

  • You are correct - she did state this....it's been a few years now, but she did infact make that statement. Dunno about Brangelina and personally....could care less. :) I think I've heard a few other hetero celebs follow Charlize's lead, but I can't think off the top of my head who they were. I appreciate Dan Savage & his…
  • I think it is a positive thing for the most part. It gives those who may not personally know or associate with an LGBT person (directly) someone to relate to - their favorite actor/actress, musician, artist, politician..ha does anyone have a favorite politician? It's added visiibility across the board - community-wise,…
  • Ha yeah...now the hard part is determining what to cook. :happy:
  • Not especially, but I celebrate and do stuff for my wife. I got her a rad necklace that she saw and really liked so pretty stoked about seeing her reaction to that. I kidna loathe going out and trying to battle the crowds as far as dinner and so forth so the plan is to cook her dinner and stay in. :heart: :smooched:…
  • Ha - I think there are gay folks here, there, and everywhere. I come from a small town of say 1200 peeps or less, and I swear there are more lesbians in that town that I would've ever imagined. Anyway - to answer your ?.... I am originally from IL, work in IL, but my wife and I live in St. Louis, MO. :)
  • I do a lot of the daily maintenance tasks just because I usually am home first I suppose - and usually have the energy to do it. I am forever cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes, taking out the trash/recycling, and doing the laundry. Not necessarily because I WANT to do these things but because these are things that need…
  • Meee too... I want DOMA to go away more than anything so people will stop judging my marriage and/or telling me it's nice and all but doesn't mean jack sh&t. It means EVERYTHING to me and my wife. We travelled on a bus to Iowa last year with a handful of other couples in Missouri so that we could get married. It simply…
  • I want to be super awesome looking and buff. Ha....not really, but I can dream right? 1. Health and longevity 2. Prevent injury when playing sports - something I have been prone to the past couple of years :angry: 3. Inspire my wife to increase her physical activity so we can live a long and happy life together. 4. Inspire…
  • :smile: Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of online fitness and diet tracking. We hope you have a pleasant stay. I kid...welcome and kudos to jumping on the MFP express - go get 'em....plenty of supportive folks on here to help. :glasses:
  • This is good news but still so much more than needs to happen/be achieved/etc. I currently live in a state where marriage is outright banned....gay marriage that is. However, more and more states seem to be getting on board so can't give up hope, but it is Missourah. :huh: I just don't get how it is ever ok to vote on…
  • Exactly! There is a group here in STL (Growing American Youth) that marches in the parade every June, and they are absolutely inspiring because of their size and bravery. I saw them a few years back and was so overjoyed to see such a HUGE group representing. We are lucky enough to have mult. support groups for the LGBT…
  • I have to deal with similar situations at work - example...yesterday for lunch coworkers ordered an arsenal of pizza and had them lined up in the office. I have to walk by food temptations like that all the time not to mention inhale the aromas of food. It is very difficult - esp. when they offer it to you. These are the…
  • Sad but true. Great documentary to watch btw..
  • I feel the same way.
  • We fortunately have not had any reason where a hospital visit or stay was necessary...woo, but it is a concern I have. I hope I never have to experience this in general....but cannot imagine not being by my wife's side or vice versa should anything happen that requires hospital care. I suppose if it came down to it...they…
  • Depends on my mood - I have an arsenal of playlists on my iPod. Lately - I have been favoring the high BPM list - house, old school club music, techno, and very, very tiny bit of dubstep and trance. When all else fails - play Pantera.
  • No - I gotcha! There are times where I don't feel like beer - all the calories and heaviness. I try drinking those 'diet' beers, but they are so flavorless. I usually go with Bud Select in the summer months when playing softball but only because the concession stand has a limited selection.
  • 1. I have a similar situation as far as candy consumption goes. A co-worker got me a giant bag of M&Ms for Xmas, and they have sat in my desk untouched for a month. I've had no desire to bust into them, and I usually only dive into the evils of candy while at work. 2. I am also with you on the warmer winter temps. except I…
  • I don't think there is anything Fit & Lean about Denny's really. :wink:
  • Genuine Witty Honest Passionate :happy:
  • I usually try to log as much as I can as far as consumption, but sometimes I do not log items that are basically 0-5 calories. For example, I sometimes like to eat a Sugar Free Werthers candy from time to time. That's about it as far as my examples go.
  • Mine as well! However, I am a beer fan, which gets me into trouble. I enjoy a lot of those delicious, frothy, dark beers, which can be high in calories and so forth. However, you would be surprised at some of the lighter beers - i.e. Blue Moon - as some of those are anywhere from 180 - 200 calories a pop. Ho hum... :wink:
  • Plenty of Fish is pretty cool - I have met a few people on there in the past, and one of my best friends met his current girlfriend on there. They have been together a while now, and I suspect they may end up tying the knot. I've also met people via online dating sites that actually turned out to be good friends so all…
  • A case of 25 year old Stroh's.....one would surely just about kill anything.
  • I actually love using spaghetti squash as a substitute for noodles, and I am not a huge pasta fan. It's great with ground chicken or turkey too. :smile:
  • Lazy people in general, but especially those who come into work and choose to either play on the internet and/or sleep....sometimes both while everyone around them is busting their arses. :explode:
  • @atkinssucks... Right there with you - especially when they order a buffet line of pizzas and leave them out for anyone to sample. :grumble: