Losing the 10lbs

Hi gus,

I have been on this site for about 4ish weeks. As a rule I tend to stick to my targets through the week, including my exercise calories. At the weekends I struggle but at the same time I know I am hitting the daily recommended allowance rather than going over like I used to. Most of my exercise comes from walking, though I started at a gym last week and plan to go regularly from now on.

I haven't really seen any sort of shift in my weight and I was hoping that someone could make some suggestions. I considered eating just the minimum calories of 1200 but firstly, I have found that calorie counting doesn't tend to work for me in the past, a low fat diet has always worked much better. Also, I am scared about the 'starvation mode' thing. To me it kind of seems counter-productive eating the calories you have burnt but I'm not very technical so am happy to listen to advice.

My aim is to just get from the higher, unhealthy end of my BMI to a happy, mid-range place, so going frmo 140lbs to 130lbs. I have read that people struggle to get off those last 10lbs but that is all I need to lose.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a friend's wedding in NYC at the end of August and would love to get back to my pre-UK weight before then (I've put on the weight since leaving after a year in NYC back in September '09). Surely 10 lbs in two months isn't a ridiculous goal?

Thanks in advance,



  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member
    I too have been on the site for nearly a month and have found it a great way to keep motivated and get support from people. I've also found this great little pod-cast with exercise tips. Including a very interesting theory on walking in episode one. I would suggest really pushing yourself on the gym equipment you don't find easy. If you can do 10 mins on a treadmill and feel fine then chances are you haven't worked your body hard enough.
    Give those podcasts a listen and it will give you alot of help and advice for the gym. I listen to them while i'm in there on my iPod as it keeps me motivated and guides me around the equipment well.

    Good luck x
  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    Oooo, thanks. I'll try to download it over the weekend.
  • Xephyr
    Xephyr Posts: 26 Member
    I just started trying last month. I chose the scarsdale diet. No excercise needed.
    I have just today reached 10 lbs lost.
    So it is possible to loose that before Aug
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    It looks like an option but I was hoping to do this the 'right' way this time if that makes sense. I tend to just pile it all back on if I stick to a diet like that. However, I may still keep it as a back-up plan if nothing starts happening in the next couple of weeks.