venusinprogress Member


  • You can add me if you want! I have 4 stones to lose and would like to get as motivated as you. Just joined again and want to be fit and slim enough to handle hill walking. Atm, I get out of breath easily,when going uphill but manage the flat really well. I want to be able to be fit enough to enjoy it and go further and…
  • fantastic! WTG!
  • Add me! I need to lose 54 lbs for health and vanity reasons. Ive tried this before but lapsed. In January I hit the big 50 and dont want to spend the rest of my life missing out on opportunities, socialising and being able to do exactly what I want. This time I am determined to make it through to December and reach my…
  • Hi, I need to lose 55 lbs and have started again (after last year and not focused or motivated). I need to lose weight both for my health and my vanity. Now Im 50, i'm hoping to add the fit and fab to that this year. I know that I will succeed if I have friends who will motivate me. Once I am motivated, I can help you to…
  • Hi, add me. Im 50 next Jan and I have found it difficult. I have Fibromyalgia and other probs. and can only exercise as and when. I need a lot of rest and if I try to do too much (like I did when I started) my immune system gets too low, Fibro gets more painful and sleep gets less. Have been ill the past 3 weeks but just…
  • Hi, you can add me. My goal was to lose 58lbs from June to Jan 15, 2013, my 50th birthday. I am up and down, lost 8lbs, put 5lbs back on. Lost 1 stone, put 7 lbs back on. The only thing that I can think of is that my net cals have been too low, walking ( which is second nature - I can walk for miles with no discomfort)…
  • You can add me. I need challenges! Phew, thats a relief. So glad you added walking. I'm up for that. No way could I run/jog 100 miles in 4weeks, but I will do my best. Full of cold atm, but can still manage 5miles per day for the next 24. Will keep a daily record and post my results.
  • Add me if you want and good luck. Well done on having a plan and wanting to restart. I need to lose 50lb and have been umming and aahing about exercise. I'm ok with the daily cals of 1220 but trying to do too much exercise to lose 2lbs per week. Its not really working as I have lowered my immune system again so need to…
  • Hi, I'm in the same boat as you (nearly)! I'm 49, was 205lbs 2 months ago, and need to lose 50lbs by January. My goal is to be fit, fab and 50. I'm gonna work out 5 days a week. (Ive got a new bike) joined a gym and have resoved to swim 3x a week, (biking 3 miles ea way), bodycombat 2x and gym work 2x. Apart from that,…
  • Hi, howlong has it taken you to lose that much. I need to lose 60 lbs and am sticking to my 1270 daily food cals. I am also exercising but some days counting my exercise cals from my food cals mean that I am going ( sometimes) way under my daily food allowance. What worked for you? I need to know rugently as I am getting…
  • Hi, fantastic loss. How long did it take? and how many cals were you on per day. Ive just started out and I'm on 1270, not lost any weight but have lost 1/2 to 1 inch on major areas. Just wondering how to lose 60lbs and roughly how long it will take.
  • YOu can add me. I need to lose60lbs and have just had a minor setback. I think it was cos i was on 1200 cals per day but exercising 4-600 cals off. I'm now trying to eat back some of those cals to speed up my metabolism, but also splitting my food into 5 meals. I'm just starting this so will let you know how I get on.
  • Fantastic //wtg!! I need some inspirition after losing 8lb 3 weeks ago on 1400 cals per day, since then Ive been on 1200 cals and put on!! 5lbs. To see someone lose all that weight is wonderful, giving me the incentive to either up my exercise intensity and go back to 1400 or stay on 1200 and lower the intensity. What…
  • Hi I plan on starting using it next week after work, as I found that the couch25k is too much for my kness atm. How many mins would you recommend for a beginner. I weigh 195lbs and am a size 18, I do a lot of walking but very little other exercise. I need to do something that burns lots of cals.
  • HI, thats fantastic. I'm 49, 195lbs, size 18, I want to lose 56lbs by Jan 2012. You're my inspiration after seeing your photos. Knowing the difference that losing weight has made you look younger, fitter and more attractive - 3 of my goals. When I see others do it, it gives me the confidence to believe in myself. Well…
  • HI, I'm not certain, but because you restricted your calories while your dad was ill, that meant your metabolism slowed down. It may take a while for your metabolism to kick back to where it was before. I would not give up, try doing a different exercise, eating more veg , or even splitting meals into 6 snacks a day to…
  • that's absolutely fantastic! Well done you. You are a great inspiration to others such as myself. I'm looking forward to having the same effect on people as you. I keep my wedding photo on me and look at it each lunchtime (I only weighed 9st.4) and use that to motivate me. Being on this site has made losing weight doable,…
  • You can add me. My goal is to lose 56 lb by Jan 15 so this would fit in well. Atm i'm on 1200 cals a day and burning 4-500 on exercise. This should guarantee me a 2lb ish loss each week. Ive only been on this site for 10 days and am doing really well. This is because of all the positive feedback from others, plus logging…
  • You can add me! I've been trying to lose weight for years but its only since joining this site 3 weeks ago, having my daily cals worked out, writing everything down as well during the day at work ( so I dont cheat) then logging everything on here. , that i've managed to lose 8lbs. I am consciously trying to eat healthily,…
  • I try to get weighted in the morning, before I eat or drink anything. That way I know that is my basic weight. food and drink throughout the day adds at least 2 or 3 lbs depending as well on how well your body eliminates food and water. Hope this helps
  • I have to agree with you RaeRae. Before I read your post I thought that instead of getting pissed off about someone's else eating habits, (that person not be able to do anything different at this time), You dont know what else goes on in a person's life- you dont walk in their shoes so you should not be judgemental. You…
  • You can add me! I need support and motivation to lose 4stone before my 50th in Jan 2012. I know it is doable, I'm not seeking the impossible,. In the last 3 weeks since i've been with MFP i've lost 8lbs. I am absolutley shocked that I have stuck to my daily cals, burning cals and logging in each day. It is the support I've…
  • I've noticed the same. Now that the calories are in my daily report, I cant believe how much I must have been eating before, I'm still consuming 1880 cals per day but I need to get down to 1400 and lose 600 per day in exercise. That should mean I'll lose 1.75 lbs per week. It doesnt sound a lot but if I keep it up for 30…
  • You can add me. same as you. Ineed to lose 53 lbs, have a teenage daughter and son. I know its not easy, esppecially when they like junk food, I cant seem to resist but will have to develop willpower and imagine the things I'll be able to do when I'm at my ideal weight. I also need to think how much healthier i'll be. I…
  • Hi, I'm new to this, just started on tuesday. I need to lose 53 lbs. I'm not much of a techno, never used the commie this much but am really looking forward to seeing and doing these challenges. I can walk for quite a long time, so that's not a challenge to me so Im going to try to walk/jog for 20 mins and 10 mins on my…
  • I've just joined today and also looking for support. I'm 4stone overweight, have Fibromyalgia but have promised myself that i'll be 'fit, fab and 50. That's in 7 months so I really need to get serious about this. It'd be great if we could swap details and motivate each other. I know I can't do it on my own. Any suport…