No Alcohol?



  • OMGG
    OMGG Posts: 44
    I drink far to much when i meet up with my girlfriends SO do they... Once a month, Hardley touch it in between, but i'm sure my one night is worse than a couple a week!
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    When I was diagnosed with diabetes, I did a bit of reading on alcohol and found that it can have an effect on your blood sugar. Not enough to stop completely, but enough to limit your intake. So I just gave it up and haven't touched a drop since.

    Sure, it's been hard - I didn't drink more than once or twice a week, but when I did drink it would usually be excessive so it definitely had a big impact on me. But I've gotten used to it over the months now, and am happy enough with my decision. I get the odd temptation, but the fact it's been so long for me now is a big enough spur - just to keep it going.
  • Muchloveerica
    Alcohol, to me, is not even worth taken calories away during the day. Which is why I will have a drink rarely. Usually on a cheat day.

    I've been told a lot by others... you don't want to drink your calories. I agree on not being worth the calories during the day. So far so good BUT I've been craving a glass (or three) of white wine. How often to you take a cheat day?? Do you let loose or still keep a count?
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I used to drink a lot but pretty much gave it up a few years ago and just have the occasional drink now. The biggest problem I had was people trying to force alcohol on me when out. The whole "oh it's just one drink, it won't kill you" "Come on, you gotta have one, it's a party" and stuff like that can be difficult.

    This is the hardest thing! Especially when people do not understanding why you say no to booze! They will ask like 100 times, and even though you keep saying no - it's like you've just killed someone.

    Be ready to have the "peer pressure" and be stern with your decision... After a while they will recognize that you are strong and courrageous to keep with your goals. I think that's probably why they want you to drink - it causes them to look at their behaviour...

    Anyway, I chose not to drink because of how I would feel 2-3 days after... It didn't have to be a binge drinking evening, just because of the sugar in the splendid red wine, it would make me feel like crap. So, if I have one glass per weekend, that's the max! Most weekend I skip because I'm tired from my week, and love to sleep well... Drinking hinders sleep - that's another reason why I cut it out... You need to sleep well to have your liver function at it's full capacity (it has 500 functions you know?!). Good luck. I am sure if you stick with it for 3 weeks, you won't miss it... But when you'll take a sip, you'll see the contrast the next day!
  • mam734
    mam734 Posts: 21
    After 20+ years of 'social' drinking, I quit drinking about 2 months ago to support my daughter who had to also quit (for her medical reasons). Quiting has really not been that hard and I believe it has contributed to me losing 2-4 lbs/week since then. Good eating and consistant exercise also contributed to the steady weight loss.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I gave up all alcohol until my friend's wedding last weekend (about 6 weeks) and hubby also gave up to encourage me. He has lost 4kgs just by not drinking alcohol - he hasn't changed his eating habits at all.
    I have had 3 drinking nights in the last week (I had LOADS of champagne for my birthday yesterday), but I will not have another drink till our Christmas party. It just makes me feel bloated, unresponsive and sluggish.
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    It's been really hard for me to give up the alcohol. Like most people on this thread I enjoy a drink after a long day. But I prefer liquor to wine and some days I can't just stop at one. I don't drink everyday, but about 3-4 days a week. I account for everything I drink and I've amped up my workouts to make sure I am burning off whatever I drink and then some. I also make sure to stick to healthy food choices even when hungover. I tell myself "being hungover is not an excuse to binge". I find that making healthier choices makes me feel better anyway. Having a smoothie with Bananas and honey makes me feel far better than say an Egg McMuffin which sounds good at the time but would only make me feel horrible afterwards. I was maintaining but with the amp up in my workouts i've started losing again..but slowly. I am sure the alcohol has something to do with that. Good luck. You all have far more will power than I.
  • AmandaR910
    I'm pregnant so obviously not drinking. I don't plan to start once I have baby though. Not worth the extra calories to me. If you want to cut it out, you can do it!!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    I read in Oxygen Magazine that one should cut out ALL alcohol when trying to slim down. Apparently alcohol sugar is processed differently than other sugars and slows down your entire system. Amping your work outs it just like having a regular workout without the drinking.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I cut out all alcohol about 3 years ago. Acutually BEFORE I started losing weight. The only time I have a drink now is at say... a wedding- I've been to 3 in the past 3 years and one was my own. And even then I'm taking about a few sips of wine. I really don't even miss alcohol, I never much cared for the taste anyway and since alcoholism runs in my family, I figure I'm better of without it.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    I've started last Saturday. I've come to a point where I really want to lose weight but alcohol is stopping me from doing so. I tend to be really good at the beginning of the week but then go out drinking with colleagues towards the end of the week, and crave fatty foods so badly the next day I'll just give in. I've been losing and putting on the same 2 kilos over the last few months but now it has to stop. So last Saturday my boyfriend and I agreed to not touch a drop of alcohol for the next six weeks to see if it helps my weight loss. Will keep you posted!
  • stefdye
    stefdye Posts: 8 Member
    If you check the facts, you will find that one glass of red wine a day does have a healthy effect. Problem with most people is, they can't just stick with one glass a day.

    With all things in life, moderation is the key to being healthy.
  • stefdye
    stefdye Posts: 8 Member
    I totally agree that the key to everything is moderation. But did you know you get the same health benefits from red grapes that you get from red wine? I still consume more wine than I do grapes, just sayin.
  • gunnarpalm
    gunnarpalm Posts: 59 Member
    Blasphemy! I work out hard and will have my occasional wine or beer. Of course I do have to earn the calories with workouts!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    If you check the facts, you will find that one glass of red wine a day does have a healthy effect. Problem with most people is, they can't just stick with one glass a day.

    With all things in life, moderation is the key to being healthy.

    You can get the same benefits from grape juice. Better yet, eat whole grapes and get all the above plus the fiber.

    Wine grapes don't equal juice grapes. And not all wine grapes are created equal, either. They all have varying sugar content which will vary by the varietal of grape, region it's grown, season, etc.

    So, what I'm saying is that I don't necessarily agree with the recommendation to eat sweet grapes or drink grape juice as it's much higher in sugar content than a dry wine. Both certainly carry the antioxidant benefits, but the levels of sugar will vary greatly.

    For those of us who actually enjoy the taste of good wine, there's no need to cut it completely out of your life because of weight loss or avoiding the calories. Just be sensible about it. Dry wines, especially reds, have a low sugar content and one medium glass - let's say of a good Cab - is great to sip over a longer period of time. I drink far less wine in a night than other libations, which is why I typically choose a good wine when available.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I struggled for a few years with alcohol overuse, was self medicating an anxiety disorder. Of course when drinking all caution goes to the wind and I would end up binging on chips and dip and other calorie ridden food. This is how I ended up gaining 30 lbs over the last few years, and why I am trying to lose the weight now. I mostly don't drink now, I will allow myself to have an "off" night every once in a while and get a little tipsy with my friends, but not a regular thing by any means. Like others have said, I don't want to drink my calories, when I am perfectly happy with Crystal light and tea.
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for all the info guys. I've decided to cut alcohol out at home and only drink socially to start with. Fortunately the boyfriend doesn't drink much which means that there won't be any opened bottles of wine in the fridge. And I have told my friends in advance that when I am out, I won't be over-doing it.

    I'm planning on keeping pace with the slowest drinker and then alternating between water and alcohol throughout the night. Also, I'm going to make sure that when I know I will be out, I buy some healthier comfort food, i.e. scrambled eggs with skimmed milk on wholemeal toast as opposed to a fried egg and bacon sarnie.

    If you have any other advice, please keep it coming.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    i think that is a good way to go. I find it much easier to cut out alcohol completely, than to just have 1 - 2 glasses of wine. its a slippery slope, and I feel that if i cannot drink moderately I should not drink at all....

    so good luck w your social drinking only.
    Good job on the alternating water w alcohol. and telling your friends. This might make them think about having that 7th glass too :)
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Hiya, i've been thinking about doing this too. I never drink at home, I only drink to get drunk and socialise, and lately i've been unable to know when to stop on a few occassions and acted like an idiot, and severely regretted it the next day, not to mention how badly it goes down with my boyfriend :( I get quite aggressive and lairy sometimes when I drink and i'm just not a nice person, last weekend I drank a bottle of white and half a bottle of red in one night, upset my boyfriend, went home and was sick (which NEVER happens). Sooo i'm swearing off drink!

    Last night we were at the pub with about 20 people and I was just drinking diet coke and had a fun night, noticed a couple of times when I would have got involved in silly things (like an argument, a guy staring at my friend) and quite glad I stayed sober! I'm getting a car soon hopefully so i'm going to be the designated driver, think how much money, calories and dignity I will save!

    Good luck to you!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    You can always have the occasional drink, but you should try to adjust your diet so that it allow for the extra calories or exercise a little harder that day. Luckily for you wine is one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks you can have (relative to other alcoholic drinks).