Vegetarians : ]

I recently became a vegetarian a week ago and am very committed to it. The only problem I am having is finding simple recipes I can make at my college apartment; I don't have too many spices and cooking materials besides the basics. I went grocery shopping the other day and bought lentils, brown rice, three different kind of beans, hummus and pita bread, vegetable broth, tofu and a bunch of veggies. However, I do not know what to do with all the different ingredients. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks a bunch,


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    You could make some soup with tofu and rice or lentils kinda like chicken and rice only it'd be tofu and rice!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I've been doing the vegetarian thing since 2003 (though have added seafood back in, this past couple years)... Although I have many recipe books geared towards vegetarian recipes, I've found that more often than not, I make use of online recipes... I'll either type in a couple of the ingredients I have on hand and do a google search for that + "recipe" and stuff pops up... or I'll do a more generic google search for just vegetarian recipes... Plus, you can always modify old meat recipes for the new veggie version.. a lot of the non-veggie indian curries are perfect for modifying into something meat-free. :-)
  • tinanicole
    The soup sounds good.
    How would I prepare that. I don't usually make my own soups.
    Would I cook the rice first and then put it into the broth with veggies and tofu?

    I am not the most experienced cook as you can tell. : ]
  • Purple420
    Ive been a vegetarian for 12 years this friday! woot! I would recomend getting "Yves" brand veggie ground round. Its basically made to resemble ground beef but 100% vegetarian friendly. It comes in a lot of different kinds, original, italian, mexican, asian etc. What i do is just follow any recipe that calls for meat and use the ground round instead. For example, spaghetti sauce, chili, lasagna, cabbage rolls, even tacos. Theres tons of options for vegetarians now, yves brand stuff is definitly a good option. Give it a try, sort of expensive but it goes a long way!. Hope that helps a little