No Alcohol?

I am giving up the booze for a mixture of reasons (partially because of the unnecessary calories but also because it can can prove to be bad for your emotional and physical health) but as a girl who enjoys a glass of wine in the evening, and a few more at the weekend, I am kind of nervous of having this goal.

So I was wondering whether anyone out there is either considering this too, or has already tried successfully (or unsuccessfully) and has any advice or words of support? Cheers!


  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I was never a big drinker much, but once in a while I like a glass of wine, but I have pretty much taken it out of my diet. On a rare occasion I will have a glass or I will have a drink at a restaurant.
  • aehenson
    I cut out all alcohol for 4 months earlier this year & the weight fell off. It's a good goal & will help your progress!
  • danmullen
    I used to drink red wine at home regularly, as well as a few beers or G&Ts on nights out. I've now practically cut out drinking at home, although I have had the odd glass of red wine as a treat, (staying within my daily calorie goal though). Also, when I go on a night out I now have single gin and slimline tonics. I've only been a member for seven weeks but I seem to be doing really well so far. I think it really makes it difficult if you completely deprive yourself of anything.
  • Chipperoo23
    I used to be the "party girl". At first I just downgraded to "light" beverages. And then my boyfriend (now my husband) told me that I might have a problem. And that was it. No more drinking for me. But just like anything, if you are used to doing something, it's better to have a little than none at all. I have one maybe two drinks a month. But I would really focus on cutting back moreso before you cut out. You'll probably be more successful that way.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    I'm struggling with this myself. I enjoy a drink after along day and I alot the calories just don't know if that makes a difference. I'm losing just very slowly.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Alcohol, to me, is not even worth taken calories away during the day. Which is why I will have a drink rarely. Usually on a cheat day.
  • canbecanbe
    I am giving up the booze for a mixture of reasons (partially because of the unnecessary calories but also because it can can prove to be bad for your emotional and physical health) but as a girl who enjoys a glass of wine in the evening, and a few more at the weekend, I am kind of nervous of having this goal.

    So I was wondering whether anyone out there is either considering this too, or has already tried successfully (or unsuccessfully) and has any advice or words of support? Cheers!
    I was a bartender before children so i use to drink not a lot but i always had a full bar 2 years ago i just stopped for my health i dident find it too hard but i did get very attached to my ipod in the arvo to drown out the children for a short while
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I used to drink a lot but pretty much gave it up a few years ago and just have the occasional drink now. The biggest problem I had was people trying to force alcohol on me when out. The whole "oh it's just one drink, it won't kill you" "Come on, you gotta have one, it's a party" and stuff like that can be difficult.
  • rhallett
    rhallett Posts: 1 Member
    I still have a drink once and a while, but I plan for it based on my calorie limits for the day. I simply find that I don'w want it as much as I did before. No conscious decision, just an outcome of the plan. Good luck!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    it is hard at first. I do it once in a while, am single and go out a lot, and live in a city there booze is involved in everything (even going to the movies).
    I find that people don't even notice if you are or are not drinking. if you are at a club then drinking water or soda water is totally ok, and I find that you can last dancing way longer.
    at dinner i usually order some kinda awesome fancy alcohol free drink so that I still feel like i am having a treat (for example ginger mint lemonades with pomegranate- yum).

    when you start drinking again i find that you approach it differently. For example I will have one glass of wine instead of 7. ;)
    good luck!
    and if you fall off the wagon don't beat yourself up. just have a green tea, a banana and lots of water and get at it again.
  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
    I had the same problem when I first started, and I slipped up in the second week when went out drinking with my friends, I had 8 pints and a great night, But when I added up my totals the next day I had gone over my calories by 1000, oops. Now whenever I get tempted to go out I always look back to that page and it puts me off. If I have to go out I will have a few vodka tonics as there are far less calories in them than there are in wine or beer. I actually read somewhere that alcohol has the second highest calorie content of all foods at 7 calories per gram, second only to fat.
  • judelyon
    judelyon Posts: 21 Member
    I am in exactly the same position as you - I love my wine and have wanted to lose weight and for general health as well and I have been a very heavy drinker for quite some time now, although I have started to make a few changes which surprisingly I have found haven't been too difficult for me.

    I pour myself a large glass of wine each night and make it last - (it still equates to about a half bottle) but i take small sips. I clock watch too just to make sure I pace myself and I I also down a small glass of water over the course of the evening as well. I'm also a smoker too and when I go outside for a ciggerrette I don't take my glass of wine wihth me. i have found this helps and i do feel better for it. Best of luck!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    I tried to give it up completely just for a month to see what happens with my weight loss....however, that has proved to be difficult (I really like having a glass or two of wine!). However I have made some great changes as far as my drinking habits... I did give up drinking during the workweek... that for me is a must!! And to be honest.... I actually haven't really missed it!! I'm doing p90x and the workouts take a lot out of me and I don't even want to have anything to drink after. When I do want to have a drink I limit myself to just 1 day on the weekend... and I do my best to be sure to account for it in my calories, and most of the time I can squeeze it in so that I'm not over (or only over a little bit) So far for the entire 4 weeks I've been doing p90x, I have had a total of 8 glasses of wine... which for me is REALLY good!!! Good luck and hope it works out for you!!!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    If you check the facts, you will find that one glass of red wine a day does have a healthy effect. Problem with most people is, they can't just stick with one glass a day.

    With all things in life, moderation is the key to being healthy.
  • ANNIET2006
    I cut this out two months ago!! Never really thought about all the calories until I started trying to lost the weight
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Alcohol also slows your metabolism temporarily, so whatever you ate (usually high fat crap) while out drinking isn't burned as fast as normal, leaving more of it to be turned into fat.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I have wine with dinner every night 1 to 2 glasses. I enjoy it and I log it. I don't drink any other alcohol.

    I have given it up a couple of times for two weeks during a detox. I must admit I did miss it. I kept using my wine glass and filled it with water at dinner.

  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I have always been a typical 'binge drinker'. I've never drunk during the week, but I'd hit Friday and sometimes also Saturday and 'go out drinking'. I cut back last January, for calorie as well as other reasons, and I feel it's made a difference. If not, it's certainly easier. I would always 'need' chips and cheese (french fries and cheese for you guys across the pond) on my way, home but most damagingly would be the quantities of food I'd feel I needed the following day. And it wasn't brocolli!

    So now I rarely drink, but refuse to say that I no longer do (though realistically my last night 'drinking' was a few on August 28th and several with my best friend in Amsterdam at the end of July. I do enjoy it, and admittedly I enjoy it to excess, but now rarely, rather than every weekend.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    If you check the facts, you will find that one glass of red wine a day does have a healthy effect. Problem with most people is, they can't just stick with one glass a day.

    With all things in life, moderation is the key to being healthy.

    You can get the same benefits from grape juice. Better yet, eat whole grapes and get all the above plus the fiber.
  • springbreeze72
    I hear ya. I have a boyfriend who LOVES beer and his best friend comes over most weekends and drinks a whole bottle of vodka during one sitting (a night). I have fallen into the pattern and had two bottles of wine over the weekend! Seriously?! So this is going to be something that is not only a personal issue but I don't have any support from the person I live with in that area. He loves his beer and it will be up to me to not drink when him and his best friend party. This seriously will be a big goal to obtain. I do go to a social club on Saturdays regarding people effected by drinking so this may aid in this but I am just a beginner. I applaud that you are thining about it and that is the first step:flowerforyou: