Donuts in breakroom

Hi all! I know this isn't an intensely serious post, but I was wondering if you guys could try to help me today. I went into the break room when I first got to work and saw a beautiful box from Dunkin' Donuts... I'm not hungry right now so everything was fine, but I know at 10:30 when it's time for my strawberries I'm going to struggle when I go to get them from the fridge. Now don't worry, I know that a little splurge here and there isn't terrible and actually helps prevent binge eating and such, but I'm trying to be extra conscious today since I know I'm going out tonight. Any funny and/or supportive comments welcome! T-minus an hour and a half until struggle commences :-p


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get your strawberries out now when your not hungry and stay clear of the breakroom. Good luck. :drinker:
  • Yes... simple and easy solution lol.... I'll fill up my water bottle and get my snack now while there's still hope!!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Tell me where you work and I will come take the donuts from your breakroom. I'm starving!
  • I agree. Get your strawberries now so you don't have to go in there later :) Drink lots of water!
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    And think about how good it will feel at the end of the day to know you didn't give into the power of the donut :)
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    Get your strawberries out now when your not hungry and stay clear of the breakroom. Good luck. :drinker:


    Your strawberries won't go bad in a few hours of not being refrigerated and it will alleviate the temptation if you don't go in there!
  • I have to deal with similar situations at work - example...yesterday for lunch coworkers ordered an arsenal of pizza and had them lined up in the office. I have to walk by food temptations like that all the time not to mention inhale the aromas of food. It is very difficult - esp. when they offer it to you. These are the challenging situations those of us who are attempting to make positive dietary changes are bound to face from time to time. Stay strong and remember all the hard work you have done in the gym, in the kitchen, etc etc..... those temptations just ain't worth it. :wink:
  • PokerChris
    PokerChris Posts: 120 Member
    You can't spell "donut" without "dont" LOL

    (Actually, donuts are my favorite food EVER, so I feel your struggle.)
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    A co-worker of mine has been leaving cookies for everyone in the break room... it has been two weeks and every day more cookies right next to the coffee machine.

    I just made it a personal challenge to not take one! This way each time I am tempted, I just think about my failing my challenge and i resist.
  • just look at the shape of the donuts! That's exactly the shape we become from eating them!
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    Tell me where you work and I will come take the donuts from your breakroom. I'm starving!


    Really though, I agree with everyone else- just don't set yourself up for failure by walking in the breakroom. :) Avoid the situation by grabbing your snacks now, stock up at your desk so you're not tempted, then maybe chew on something minty all morning. :) Gum usually helps me say no to things like that- especially if its a fresh piece!
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Ummhhh, D O N U T S ! ! !
  • You can't spell "donut" without "dont" LOL

    (Actually, donuts are my favorite food EVER, so I feel your struggle.)

    This reminds me of a time back in college when our dorm had donuts sitting out for breakfast. The person who labeled them spelled them as "Donot," which made me laugh...oddly appropriate! I hope it was intentional.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    YUMMY Doughnuts mmmmm I would get them out now that you are not hungry that way you are not tempted and then by lunch time they should be gone
  • Yesterday was a co-worker's birthday and a beautiful cake was ordered. Not only did I order the cake but I was delegated to CUT IT! I did resist temptation by eating some cantaloupe before the cake arrived.
  • MsPinVa
    MsPinVa Posts: 29 Member
    My sisters went through the same delima a few weeks ago, pray till 1030, that they will only have the yucky ones left. Making your strawberries win in taste. :)

    Or the wait 30 minute rule, and keep repeating when time is up. (Yes, I feel like I talk to inner demons - but it works)
  • stephie7396
    stephie7396 Posts: 9 Member
    I had a similar situation not to long ago, I literally walked by the box 10 times or more, not by choice, and each and every time I wanted to lift that lid and take one. I just kept reminding myself if it was really worth it. I thought about how many minutes of jogging it would take to burn that off, which would be about 35minutes! The nect time it happened I looked up the calories on the donuts and I chose the one with the lowest calorie count,(I wasn't eating out that night) Good luck and dont let the donuts win!:wink:
  • tmbaker03
    tmbaker03 Posts: 13 Member
    I wish I would have seen this post 30 minutes ago!!! I caved! I knew I shouldn't, but I did anyway. Once I sat down to log the calories is when I realized what a mistake I made. If it helps, look up the calories before hand and that might help deter you. Guess I'll just be having a smaller lunch than I anticipated. Besides, you'll have more fun splurging tonight than on those donuts.
  • mariodispenza
    mariodispenza Posts: 28 Member
    Don't eat a donut, don't even consider eating a donut. Our motivations are as much about behavior patterns as they are about anything else. About ten years ago, I saw a nutritionist about my cholesterol and she recommended the Mediterranean Diet, which really isn't a "diet" at all but more of a lifetstyle. I love Mediterranean food so, eating it wasn't much of a challenge but cutting out the volume of food/sweets and cutting down on the volume of alcohol was. But, I did it over time to the point of being the guy who everyone knows "doesn't like cake and sweets" and "doesn't drink."

    My habits are so engrained in me at this point that if I eat something sweet or something rich, which I'll do on occasion, I don't feel right the next day. It took a looooong time but even after battling weight my whole life, I am much happier because I prefer the healthier foods. Establish excellent habits for life - it's the only thing that works over the long term and it CAN be done..

    Hope this helps.
  • Thank you all! Every one of you were so helpful (I didn't expect so many responses!)

    Well, it's past 10:30 and I just finished all of my yummy strawberries with NO DONUT on the side! You guys rock :-)

    I don't know how to acknowledge a quote on here but I wanted to comment on this:
    "Or the wait 30 minute rule, and keep repeating when time is up. (Yes, I feel like I talk to inner demons - but it works)"

    It's funny because yesterday someone left boneless wings in the break room for the taking and it was sooooooooo haaarrrrdddddd for me to not eat one! But for the first time I told myself "Ok, in 15 minutes see if you still want it. If you do, go back into the room and get one." It turns out that 20-25 mins had passed because some things came up and when I went back in they were gone! It was awesome hahaha.