so...i have a personal trainer..

I have a personal trainer...for the first time...tommorow...and i'm and advice on what to expect? Thanks


  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    Oh wow! How brave! I am thinking of doing the same thing but, like you, a bit apprehensive about it. I guess, just be yourself and remember that it's their job and they will probably expect you to be nervous at first. A good trainer will understand this. I will be interested to see how you get on.

    Good luck and enjoy it! :smile:
  • Mark6410
    Mark6410 Posts: 6
    haha a friend of mine owns a gym and saw that i was trying to lose weight and offered me a free session to help me. So out of excitement i said yes lol i've wanted one for awhile but now that i think about it...i'm terrified lol its gonna hurt... *cringe*
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    The thing i would ask for would be floor exercises because those you can do at home and have more technique than the equipment-you will learn that as you go along.
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    I joined the gym last week and had my second personal trainer session last night (I get three with my package). My guy worked really hard to put me at my ease as I too was a newbie gym person. He worked me rather hard the first time but more to get a sense of my fitness levels etc. But he has been great at explaining what each bit of equipment does, and how it will work in relation to my body. Just relax and also be honest with him. They are there to help, not to judge. Good luck and try to enjoy it!
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    I have a trainer i see 1-2 times a week, i've been seeing her for quite a while now. i use her to push me out of my comfort zone and to improve my fitness levels.
    don't get me wrong i don't rely on her to get me training, i am motivated and do train on my own 3 times a week, and whilst thats great and helps me lose weight, i have a bigger goal of wanting to be fit which is where she comes in. also she gives great training tips and helps me stay on the right path.
    we mainly do circuits and cross training (spinning bike, treadmill, rowing, boxing). i wear a heart rate monitor which she works with to keep me on pace.
    what's great is that she's not judgmental so if i miss a session i'm not made to feel bad, she can comment on my improving fitness levels which is always a great conversation and she helps to keep me injury free (a big plus if you're going to take training seriously).
    good luck and remember the trainer is there for you so make sure the exercise fits you and your goals, and finally work hard :smile:
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    I want a personal trainer.

    Thing is I know they are expensive, I'm lucky enough to have a free gym membership with work but I really think getting a trainer to keep me interested would be a massive benefit at this point. Thing is they are expensive and I am on a fairly tight budget, so we'll see.

    I know I 'can' do this by myself but a trainer would certainly keep me heading in the right direction.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I have been working out with a trainer 2 times a week since mid febuary. I need it to keep me accountable. Each trainer is different and has different training methods but when I went in for my first free trial I met with the training manager and they got an over all picture of what I wanted to achive and my fitness level so that was a tough work out but then she picked who would be the best trainer for me and they came up with the initial starting work out. After that it is great to have her to change up the work outs and teach me new techinuques. I don't think she has ever done the same thing with me twice. Right now it is a godsend to have her since I am at that point where I see the results but went through a period of being sick and then vacation so if I didn't have her I probably would have stopped going to the gym after falling out of the habit for two weeks.
  • Mark6410
    Mark6410 Posts: 6
    it wasn't too bad...didn't hurt so much. but today was the first day. they weighed, measured, and stretched me. lol and had me walk a mile. Next time is what scares me lol
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Good stuff! :) I thnk you'll enjoy it! Don't expect anything just go with it :) Usually trainers ask you your goal and sessions vary person to person ... I lost 50 lbs, and in the past two years have had a hard time maintaining it ... I hire my trainer (same girl) for 30 weeks a year (3 X 10 sessions) twice a week ... two months before summer, and November to keep me motivated during winters !

    You can't beat them! I'm no newbie at the gym, and my trainer keeps me interested, and I still learn new things all the time. Worth Every penny

    This time around my boyfriend is doing it WITH ME! and he's never been to a gym before :) we split the cost, and it's tons of fun! he's lost 17 lbs in the past 13 weeks! we have 7 more weeks with her left ... he's in the best shape of his life ... I'm ... still maintaining! hahaha

    I would recommend personal trainers, even once a year for anyone of any fitness level
  • TrixyHero
    TrixyHero Posts: 7 Member
    I have had a personal trainer for almost two years. In the beginning, it felt pretty painful. Your muscles are being fatigued through and through. I started off with twice a week every week. We would train using the circuit training machines and dead weights. But what I noticed was, I weighed more but looked leaner. So my scale wasn't working (haha). Eventually I realized that you can't measure your success by the number but rather how your clothes fit. Weighing yourself while training and changing your body fat could be discouraging. So, compete with yourself until you can compete with others. It helps if your trainer has someone training with (sometimes) you. It affected me in the best way. Congratulations for putting your mind over your body. It will work for you. Just don't beat yourself up when you don't reach your goal sooner. My mindset had everything to do with loving myself and taking better care of myself. The weightloss is side effect...not the short goal. In time you will be so confident and proud. And don't listen to the tapes that roll in your head like "this is too hard" or "I'll never make it". Because you can and you will.
  • Mark6410
    Mark6410 Posts: 6
    IT kinda made me depressed...i realized how unhealthy i was and exercising wrong...i'm actually scared to exercise by myself now :(