

  • My favorite meal that I eat when I don't have too much time is the Vegetable and Noodle Progresso Soup. Soo yummy and only 120 calories. Then I usually have sliced apples and pita bread with hummus on the side.
  • I usually eat a decent breakfast, a light lunch, and then a bigger dinner. So I would say: 400 300 500 For breakfast I usually have oatmeal and bananas, for lunch I eat a low calorie soup with pita bread and hummus on the side, and for dinner I like to have salad and pasta. I guess it just depends on which meal you like…
  • brushing my teeth or chewing gum keeps me busy.
  • The soup sounds good. How would I prepare that. I don't usually make my own soups. Would I cook the rice first and then put it into the broth with veggies and tofu? I am not the most experienced cook as you can tell. : ]
  • I completely agree with gia80. I drink the slim fast powder blended with fat free milk and ice. I only use it as an alternative for one meal a day (usually breakfast) and I don't eat any of the bars or snacks. Not only does it give me energy, but it also gives me plenty of fiber in order to be regular. Plus it tastes…
  • Well, it depends on what you are looking for. Tropical paradise or city? For a nice relaxing vacation I would suggest something in the Caribbean or even on the coast of Florida. Seeing as you like cruises, I am sure that you have already been to Grand Cayman? If not, it is a must see. While there you get to swim with and…
  • You can burn a lot more calories if you exercise before you eat anything in the morning. Kbop, why is it that you burn more calories before you eat anything in the morning?
  • "It's your life" by francesca battistelli
  • Thank you very much. This morning I had a bowl of cheerios which MFP said was only 100 calories. Yay!
  • Chuffmn! Those are some great tips! Thank you. I do eat Smart start which is high in fiber but also in calories. Any cereal recomendations?
  • My portion sizes are good. For instance, I have less than a cup of milk to go with my cereal because the cereal bowl is not big enough to hold anymore. Maybe, I am overestimating the calories that I am consuming. But I am using the calorie counter on myfitnesspal. It seems as if I got the majority of my calories from the…
  • Hey guys! I have a question for you... I feel like I am eating a lot healthier, however my calorie count is still higher than 1200. What should I do? My meals tend to look like this cereal with chopped bananas or egg beaters and fruit for breakfast nutrigran bar for snack sandwhich or salad for lunch chicken, veggies and…
  • Hey there, I joined this site saying the same thing as you. I live in the dorms at Chico State University and didn't think that it was possible to eat healthy in a dining hall. But in reality, it is all about willpower (at least it was for me). It is very likely that your college offers a salad or sandwich bar which offers…
    in Help? Comment by tinanicole March 2009
  • Well I put in walking at 3.0mph for just 60 minutes and it told me I burned like 300 calories, which was more than I thought I could have burned at work. That's what I was confused. Marjaso, I am going to buy a pedometer! Thanks
  • Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone had a good idea of how many calories I am burning at work. I spend the whole day on my feet taking orders and then walking back and forth between the cooks and the counter. If I do that for 3 hours straight, how many calories do you think I burn? By the end of the day, it feels that…
  • That is my absolute favorite exercise class. It never fails to make my legs and arms ache the next day. :smile:
  • I have been doing great with working out on a daily basis, however, I am struggling with changing my eating habits. No matter how much I exercise, I struggle with weight gain because of my unhealthy eating habits. I am constantly going to the pantry to find a snack even when I am not hungry. Not to mention all of the…
  • I am going to a Mexican restaurant for my friends birthday in about 30 minutes and am not quite sure what to order that would be the best low-calorie option. Can anyone help me? Thanks guys! Kristina
  • I am in college and struggling with the same weight gain problem... However, with the right support and motivation we can do it! Add me as a friend... : ] Kristina Also, because I live in the dorms, I do not have a scale to weigh myself. Is that a bad thing? Or should I not know what my weight is all the time. I feel that…
  • Those are some great ideas! Thank you... And yes we have a freezer with our fridge. I wish a skillet was allowed in the dorms, but they do not allow anything like that due to the fire hazard. : [ Thanks for the advice guys
  • I am a freshman at Chico State and live in the dorms. I have a fridge and a microwave to make my own healthy food, unless I want to eat at the buffet for all three courses in the day. Does anyone know of any recipes that require only those two things? I know it is hard to make a healthy meal with just a mircowave, but if…
  • Thanks guys! That helped a lot! Thankfully, I do not drink any of my calories since I only drink water. My trouble seems to be with all that delicious food that is waiting for me when I go down to the cafeteria to eat. : [
  • I am struggling with not gaining the freshman 15. With a buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner, how can someone not gain all that weight. Unfortunately, I have already managed to gain 5 pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Thanks, Kristina