Chocolate cravings



  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    I will buy one Lindt chocolate truffle...mmmmm!
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    I eat half of a Hershey's Special Dark bar. 90 calories for half. Save the other half for the next craving....not in the same day usually. But I always only try to have chocolate (or anything fatty) on days when I have exercised and earned bk some calories to accommodate it.
  • justplainoleanne
    justplainoleanne Posts: 38 Member
    I think it is important to indulge in a craving before it becomes an obsession and you lose control and pig out. If you're having a huge chocolate craving go buy a little bit of what you love. Don't keep it in the house!!
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I eat chocolate every single day, and I have lost 43lbs. No need to give up the foods you love. :smile:

    Totally agree!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    For me it depends- am I craving chocolate or sugar?

    If I'm craving chocolate (not candy bar chocolate- but real dark chocolate) then I eat it.

    If I'm craving sugar (ie- Hershey's chocolate or Dove or choc cake etc) then I know I overdid my carbs that day or had a diet drink (diet drinks make me crave real sugar for some reason). So I suck it up and either eat the sugar and work it off or just drink some water and eat a small hard candy. The next day I cut back on the carbs- rice and potatoes do this to me FYI.
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    I eat chocolate every single day, and I have lost 43lbs. No need to give up the foods you love. :smile:

    Totally agree!

    Definitely!! Me too... everything in moderation :-)
  • Anjeroo
    I keep dark chocolate baking chips in my freezer. If I get a real bad chocolate fix I just suck on a few... they take a while to melt and they get all goopey in my mouth but it seems to do the trick. I figure they're dark chocolate and small... I can have 4-5 of them and not really do much damage.

    *note: if this is untrue please don't tell me! :)
  • nutandbutter
    I eat chocolate every single day, and I have lost 43lbs. No need to give up the foods you love. :smile:

    Totally agree!

    Definitely!! Me too... everything in moderation :-)

    x3. Going to get a reese's pb heart and some ice cream right now. :bigsmile:
  • yarwy
    yarwy Posts: 43
    My newest discovery has been the Extra Dessert Delights sugar-free gum that has been mentioned earlier....MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP!!!!!.........tastes JUST LIKE mint chocolate chip ice cream!!!! Only 5 calories and the flavor lasts a lonnnnnngggg time.......try it, you'll be amazed!!! They also have an apple pie flavor I haven't tried yet....So, have your dessert and chew it too!!
  • Paolinat
    Paolinat Posts: 81 Member
    eat cinnamon (I put some in my coffee) it curbs your need for sweet. I also put a little bit of cayenne to my chocolate... that seems to curb my need for sweets, also.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Chocolate almond milk. Chocolate protein bars.
  • Paolinat
    Paolinat Posts: 81 Member
    You should check out the blog - she posts LOTS of chocolat-y recipes. Not all are low cal but they all are made with healthy and wholesome ingredients! She turns some very indulgent desserts in to healthy ones.

    From something I wrote some time ago. How many ingredients do you recognize in that Fiber One bar. Overly processed....

    Grab and go bars are not so awesome:

    One day, long ago, I was having a conversation with my friend about losing weight. She had a friend (a model) who told her that no matter what she ate, eat a cup of vegetables beforehand. I thought, "cup of vegetables and chocolate don't really go together."

    Well, last week I lost just 1 lb. Yes, I still lost weight, but I have a goal and 1 lb a week is not it.


    I decided to eat vegetables when I was craving something sweet (slightly cooked sugar snap peas definitely hit the spot)

    I decided to eat vegetables when I was craving something savory ( homemade non-fat tzatziki sauce blended with raw spinach and 5 almonds is low cal, nutritionally balance and yummy smoothie)

    When I wanted something sweet and savory: slightly cooked baby carrots tossed with Balsamic vinegar.

    The food combo may not sound appealing to you, but choosing vegetables worked and I am back on target.

