga. It really shows up when you do a super-challenging workout. I remember when I first got yoga for strength/flexibility and couldn't do any of it. Down dog was too hard. I guess I have to remember that progress, not perfection, is the goal. It's hard.

    Also, Mary, I am super glad that your lungs were clear. Hope you are feeling better. Wandering, I looked at your emmy pictures and you look super beautiful in your dress. CP, so good to see you. Hope things continue to even out schedule wise.

    Balance, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member

    Not feeling that great this morning. It's one of those sit around, play on the computer, kind of days. I can't though. AF has decided not to be kind to me after all. I had an impulsive eating day yesterday as well. I felt like there was a knot in my throat, like I might throw up though I wasn't sick to my stomach. Eating made it feel better. I didn't eat all day, but I did eat more than I should have.
    A little frustrated with the stubbornness of my DH, though he's probably right, which makes it worse. He found a beautiful car on the web yesterday. "Low" miles (considering the age range we are having to look into), it's blue, it's a Mustang, and it's in good shape. We have yet to drive it or see it in person, so it could run like junk. It's about $2000 more than we have and about $1000 more than we want to spend. DH does NOT want to make payments on anything or go into debt any more than we already are. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel on our debt so I can understand that, but if the car is sound then this is a really good deal that would make me sick to pass up. I am trying to follow his lead because he is the leader of this home. Some times it's not so easy. On top of all that our desktop computer has been trying to die, and last night it corrupted our money info! We have lost almost all of our financial info since April which is that last time the program had a successful update. DH was not in a good mood last night. We have ways of re-entering all our info but it's going to take hours and hours. I still think we need a vacation. But now we don't know if we have the money to do anything. :tongue: :tongue: Actually we know we don't. :ohwell:
    My hip is still hurting, even during the night. I hope I didn't damage anything. I don't know if walking helps or makes it worse at this point.
    My goals today are to clean up the house (I forgot MIL is coming back Monday for a day or so, for more tests, and I didn't clean yesterday), drink water, and try not to get mad or frustrated at people. :smile: And to submit to my husband's leadership and not pout about it.

    Not feeling it boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Finally! I believe some stress will be going away. We found a car. It's not blue. It's red, but it is a mustang. It's in pretty good shape. So glad to have that done! Well almost done. Not getting any exercise in or water drank today. I will have to try again tomorrow. Hope you all are having a good weekend!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glad you found a car, MM. I wish buying a car was more like buying fruit - you pick what suits your taste, then you pay for it. I abhor haggling.

    My big news: I was accepted into the yoga teacher training program down in San Antonio. It's going to be stressful to drive down there every other weekend, though. They added an extra space just for me :blushing: (she said something about my level as a student) I don't think many people go to teacher training after 10 years of practicing yoga (most people start after 1-3 years). So I guess MM and I jump started the economy in Texas :tongue:

    Today - teach yoga, walk, practice yoga. I also need to do some cooking and cleaning. I was going to make muffins for everyone at this yoga retreat - I also make these for my husband's daily snack. They are great for when you need a quick snack - but alas, they are full of wheat.

    Training, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, pebbs,

    Today is my Zumba class, followed by a bit of food prep followed by resting.

    I did the math, and I think I'm quitting my gym. As my schedule stands right now, even if I go every time my schedule allows, it's only twice a week. I'm going to think it over this week, then make my move. Maybe. Blargh. I'm indecisive. My "what if/just in case" mind is too overdeveloped, I think.

    Anyways, I feel smaller today. Part of this is hormonal, but I think a big part of it is the no wheat/two green smoothies a day sort of regimen deal. I'm sort of going back to a hardcore no grains, but tons of fruit and veg and coconut flour/almond flour concoctions. At the beginning of the year, I was doing this (which is a healthy amount of calories, I assure you...) and somehow managing to still lose weight. I think it's due to the tons of fibre, but who knows. Mostly, I just want food to not make me crazy. Jeez, I sound like a broken record, even to myself.

    So, Zumba, plenty of water, an attempt at kale chips, and one more smoothie.

    Also, the orange cake is regrettably super crazy delicious (and very moist, a rare thing in gluten free land). Here's the link:

    I :heart: cake, boogaloo:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    How I figure out if the gym is worth it - if it helps you decide:

    cost of gym / number of visits to the gym per month = price per class (even if you are just doing the elliptical, I count that as a class)

    a cheap class around her is about $10 - my membership is $30/month (cheap, I know) - so I need to go 3x a month or more. Have I been this month? No - I haven't been most of this summer. I paid for a year though.

    You can usually put your membership on hold - which would be good to do until the weather turns nasty. Or, if you can find a gym where you pay as you go - I have a pass card to a local gym - it costs about $11 a visit and I can go to a class or just workout. It's a great way to run a gym.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yeah, here's my current craziness:

    My official gym would make me pay a reinstatement fee if I re-upped the membership after putting it on hold, which is why I hesitate. (it's...gulp...$90 a month, but I'm almost at a $10 a class/visit basis right now, even just going 2 and rarely 3 times a week.)

    But, I also belong to a "pay as you go club"...but this is just a studio for Zumba classes. No cardio equipment, no weights, nothing but class or out-of-my-price-range personal training. If there is any hint of a holiday, these classes are cancelled (and Canadians love holidays, seriously.) (it breaks down to $12 per class, and I only pay if I go)

    Also, I take a once-a-week Zumba class at a dance studio. (I sign up every eight weeks, and classes are about $10 per pop)

    My rationalization for this is that, outside of cable television, it's my only luxury expense/entertainment expense, and except for the rare social event, it's often the only time I leave the house, if I'm working hard-core. (that is less pathetic than it sounds, but it keeps me from turning into a total monastic hermit type individual). I called them up this a.m., and their new fall class schedule is coming out Sept. 1st, so I'm basing the decision on that. If there are more classes that I can go to, I'll keep it. If there aren't, I'll drop it. Probably.:laugh:

    I miss the Y in Toledo. It was crazy cheap, even considering the extra fee for my spin classes, and there were six Ys within a 15 minute drive from me. Ah well, the peril of city living and high standards.:wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    "Mostly, I just want food to not make me crazy." I can so relate to your comment V. That pretty much sums it up. Thanks for posting the link for the cake. :)
    Mary, I like your comment: So I guess MM and I jump started the economy in Texas. :laugh:

    Well, I typed out most of my post and the mouse went crazy and I lost it all. So I'm a bit irritated at the moment. :laugh: It's been one of those days. Would you like to hear how my day has gone? Well, I will tell you anyway. :wink: Steve took the new car to church. He stopped on the way to get it washed. I drove our friend's truck and stopped to fill it up for them. When I started the truck, a guy stopped me and said fuel was pouring out under the truck. So I called Steve and he had left his phone at home. Anyway, he eventually came to get me and our friends managed to get their truck home after church. So I drove the new mustang home, and the check engine light came on. Seriously? It hasn't even been 24 hours since we bought it! Needless to say I decided I'm not driving any more today. :tongue:
    We will probably do something with friends tonight, though I'm not sure what yet. Other than that I need to get some cleaning done that I have been putting off and finish laundry. In laws are coming tomorrow so I want to make sure I have things smelling decent and cleaned up (like cat hair etc) to try to keep MIL from getting another headache. I'm just really lacking the motivation to do anything. I'm not sleepy. Just lazy.
    Must get off the couch boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sorry about the double posting. I'm having a hard time adjusting to this laptop. :blushing:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    I can't believe that it is already after 4:00 on Sunday and I managed to miss the whole week of posting! Oh, well. Got settled back in downtown. That was good. Got several new cases. That's good, too. Getting the boys ready for school tomorrow. Doing lots of laundry. LOL. The boys go back to school and I have homework. Ick.

    I'll check in more next week.

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