anjukins Member


  • And just to add fuel to the fire, yogurt *is* "naturally occuring", in the "where can I catch me a greek yogurt" sense (though not quite as adventurous as that intentionally dismissive comment makes it sound!)-- ie milk can be colonized by wild-strain, yogurt-making bacterias without any help from humans at all. they're…
  • i often add crushed mint, sliced cucumber, lemon slices, or lime slices to my water. also sometimes i add an herbal tea bag (like orange blossom or berry) to a quart of water and put it in the fridge for an hour or so. also, my mom has a water carbonator, and she flavors her sparkling water with 'natures flavours' spring…
  • yeah, totally. as with everything related to heath and diet, you're going to get passionate voices on every end of every possible issue. i'm trying to stick with eating my 1200 cals, exercising when i can, and eating healthy snacks after exercise if i feel like i need it (ie if i'm hungry to distraction, or shaky, etc.). i…
  • Would you feel comfortable opening your diary for public viewing? That might help us provide insight into your plateau. it may be that you're staying in the calorie range but still eating problematic foods. also, have you tried eating back less calories? perhaps the mfp calculator's estimate isn't an accurate reflection of…
  • hee hee... so... some people say you must absolutely eat all your calories back or you'll force your body into starvation mode... others will say it's codswallop and you should just eat your baseline recommended calories regardless of exercise. i fall in the middle. i eat when i'm hungry. novel idea, i know...
  • excellent! I'm so happy!
  • great! thanks everybody!
  • yeah, you did it right! we're "friends" now, so we can see each other's meals and updates! hooray for motivation and accountability! :D
  • thanks! that sounds awesome!
  • Aww, I'm glad people still like this post! We had to move out of that house with the woodburning cooking stove (such an epic tragedy!!!) but we're saving up to buy one for our new house.
  • It sounds like my opinion isn't the common thread here, but... what's the big deal? she sounds lonely, and maybe a little socially awkward. you aren't under any obligation to talk to her all the time. If you enjoy spending time with her/talking to her on occasion, then do so on occasion. if you don't want to talk to her,…
  • I'm probably going to get razzed for this, but I think we don't need as much protein as most people (and mfp) think we need. That having been said, if you feel like you want to add an extra boost of protein to your diet, you could have a small protein smoothie in the morning- half a cup of milk (soy rice almond hemp…
  • Tell her your dress sense might suck, but your suit sense is perfectly intact :)
  • Happy INTERNATIONAL coming out day, and good morning, to all you European MFP'ers. :)
  • Yes... that's a good point. It's one thing to say you support equality, but quite another to refuse the rights that aren't granted to your friends. It's hard to walk the walk but I think it's so important!!
  • I want before and afters at a punkin farm!!! awww!! perfect timing... i'll go take my "before"... sigh :)
  • HAH, five kale chip recommendations in a row, sweet! Just be careful not to burn them, because then they get bitter. :) it's a fine line between perfect and burnt, but you'll learn to walk it for sure. Baking gives you instant gratification, but if you like what you make, consider investing in a dehydrator- so much more of…
  • i think we need less protein than is the general consensus, but that's just me. i really like unsweetened rice or hemp protein powder. one smoothie a day will ALWAYS send you over your protein requirements, if you're eating well the rest of the day. one banana, one cup milk (or soymilk), one scoop protein powder, and…
  • i like to bake kale at a really low heat (or, preferably, dehydrate it) with lemon juice, sea salt, nutritional yeast, and olive oil, until it's crispy. It's delicious.
  • yes- according to the mfp recipe calculator (with the bread), it's 359 calories, 45 carbs, 13 fat, 15 protein, 14 iron-- those are what i follow, so that's all i know. :)
  • That might have more to do with your son's age than your diet. When you first get milk, your milk flow can be really heavy. Breast pumps never work as well as baby mouths- both because of the emotional/hormonal aspects of actually nursing (oxytocin, mmm) and because of the actual physical mechanics (mouths & tongues just…
  • hah! it's tomatillo- we were in the process of making fresh tomatillo salsa and i thought they'd look pretty in the picture. they don't actually have anything to do with the recipe, sorry ;)
  • the umeboshi vinegar is SO GOOD. It's really salty, just like pickled umeboshi plums... i'm pretty sure I'm addicted to it... i use it for my salad dressing almost every time i have salad now. mmm....
  • p.s. each serving is about 1/3 a cup of the finished product :)
  • my understanding is that once you start eating reasonably sized meals consistently, your stomach shrinks back to about the size of your fist, so eating anything more than that volume is going to make you feel full and gross. but also, since there's less food in your belly, it digests more quickly and empties sooner. So…
  • and remember the old adage: "there are old mycophiles, and there are bold mycophiles". Don't eat anything you're not POSITIVE about, and it is so great to have a real, knowledgeable mushroom-hunter to take you around for your first season. Morels and Oyster mushrooms are good ones to start with, I think, because they are…
  • i love how many vegetarians/vegans are popping up all over mfp! I've been vegetarian most of my life, and vegan for approximately 10 years (swing back and forth between vegan and veggie). It's a very important choice for our family :) i'm happy to talk about it (to people that want to listen, that is) till i'm blue in the…