Lifestyle NSVs - Who has 'em?

KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
So we always talk about our NSV's (non scale victories, like compliments from coworkers, or fitting into a smaller size) but I want to know who has had lifestyle NSVs, actual changes in thought patterns or habits that show you're truly changing your lifestyle, not just dieting!

Here are a couple of mine:

1) I have 2 containers of candy that I got for Christmas that I TOTALLY forgot about. In the past, they'd be empty by now.

2) I rediscovered those 2 containers about a half a week ago and they are still sitting in the middle of my room, out in the open, completely untouched and unopened! :noway:

3) It was 50 degrees F here in NY on Tuesday and the only thing I could think about all day at work was how I couldn't wait to get home and go running!

So, what are some of your lifestyle NSVs??


  • At one point I was so out of shape and fat that I could not get out of a chair without holding on to the arms and pushing myself up. That was a very very long time ago, but I will never forget the day that I used just leg power and stood up, that was a major NSV! Oh and I make it a habbit now to never push myself up out of a chair no matter how dog *kitten* tired I am, I stand up using my legs always!!
  • 1. I have a similar situation as far as candy consumption goes. A co-worker got me a giant bag of M&Ms for Xmas, and they have sat in my desk untouched for a month. I've had no desire to bust into them, and I usually only dive into the evils of candy while at work.

    2. I am also with you on the warmer winter temps. except I prefer to bike vs. run. We have been lucky enough to have several days where it has been sunny and 45 degrees or more, which is super awesome. I've been hankering to ride this week, but the rain has made it difficult...I may brave the dampness and do it anyways! :happy:

    3. Pushing myself more and more at the gym (and on my bike). It's a nice feeling to be able to do more and more with each workout/ride.

    That's all I've got.
  • kali2785
    kali2785 Posts: 42 Member
    I actually enjoy a good salad, I don't get angry at the fact that I "have" to eat it, but enjoy the fact that I "want" to eat it.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    At one point I was so out of shape and fat that I could not get out of a chair without holding on to the arms and pushing myself up. That was a very very long time ago, but I will never forget the day that I used just leg power and stood up, that was a major NSV! Oh and I make it a habbit now to never push myself up out of a chair no matter how dog *kitten* tired I am, I stand up using my legs always!!

    Very hard to believe from looking at your picture . You look amazing ! Great job !

    I'm with you on the candy Katie. If I opened a bag of M&Ms , I ate the entire bag. I'm talking the big one pound bags! I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew there was an open bag of M&Ms in the house lol

    I just realized the other day that there are two bags of M&Ms left over from the holidays, one of them is actually opened and I have been sleeping pretty good :laugh:
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    Hey this is great! Thanks for starting the thread!

    -We have a bunch of German Christmas candy left over still- and the only time I indulged a bit, I tracked it deliberately.
    -The foods that I'm starting to crave on a daily basis are things like oatmeal, green smoothies, chicken breast, eggs, etc.
    -I went for a jog last night just because I wanted to. Even though it was 32 degrees! That's new!

    Thanks to my MFP friends who are super awesome motivators and examples!!
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    I never park up close to any stores. I always park out in the middle of nowhere. Partly because I have a F250 truck and it takes up to much room.

    At SO's house..I will run up and down the stairs all the time and not be winded.

    When I have nervous energy...I will take a walk instead of finding food.

    I can't say having candy around isn't tempting to me. My friends for work buy stuff I am allergic to so there is no temptatoin. I have a weakness for mints. I need to drink Mint tea and not peppermint puffs.
  • pMalak
    pMalak Posts: 41
    My biggest is that I stop eating when I'm full. An I just don't feel like eating more than what I need. Of course I have days when I eat tons but 90% of the time when my stomach tells me it's full I'm done.

    Also I don't add butter into everything I consume. Which was the case. I would go thru 2 sticks of butter a week just for myself. And that's when I didnt do much cooking.

  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I used to get winded (and walked very slowly) walking up the stairs. Now I fly up them with and it doesn't phase me at all.
    Before I would actually try to do as few trips up and down the stairs as possible, I'd do everything I needed to do upstairs, or I'd get everything I needed in one trip so I wouldn't have to make multiple trips. Now I purposely have it set up so I have to go up and down the stairs frequently throughout the day (I work from home)

    I've been told I have more energy than anyone my friend knows.

    My favorite place to be is at the gym.

