Breastfeeding and exercise

I have a 2 month old and have started exercising to get rid of the baby weight. I run on my elliptical 30-45 minutes a day 5-6 days a week. I drink 10-12 glasses of water a day and am eating around 1560 calories a day. My son isn't hurting for milk, he feeds just fine and at our normal times. It's when I pump that I have noticed a slight decrease in my milk volume. I used to be able to pump 5-8 ounces and now I'm lucky to get 5-6. Any suggestions on how to increase my milk production?


  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    Bump up your calories a 100 at a time until you get where you want to be at... I nurse a ten month old right now and my body likes to be between 1700 and 1900 calories to maintain my current supply. There are also days that I feel less/more hungry and I just meet what I am needing that day.
  • anjukins
    anjukins Posts: 103 Member
    That might have more to do with your son's age than your diet. When you first get milk, your milk flow can be really heavy. Breast pumps never work as well as baby mouths- both because of the emotional/hormonal aspects of actually nursing (oxytocin, mmm) and because of the actual physical mechanics (mouths & tongues just work better). That having been said, you really ought to consider "nursing" as a calorie-burner, because you are literally using your own body stores to make that milk- so don't ever eat less than 1500, i would say, and i would eat at least 1800 on days you're exercising. that's still a big calorie deficit, but you don't have to be worried about your little one's nutrition. Within reason (ie, barring extreme malnutrition of the mom), milk will be "perfect", regardless of how well you're eating, but it'll be at the expense of your bones, your muscles, and your brain, as well as your extra adipose tissue. So... just take good care. :) And THANKS for nursing that baby! He's a lucky boy!!
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Increase your calories just a bit, increase you water intake if you feel thursty (I have NEVER been as thursty as I was when I was nursing), and maybe try some fenugreek. With fenugreek you may begin to smell of maple syrup, and that it totally normal. Good job on the nursing!!!!! You should be so proud of yourself and keep up the good work!
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    According to Kellymom, you need only 300-500 calories extra to maintain supply. For me, I am on the higher end; I need the 500 extra calories or I feel lightheaded and hungry (Your body will steal calories from you and slow your metabolism if you aren't taking in enough calories). I just add Breastfeeding as an exercise with the extra calories.
  • Skinnymomma11
    I am also still nursing my 21 month old son. I just make sure I eat less than 1800 a day because when you breastfeed you burn around 300 calories. That why when nursing, have to eat little more. It's works marvelously for me and my son. I never had to pump the milk out, I just feed him on demand. As of right now as I learn along with weight loss, if i eat less than 1500 calories a day, I feel more tired and less energy, if I eat more than 1500 calories a day then I feel fine and full of energy because of breastfeeding...

    Hope that helps out!

    Add me as a friend if wish!

    Yes I 100% agree with breastfeeding the baby is the best!!! My son barely get sick!!! So I am glad that I'm still nursing.. I plan to wean soon but it's hard!! :)
  • Lady_Layla
    Lady_Layla Posts: 33 Member
    A lactating mommy needs up to 700 ADDITIONAL calories a day, so if you're working out really hard and also still nursing, you may need even more calories. :-)

    I agree with some of the other posts, though...your baby's age has a lot to do with it.

    And yes, KUDOS to you for breastfeeding! It's the best! :heart: