Hi, Newbie here!

Hi all, I've just started using the site, and I have to say I am loving how useful it is...I never realised just how many calories I was consuming-no wonder the weight wasn't coming off! I'm now feeling positive about losing and keeping the weight off, finers crossed I'll suceed...38 pounds to go :)


  • clairebear82
    Hello and welcome :-)

    Its a great site and everyone is brilliant on here. My advice is to get lots of friends on here, they are great motivation and support and everyone is in the same boat with the same goals.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
  • manolo17
    manolo17 Posts: 7
    Thanks :) I think that's what I have been missing in the past-people who are going through the same things. My friends and family are agreat but they are all happy with their weight etc. so cannot really empathise with what I'm trying to do.
  • fourniro
    fourniro Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,

    Just joined yesterday. Almost joined Jillian Michaels but this is better and free. Need to lose a good 20lb or more. More is better.
    This site looks great and not to overwhelming. Good Luck to all. Talk to you all soon:wink:1144713.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member

    I just joined last week. I too hadn't realised how much I had been consuming even when eating the healthy options. It's also really great to know that there is support out there. Good luck to everyone else!
