

  • Weight loss and fitness feel like a part time job to me. I've over come a lot and still have a lot to go. it requires such attention to detail and dedication ... worse yet one has to be 150% self-motivated. I've never been good with numbers but I'm learning to make them work FOR me. Change takes time but I've formed new…
  • it took me a long time to believe that eating more food would make me lose weight. A nutritionalist I really love finally explained it in a way it made sense... she said: A fire with small twigs (meals) constantly throughout the day will burn better longer and more efficiently than a fire that goes out every few hours and…
  • Thanks for the advice! I just know that about 1/2 cup is going in that marinade bag and I'll toss out atleast half of it. I savour all the calories I get :P
  • Maybe you can make it competitive? Who's heart rate goes up faster? who's working harder? Maybe my hubby will participate more if I get all competitive... hm....
  • Simply stunning!!!
  • I love your smile. I love most of all you were smiling then and smiling now. You look alot younger without the weight and probably feel younger too! Well done :)
  • My FB is full of non sense... MFP is full of support and friendly people offering advice encouragement help and my friends even share their diaries with me so I can get ideas of what tasty snacks to pack in my lunch! It's the first thing I open and the last at night. 1am... good night world!
  • I wanted to post up my ticker... as happy as I am to see this huge number if you notice the title (163 lbs lost) I hope those of you down on yourselves today will see it's not always perfect. I've had set backs to and it just makes me work harder. I've got 13 to got to be as small as I've ever been (150lbs) but the chart…
  • I must have the 30 day shred. I really never looked at the title just asked my friend to lend me her Jillian Michaels stuff (any and all she had) so I could get started on time. She has 2 DVD's couldn't find the other at the time so I just took the one and ran (was late for work a bit already lol!) I checked the box.. yep…
  • I realized that with warm up and cool down it's 30 minutes... still not too bad. So I do the first one for a week then the 2nd then the 3rd? There isn't a 4th one... what do I do for the last week? Doesn't it equal 30 days?
  • I keep dark chocolate baking chips in my freezer. If I get a real bad chocolate fix I just suck on a few... they take a while to melt and they get all goopey in my mouth but it seems to do the trick. I figure they're dark chocolate and small... I can have 4-5 of them and not really do much damage. *note: if this is untrue…
  • I realized on my drive in today that I can do this in the morning! I watched the first 5 minutes of the DVD before I dashed out the door. Is it really just 20 minutes? And you do the same level 1 "day" over and over again or is there others? If it's just 20 minutes I can get up a bit earlier and still maintain my usual gym…
  • Since I'm new and VERY touched and encourage by the people I've already met here... feel free to add me as a friend. I was able to upload the pictures to my profile and all 4 of them are there. I again, really apologize to those that can't see them. A few people did post them in the thread on page 2 but if you're not able…
  • Thanks so much! I found the 30DS at Walmart this morning for only $10! I haven't found the other one but I'll get through this one and see how it goes :)
  • From reading the replies the answers speak for themselves. The women that do find a few pounds of gain enjoy seeing it go on, knowing what it is... and waiting for it to come off later. I used to use TOM as an excuse to indulge, now it's an incentive to see 3-4 pounds go on... but 5-6 come off!!! I also need to point out…
  • I'm in a small suburb of Niagara Falls Ontario (Canada). I'm a 33 year old elementary school teacher who wants to set a good fitness example for my students and reach my ideal weight this year. I also set a new goal that I want to live in Albuquerque NM! It's a chilly -5C here today with nothing in sight but snow snow…
  • I weight myself daily regardless as not every woman is lucky enough to have a regular schedule. Especially as my work outs are more intense ... the irregularity increases. I also find my temptation to eat salty and sweet things is greater then. If I see the scale up a pound or two it's frightening and it "scares me…
  • Since I just heard about this DVD I'm not sure what my schedule should be. I normally run M W F and do weights T TH S. I really like going to the gym ... is it "safe" to do this DVD at home in the evening after dinner? I'm fairly young and was a varsity swimmer before this weight gain... I don't mind pushing my body I find…
  • Thank you so much for posting them!!! What a help :) The photo in the green "moo moo" is SO embarrassing! I know why it won't fit on MFP... JUST TOO FAT!!!
  • Thanks for the info! I'm going to check some stores and see if I can get them they sound exciting!
  • What is the 30 day shred and the R130? Are these DVD or exercise programs? I'm new to them and never heard. Anyone offer an explain? Thanks! :)
  • I am SOOOO envious of your beautiful and toned skin! Amazing!!! I wish mine was so nice looking! Very proud. Congratulations!
  • Beautiful and smiling... well done! Your vibrant smile really is the "coup de grace" of your success.
  • I agree with the people about your age... you look SO much younger without the weight!!! Fantastic and beautiful... you must be so proud! Any room in your suitcase for me? :P
  • I agree!!! Smile pretty mama!!! Great work :)
  • I can't believe THAT stomach had a BABY inside of it?!!! Mine looks HORRIBLE in comparison and I don't have such a sweet little girl to show for it. You've given me inspiration! If your tummy can look like that... so can mine. Any good tummy toning advice/foods/exercise?
  • I'm not a web-savy person so I couldn't put the photos IN the thread. If you can't see them by cutting and pasting them into your browser you can also try this. If it asks for a password it's: staghelm If it asks for a user name it's: anjmichou neither have capitals or spaces. Sorry for the technical mis-haps! I even went…
  • My friend posted a woman on my FB that had them and it said "a tiger who's earned her stripes". However they got there I can tell you at 300lbs I never saw them... at 150lbs they were all I COULD see for a while. Look past them and know that you did earn them. If you have stretch marks they're like evidence of weight that…
  • Firstly... I get disheartened all the time. I try to reach for a friend (or a message board now!) instead of a bag of potato chips. Another person here messaged about skin and setbacks... there are issues with both of those things. It's been an uphill battle. if you look at the dates on the photos this is over a five year…