Anyone wanna do a goal oriented month of June??



  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I would like to join this group! I am going to not try...I am GOING to do 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week plus weights for about 20-30 mins 4 days a week. That is just at the gym, usually I will do a yoga/pilates session at home for about 30 mins, and normally when I am watching tv I feel lazy so I pump my little 5lb weights for a while and do planks during the commercials. But that is just extra stuff, I only count what I do at the gym. So....yesterday I did 30 mins of cardio but no weights (I go to gym during lunch break and needed to go to grocery store also).

    Great attitude!
    Sounds like you have a good routine worked out for yourself.
    I love the idea of doing planks during commercials! I might have to start doing that. :)
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i worked out a bit today, and rode my bike. it was awesome.

    hope i can do the same tomorrow. i have been feeling really down lately cause i can't find a job in my field. so, depending on the news i get from my last interview, i am probably gonna feel like eating ice cream and sleeping.
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Day 3, on tuesday i did a 50 minute spinning class, yesterday i did a 40 minute walk and today i'm going to go to the gym and blast it on the treadmill
    i feel so great! full of energy :)
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    I know that we are already a couple of days into this but I thought that I should join because I could do with the montivation. I started at a gym on Tuesday (the inveitable good intentions at the beginning of the month) and I'm hoping to have my first personal training session tomorrow evening.

    I walk about 1 hour every day already but I plan to head to the gym 3 times a week from this point onwards for 1 hour sessions each time, and then try to fit in an extra one at the weekend. Ideally my aim is to lose 5 lbs before July 10th when I head home to the beach, and just generally get myself into a good routine.

    I've got a new job starting in 10 days so I'm hoping that you guys can nag me if I start making the 'I'm too tired' excuse. Also, I get my £70 joining fee back if I manage to go 20 times in 8 weeks and there is no point throwing away good money.
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    I would like to join this.

    My goal is 600 min (20min/day). I know this is kinda low, but I'm going for baby steps. I want to do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred everyday. And if I"m really ambitious, I'll walk too and it will be a bonus.

  • kmarowski
    kmarowski Posts: 9
    I joined 2 weeks ago, & I'd love to be a part of this group! My goal - 120 minutes of swimming each week, 120 minutes of high intensity cardio & weight/resistance training/week, 60 minutes of yoga/week in addition to at least 20 minutes of additional "moving" (dancing with kids after dinner, walking or riding bike with kids, playing with kids) at least 3 days/week. THis makes a total of 1200 minutes of serious exercise for the month & 240 minutes of "moving"/fun exercise with the kids. Stuck with this goal so far this month!
  • Bardot1986
    Bardot1986 Posts: 13
    OOOOOOH... Count me in!! I know we are 3 days in but i reckon i can make it up.

    My goal is 1800.

    Now to make me a ticker!! x
  • Bardot1986
    Bardot1986 Posts: 13
    How do i make my ticker show on my replies :(
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    How do i make my ticker show on my replies :(

    Add it to your signature. :smile:
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    This morning I got 31 minutes in on the elliptical! Tonight I'm taking an exercise class (Turbo Kick) and it usually lasts just over an hour. So I'll be set for today! :happy:
  • Bardot1986
    Bardot1986 Posts: 13
    OKay, lets see if this works....

    Gym session planned for this evening, that should be another 70 minutes minimum for today! x
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Didn't get anything in yesterday at the gym just my random little things at home. Did 30 mins on the treadmill today at the gym and 15 mins of weights. My HRM said I burned 448 for 45 mins. I always subtract about 100 from that as actual exercise extra cals because just sitting at my desk I burn 100 cals in an hour just living. :tongue:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    just got back from the gym, 20 mins treadmill, 10 eliptical, stepper 10 mins :)
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    so I am gonna go for a bike ride soon...I didn't work out this morning cause as I thought, I'd be depressed. I didn't get another job. I followed up and the guy asked me not to call because it was frustrating.

    I have another interview tomorrow for a supervisor position...wish me luck everyone.
  • mreast31487
    Good luck with the job hunting! Ever since I joined on Tuesday, I've gone to the gym. This group is really good for me! My goal is just to get to the gym during the week and do the bike or run outside during the weekend. Had to go home after work today and take a nap before getting to the gym, but I did it!!! Almost didn't go but when I tracked my calories, it showed I was over so went to the gym. Signed up for a swim class for the next 3 weekends so I know I'll get the swimming in. I want to sign up for a triathlon before the end of the summer so I need to improve my swimmming. Hopefully I'll get better and actually sign up for one!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hello! I would love to join this group. I'd like to set a goal for 1600 minutes for the month of June. About an hour a day.

    loathesome - I am also job hunting and have been since the beginning of May. Just like you I am very depressed!! But, there is a plus side to it, more time to exercise. I make the free time I have very useful... if I'm not working I need to jump on this chance where I do have lots of free time and Im not too tired from work.

    Now to try and make a ticker...
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hmmmmmmm no words show up on my countdown ticker? The top one does.. but not the minutes to go for June
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Sweet count me in...I'm trying to focus more on the process than the results, ie trying to give more importance to doing well than to 'losing weight'...

    My goal will be 2250 minutes of exercise, or 75 minutes a day.

    Thanks for the ticker link, whoever posted it! I'm making myself an exercise ticker right now :)
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    Well I couldn't go to the gym on Wednesday as planned but I have a personal trainer session set up for tomorrow morning and plan to swing by tonight for a swim so we shall see how it goes.

    I've created a ticker so hopefully this will start motivating me.

  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I got an hour of Turbo-Kick in yesterday, and another 35 minutes of C25K this morning! :)

    Good luck to everyone looking for jobs - I know it's touch out there right now. Exercise is a great stress reliever, though!

    I can't wait for my summer classes to be over so I can start swimming. Does anyone have a HRM that is reliably water-proof?