    I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING... "Girl, sugar snap peas are nothing like some good chocolate." You are right.

    However, the sugar snap peas fill me up and chocolate only has me craving more food, namely chocolate :-)

    After eating 1.5 serving of sugar snap peas, I do want chocolate, but the 71 calories in the sugar snap peas, made of 4.5g fiber, 4.5g protein and 6g sugar filled me up.
    I had no room for chocolate!
    I am also NOT HUNGRY for hours!
    WOO HOO!

    I used to eat a Fiber One bar for the fiber and for my chocolate fix. HORRIBLY WRONG MOVE!

    FYI: Shellac is a resin secreted by the female lac bug, on trees in the forests of India and Thailand

    Look at ingredients: Chicory root extract, chocolate chips with confectioners shellac (chocolate chips [Sugar, Chocolate Liquor, Cocoa Butter, Dextrose, Milk Fat, Soy Lecithin, Ethanol, Shellac, Hydrogenated Coconut Oil]), Rolled Oats, Crispy Rice (Rice Flour, Sugar Malt, Salt), Barley Flakes, High Maltose Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Canola Oil, Honey, Glycerin, Maltodextrin, Palm Kernel Oil, Tricalcium Phosphate, Soy Lecithin, Salt, Nonfat Milk, Peanut Oil, Cocoa Processed with Alkalin, Natural Flavor, Baking Soda, Color Added, Almond Flour, Sunflower Meal, Wheat Flour, Mixed Tocopherols Added to Retain Freshness.

    7 different sugars including corn syrup!
    Hydrogenated oil!
    Palm kernel oil and Peanut oil (the worst of the oils)

    1/2 serving Fiber One bar =

    70 calories
    2g fat (26% calories come from fat)
    5 g sugar
    5 g sugar alcohol (no nutritional use)
    4.5g fiber
    1g protein
    5% Calcium, 1% Iron, no significant amounts of Vitamin A or C

    1.5 serving of sugar snap peas (147g, about 12 peas) =

    61.5 calories
    0g fat
    6g sugar
    3.8g fiber
    4.1g protein
    6% Calcium, 16.5% Iron, 31.5% Vitamin A, 147% Vitamin C

    NOTE: When you eat equal amounts of protein and carbs it prevent sugar highs and lows and gives you sustained energy.

    Hope this helps. Good Luck!
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I drink chocolate milk after my workouts.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Chocolate. Don't deny yourself food. Everything in moderation. If you eat a piece of chocolate, don't have something else of an equal or greater caloric value later.
  • Inebriated
    If you want chocolate you should have some. I usually go for dark chocolate when I have a craving, either 72%, 88% or 90%. Lately I've been snacking on a goat's-cheese-fig-spread, yogurt with protein powder, dry cereal (chocolate cheerios as of recently), apples, and vegetables.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    I find eating dark/bittersweet chocolate fixes the cravings, while only eating 2-4squares. It's hard to binge on the dark chocolate.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    If I need chocolate...I have a fiber one bar. They have a few different ones. I like the 90 calories ones....yummy!
  • Kdubuclet
    Kdubuclet Posts: 9 Member
    If I do chocolate it has to be dark chocolate. If you are gonna snack, might as well be helpful. Of course I have to limit myself. I like to eat the dark chocolate chips, and instead of chewing I suck on them to make it last longer :D
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    oh another good one i totally forgot but is usually my number 1 go to,
    myoplex lite chocolate chocolate chip crisp protein bar EAS by Abbot.

    i don't use them as a protein bar as much as i use them as a treat!!! they are eating a piece of chocolate ONLY you get 15g of protein with them too!!! i would reach for this first and if i'm out then go to the shake, and last resort actual chocolate.

    the black beans in brownies are REALLY good too!!! even my kids like them like this and i don't feel guilty at all eating them ;-)
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    try sugar free chocolate fudge pudding.
    I make it with lactose free milk... not that many cals and hits the spot