Anyone wanna do a goal oriented month of June??



  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I also did an hour today :) 30 min rollerblade and 30 min walk

    I do not have a HR monitor although I would LOVE one!!!!
  • Mojo73
    Mojo73 Posts: 4
    Well i just wanted to give a mini update i started on june first using my elliptical for 60 minutes per day well in some cases at least 40 and i have went from june 1st 292 lbs to weighing in this am i am at 284.5.

    all i have been doing is watching what i eat and planning my meals on here per day so i dont over do it. ie i made tacos one night and i know i can handle me some tacos hahhaha but what i had done was set it to 2 and a sald and just ate that i reall enjoy this website and the app for my iphone it gives me alot of guiadnce.

    Everybody keep up the hard work
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Well i just wanted to give a mini update i started on june first using my elliptical for 60 minutes per day well in some cases at least 40 and i have went from june 1st 292 lbs to weighing in this am i am at 284.5.

    all i have been doing is watching what i eat and planning my meals on here per day so i dont over do it. ie i made tacos one night and i know i can handle me some tacos hahhaha but what i had done was set it to 2 and a sald and just ate that i reall enjoy this website and the app for my iphone it gives me alot of guiadnce.

    Everybody keep up the hard work

    That's awesome! Keep up the great work!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Another good day!

    I rode the stationary bike for 60 minutes (my quads were feeling the burn!!). Then I did 45 minutes of Crunch: Candlelight Yoga. The yoga video is available on Netflix with the instant-play feature. It isn't a cardio-intensive yoga workout, but it focuses more on stretching and relaxing. I already feel a lot more stretched out in my lower back. I think I'll start using it regularly in the evenings.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Did an hour of tennis yesterday.. than played a soccer game today (it was a 50 min game but in total I was probably on the field for about 35 of it)

    Want to get in lots of exercise this week and hopefully get a ob interview!
  • Connie68
    Connie68 Posts: 18
    Sorry, I disappeared for a few days! I have gotten my 60 mins for every day except Saturday, but on most days I've been doing over 60 mins, so I may have evened out for last week! so I'll toot my own horn! toot toot! lol

    Someone please explain to me how I mkae the exercise ticker, for the life of me, I just cannot get it figured out!

    thank you so much! every one have a great day!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Another hour in on the elliptical! 455 calories burned too, which is more than I've ever burnt in one hour before. :)

    And Connie, the website was kinda tricky to navigate (for me, anyway). I just kind of clicked around until I got to the point where you start selecting what your ticker looks like. You don't have to create a membership or anything so that's nice.
    Hopefully someone who knows the site better will be able to help. :smile:
  • Mojo73
    Mojo73 Posts: 4
    Well everybody i am doing the goal oriented month of june and i can not only feel the results but see them as well as friends and family

    well the reason i am writing is because i am away on businessss.................

    ok dont worry i am so proud of myself i am continuing to workout in the mornings before work

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  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    Well I joined the gym and had my first personal trainer session for an hour on Saturday which was a start. I'm in agony still so post-poned my second session until tomorrow but I walked for three hours on Sunday, 40 minutes yesterday, and I should hit 60 minutes today too. And then hopefully tonight I will fit in a 30 minute swim.

    My plan was to do 90 minutes a week, preferably in addition to my walking, but since I've never properly been a gym bunny before I guess my body's ability may have to take some time before it can match up to my mind's enthusiasm.
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    I wanna join this too! Hope its not too late, I can make up the extra lol! Since I do not do any exercise at all, my goal is 1000 minutes this month!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Another 35 minutes done this morning! I doubt I'll be able to get more in today - I'll be at school or working from now until 10:00 tonight.

    How's everyone else doing!?
  • karinalynne
    karinalynne Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! I really just started exploring the website and I've got a weight-loss goal of approximately 15 pounds by the end of July. I just signed up for a gym yesterday, and I'm pretty excited to start working out regularly again. I used to be a personal trainer, but have a hard time motivating myself to actually take advantage of all the knowledge and training I received. My goal is to work out at least 60 minutes every day for the rest of the month, or the equivalent of 1,320 minutes by the end. Good luck to everyone! Thanks for the motivation!
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  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    hey everyone,

    just wanted to touch base. hope everyone is doing great with their goal. i have been trying to bike more and walk a little extra on top of my strength training every day to get my minutes in. i have missed a few days, but oh well!
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    Well I managed to get through my second personal trainer session and I am proud to report that I am currently able to move, unlike last time. So that was an extra hour work out on top of my 60 minutes walking yesterday.

    I'm having a break today before the boyfriend goes away for the weekend but seeing as he is out of the house for the first time we moved in three months ago, I am planning on having a bit of a detox and exercise fuelled couple of days, without him bringing home crisps and other evening snacks.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Well I managed to get through my second personal trainer session and I am proud to report that I am currently able to move, unlike last time. So that was an extra hour work out on top of my 60 minutes walking yesterday.

    I'm having a break today before the boyfriend goes away for the weekend but seeing as he is out of the house for the first time we moved in three months ago, I am planning on having a bit of a detox and exercise fuelled couple of days, without him bringing home crisps and other evening snacks.

    Sounds like a fantastic idea!
    It's pretty easy to cook well for yourself once you get used to either reducing recipes or eating the same thing for a few days. My fiance is on a deployment and I'm going to have to readjust to cooking for two when he gets home! haha
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    33 minutes down today! C25K kicked my butt today and I feel like I walked most of the way.:grumble:

    I've got a Turbo Kick class tonight so I should have another hour to add to my total for the day. :happy:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    33 minutes down today! C25K kicked my butt today and I feel like I walked most of the way.:grumble:

    I've got a Turbo Kick class tonight so I should have another hour to add to my total for the day. :happy:

    it is still the begining of june and you are almost done, i say you exceed your goal!!
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    839 minutes down! 961 to go! (and we're only half-way through the month)!!! Yay Me!!! :bigsmile:
  • Connie68
    Connie68 Posts: 18
    Haven't been posting to regularly, but I have been doing my exercising. been dealing with a whacked out sister who is trying to drive me batty. do I get extra exercise calories for that? So far for the month I have logged only 654 mins, but considering I've only exercised 9 out of 14 days, I don't think it's that bad, but still not what my goal was, so I'm going to up it a bit and still hit my goal, and in the process get rid of my jiggly middle!

    so it stands at 1800 - 654 = 1146 / 15 = 76 mins a day for the next 15 days.... i'm just making it harder on myself!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i got a job! not so depressed and now im gonna work out. yayyyyyyyy