    I have about 10 large bars of chocolate in the pantry right now - to make bark for an upcoming work party - and I don't want to eat it - in the past I'd have to buy the chocolate and make the bark the day before the party - and it would be hard to resist the temptation to eat the stuff! Now I don't want it.
  • I used to eat breakfast on very rare occasions. Now I make it a point to eat breakfast (not much, just enough to fuel up) every day.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    When I was younger I was very athletic and my metabolism was such that I could practically eat whatever I wanted. As I grew older, my metabolism changed but my eating habits did not. I've always loved food but food didn't love me back. At any rate, in the last few years, I've noticed that my desire to eat things like pasta or mexican foods has diminished. Not that I don't love them... I do. I just don't crave them constantly the way I used to.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Where do I start?

    Well, I haven't ever lost enthusiasm. In fact. EVERYONE notices how passionate I am about being healthy and active now. That's never happened before.

    I am actually considering changing my major from Geography (junior) to Human Performance Management with emphasis in wellness. Which would add another year at least to my studies.

    I have more sports bras, than actual bras now =D

    I think about spinning all the time. It's the first thing I think about doing at the gym, and is always what I plan to be around for when its group taught. NEVER would that have been me before.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    Love this thread - Here are my NSV since I have lost weight and became healthy:

    1. I sleep like a log and fall asleep in minutes. I used to toss and turn throughout the night for at lease an hour before I feel asleep. Now I fall asleep in minutes. Love this.
    2. I can't sleep in anymore - maybe its because I actually get more sleep overall but even on the weekends, the minute I wake up I am up for the day.....I attribute this to the extra energy I have.
    3. I get cranky if I DONT work out..yes, I love working out, it is "my time" during the day that is totally mine.
    4. I crave healthy food...I love my greek yogurt, hummus, fish, etc....
    5. LOVE shopping now...because everything looks good on me...not to say I am perfect, but I no longer have to look for a certain "type" of clothing...most everything I try on fits so it looks good :)
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    -I also look forward to my runs

    -wearing sneakers more than ever because I am being active

    -offering to help shovel snow and clean off cars last weekend so I could get more exercise

    -instead of wanting to go out to eat on date night, I want to go bowling, ice skating, play pool- or do anything that isn't just sitting and eating.

    -really being aggravated when the huge container of fresh spinach is gone and I forgot to grab another on my way home from work.

    - and a big one for me is not minding the sweat. I used to hate to sweat. Now I kind of look at it like it's a badge I earned from working my *kitten* off at the gym.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I used to get winded (and walked very slowly) walking up the stairs. Now I fly up them with and it doesn't phase me at all.
    Before I would actually try to do as few trips up and down the stairs as possible, I'd do everything I needed to do upstairs, or I'd get everything I needed in one trip so I wouldn't have to make multiple trips. Now I purposely have it set up so I have to go up and down the stairs frequently throughout the day (I work from home)

    I've been told I have more energy than anyone my friend knows.

    My favorite place to be is at the gym.

    I have about 10 large bars of chocolate in the pantry right now - to make bark for an upcoming work party - and I don't want to eat it - in the past I'd have to buy the chocolate and make the bark the day before the party - and it would be hard to resist the temptation to eat the stuff! Now I don't want it.

    Yes the energy thing!! A coworker the other day said, 'wow, you're always bouncing around this building! ' lol
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Love this thread - Here are my NSV since I have lost weight and became healthy:

    1. I sleep like a log and fall asleep in minutes. I used to toss and turn throughout the night for at lease an hour before I feel asleep. Now I fall asleep in minutes. Love this.
    2. I can't sleep in anymore - maybe its because I actually get more sleep overall but even on the weekends, the minute I wake up I am up for the day.....I attribute this to the extra energy I have.
    3. I get cranky if I DONT work out..yes, I love working out, it is "my time" during the day that is totally mine.
    4. I crave healthy food...I love my greek yogurt, hummus, fish, etc....
    5. LOVE shopping now...because everything looks good on me...not to say I am perfect, but I no longer have to look for a certain "type" of clothing...most everything I try on fits so it looks good :)

    Ooh, and totally agree with the shopping thing!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Come on guys, let's get some more lifestyle NSVs!
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    I have been smoke free for almost 3 months now :)
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I have been smoke free for almost 3 months now :)

    Wow!! Congrats!!!
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    I have been smoke free for almost 3 months now :)

    That is awesome .. Congrats !
  • violet_sphinx
    violet_sphinx Posts: 26 Member
    I actually enjoy a good salad, I don't get angry at the fact that I "have" to eat it, but enjoy the fact that I "want" to eat it.

    I totally agree with this one! I'm not anywhere near my goal weight yet but I have definitely made a lifestyle change. Three months ago I used to look at my really fit and healthy co-worker who always eats salad and think, "Oh man, how sad is that? He HAS to eat salad all the time and HAS to skip desert." Now I've started realising I'm having salads every day, never having dessert and being really good about what I eat without even thinking about it. I really look forward to my nice leafy lunch every day! I keep wondering what me three months ago would think if she saw my lunches now! :)