tal202 Member


  • I have been far from good in the past few months and then had one of those horrid, can no longer do my work trousers up moments last night. Time to get back onto it, and especially to the gym. So, my goals and respective treats are: 7lbs - 28th February (my birthday) - Mani, pedi and tan if I go away as planned 14lbs -…
  • I kind of see housework as bonus calories burnt, just like any walking I do which if 15 minutes or under (e.g. from the train station). I wouldn't log it myself but I do understand that not everyone has the time to hit the gym, and therefore this could be their only legitimate exercise in a day.
  • Wow! You look absolutely fantastic. And these photos have come at just the point where I convinced myself to get back onto that wagon. Thanks very much for the motivation.
  • Thanks for all the info guys. I've decided to cut alcohol out at home and only drink socially to start with. Fortunately the boyfriend doesn't drink much which means that there won't be any opened bottles of wine in the fridge. And I have told my friends in advance that when I am out, I won't be over-doing it. I'm planning…
  • Hmmm...Well if I am honest my food diary would have been shocking if I had actually found the time to complete it all. I started a new job on Monday so there have been lots of naughty lunches out which I have been trying to justify. However, I am trying very hard on the gym front and I am rather proud that I am really…
    in The Last 10 Comment by tal202 June 2010
  • Ok, sorry for the absence. I started a new job on Monday and I have been rather naughty on the food front but I have still found the time to get some exercise done. A nice mixture of either working out in the gym or swimming. The diet starts again in earnest tomorrow alongside the exercise so fingers crossed I start to…
  • Haha! This is so true. I'm going to make my boyfriend read this because he thought it was just an excuse. We are both bad for each other weight-wise though. It makes you feel less guilty if you share that naughty chocolate cake. 6 lbs on in three months though is NOT good so time to do something about it. And you never…
  • Hi! This looks like a great group. I only have the 10 lbs to shift but I joined a gym last week (last of three personal trainer sessions tomorrow) so I'm hoping I can finall shift these 'vanity' pounds, or at least get myself toned up. I have a friend's wedding on August 27th, but still need to buy the dress so my aim is…
    in The Last 10 Comment by tal202 June 2010
  • Thanks! This is really helpful. I struggle with the no drinking thing at the weekends (especially now the World Cup has started) but I will give it a shot. Also, and sorry for my ignorance, how would I know what 85% MHR is?
  • It looks like an option but I was hoping to do this the 'right' way this time if that makes sense. I tend to just pile it all back on if I stick to a diet like that. However, I may still keep it as a back-up plan if nothing starts happening in the next couple of weeks.
  • Oooo, thanks. I'll try to download it over the weekend.
  • Well I managed to get through my second personal trainer session and I am proud to report that I am currently able to move, unlike last time. So that was an extra hour work out on top of my 60 minutes walking yesterday. I'm having a break today before the boyfriend goes away for the weekend but seeing as he is out of the…
  • I joined the gym last week and had my second personal trainer session last night (I get three with my package). My guy worked really hard to put me at my ease as I too was a newbie gym person. He worked me rather hard the first time but more to get a sense of my fitness levels etc. But he has been great at explaining what…
  • Bump! Thank you so much :flowerforyou:
  • Cheese! Lots and lots of it. So maybe the cheese plate from Le Pain Quotidien. Or just cheesey nachos with all the toppings.
  • It doesn't have to be a huge lbs related success to make a huge difference. Actually, it looks like you are aiming for a similar weight loss to me. I'm looking forward to the return of my collar bones :laugh:
  • Well I joined the gym and had my first personal trainer session for an hour on Saturday which was a start. I'm in agony still so post-poned my second session until tomorrow but I walked for three hours on Sunday, 40 minutes yesterday, and I should hit 60 minutes today too. And then hopefully tonight I will fit in a 30…
  • Yeah, I do. That is when I end up having melted cheese on toast or crisps or generally something naughty for me. My boyfriend finds it highly amusing when it hits about 10 pm when I start nosing around in the larder for something to much on. And then of course you go to bed and have no chance of burning off all the…
  • Well I couldn't go to the gym on Wednesday as planned but I have a personal trainer session set up for tomorrow morning and plan to swing by tonight for a swim so we shall see how it goes. I've created a ticker so hopefully this will start motivating me.
  • I tend to just have a low fat chocolate milksake, such as the Frijj one, and account for it in my tally. And I try to make it last over two days of cravings. Also, it fills me up quite a lot so I don't have my mid-afternoon Special K bar so I figure it all balances out.
  • I know that we are already a couple of days into this but I thought that I should join because I could do with the montivation. I started at a gym on Tuesday (the inveitable good intentions at the beginning of the month) and I'm hoping to have my first personal training session tomorrow evening. I walk about 1 hour every…
  • I would always opt for the wholemeal toast, scrambled eggs (made with 0% fat milk) and a little grating of low fat cheese. And often a glass of milk too. I can never stomach water after a night out, it just makes me queasy, but Ribena always seems to helo (low cal' of course). Howver, I would always recommend eating carbs…
  • I based mine on my BMI but opted to go for about half way on the scale. I'm currently at the higher end so I figured somewhere in between would be the healthiest option. And realistically, I just don't have the energy or inclination to get below 130. I enjoy food too much. I just need to establish a better relationship…
  • Thanks for your support guys, and for listening to me moan. Off to the pub now and I shall be aiming to have the veggie soup as opposed to the cheesey wedges. I'm in a much more positive frame of mind now. Cheers and have a great weekend. :happy:
  • I normally go for scrambled egg on wholemeal toast, made with skimmed milk and sometimes with a bit of low fat cheese grated in. The carbs soak up the alcohol and the egg seems to settle my tummy. Oddly enough, I also find that chocolate milk sometimes helps too, again skimmed milk and one heaped spoonful of Nesquik powder.
  • I know the feeling. And then I end up deciding to 'start again on Monday' and write off another weekend. I'm determined not to this time though. And remember that one naughty meal won't make a huge difference. Good luck and try to perk up.
  • Hi, I just joined last week. I too hadn't realised how much I had been consuming even when eating the healthy options. It's also really great to know that there is support out there. Good luck to everyone else! Terry