MFP Friends Who Never Log On!



  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    After a certain amount of time absence I delete people - unless of course I know the reason for their absence (like a trip or something).
  • venusinprogress
    venusinprogress Posts: 31 Member
    You can add me! I need support and motivation to lose 4stone before my 50th in Jan 2012. I know it is doable, I'm not seeking the impossible,. In the last 3 weeks since i've been with MFP i've lost 8lbs. I am absolutley shocked that I have stuck to my daily cals, burning cals and logging in each day. It is the support I've been getting from reading some of your posts. Keep it up and I can promise you that I will reply or message you if you continue to inspire me. Thanks to everyone on here.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    Who gives a sht. How many post are we gonna have about this subject in one week?

    Some of the people on my list haven't logged in... I skip it just like everything else on my feed that is just an update or a happenstance.

    I'm sorry I just don't get the anal behavior of not wanting to see an update on your feed or trolling your friends list for people who haven't logged on. Makes me think youre here to get comments and cit chat and if someone isn't here to help u.. ideally chit chat they need to be removed. Smh
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I was sick, then my daughter almost died in a car accident so I didn't log on for a while stuff happens
  • SerinaK
    SerinaK Posts: 87
    I just delete them and continue supporting the ones that do follow the same path I do. Sometimes life calls for more attention than MFP. If the person is gone longer than 2 weeks, I delete them.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I find the status part confusing. I have a few people on my list that I do not get feeds from. I have messaged them, with no response. Yet, when I check my friends list, some have logged on. Does this mean they have restricted their news feeds? I haven't deleted them, but I find it odd they just don't show any feeds or anything or respond to messages.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I find the status part confusing. I have a few people on my list that I do not get feeds from. I have messaged them, with no response. Yet, when I check my friends list, some have logged on. Does this mean they have restricted their news feeds? I haven't deleted them, but I find it odd they just don't show any feeds or anything or respond to messages.

    I've restricted stuff from my news feed but it is a personal preference (the only thing I show is when I've lost weight and what exercise I did for the day).
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I find the status part confusing. I have a few people on my list that I do not get feeds from. I have messaged them, with no response. Yet, when I check my friends list, some have logged on. Does this mean they have restricted their news feeds? I haven't deleted them, but I find it odd they just don't show any feeds or anything or respond to messages.

    I've restricted stuff from my news feed but it is a personal preference (the only thing I show is when I've lost weight and what exercise I did for the day).

    I think that's why I'm confused. Everything used to show for them.......then suddenly poof, nothing. Could that mean they deleted me but still show on my friends list?
  • MissJamiie
    MissJamiie Posts: 56 Member
    I delete but with a msg :) cause you never why they are not logging in!