

  • I'm so sorry but I haven't read all the other posts, there was just too many! But I wanted to put in my experience as I too, have had issues like yours. After getting referals etc, seeing drs and specialists. I now drink a yakult every morning and if I know I haven't been in a while I'll drink a teaspoon of epsom salts…
  • I took a trip about 6 years ago to Egypt and they smoke shisha (or hookah) everywhere. I actually brought some back. I smoke it every now and again as a social thing with my boyfriend and our friends. It's not the same as a cigarette and its completely legal. I just love all the flavours! I've never been a smoker and I…
  • Accounts Administrator - so account receivable, monthly reporting, purchasing and anything else they want to throw at me. Me: You're account is overdue by 15 days. You're account has been put on hold and you won't be receiving goods until the account is paid up. Account: But its only $100! How can you hold me for that?!…
  • So I'm with the "I definitely do mind" group. Purely because of my lack of self confidence. I've had exes in the past lie and cheat and all that stuff, so I'm very insecure. I've been with my current partner quite a while now and I've relaxed a bit - as in I'm ok with him having picture of half naked anime chicks on his…
  • Wow so many responses! I'm a tad overwhelmed by all the supportive answers :) I really like alot of points you all made, about not calling it exercise and especially not saying i "have" to do it but i "get" to do it. I do have a lot of negative thoughts about myself and am slowly working on being more positive with…
  • @stacivouge lol! that would be great! I'd sign up to be a test subject if that helps? :)
  • @Marjolycookie Walking at lunch doesn't really feel like its working anything so I doubt it gets my heart rate up. My partner is definitely not an active person so I can't get him to do any exercise with me, and I currently don't have any friends where I live cause I moved. But I think walking is the way to go. I just need…
  • Those quotes are awesome. And I love the picture! I'm printing it now and putting it up!
  • Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred :)
  • You look awesome. I started the 30DS ages ago but stopped because it seemed to be hurting my knees. Probably just means I'm really unfit though! You've given me motivation to start again though. Can I ask how many inches/cm you lost around your thighs doing it?
  • What a great result over roughly a month! You look fantastic! Gives me motivation to keep trying :)
  • Oh no! Mint isn't available in Australia yet. Bummer. I'll have to give the expense manager a go
  • Perfect! Thanks guys I'll have to have a look at them both :) I'm hoping to really cut back on spending and actually save for better things
  • When I lose 15kg, I'm going to wear skirts and dresses every day to work. And go out to clubs and dance again and feel amazing. When I lose 15kg, I'm going to cosplay When I lose 15kg, I'll finally feel confident to wear fitted clothing. And not just jeans and a shirt.
  • Thanks! That sounds so yummy! I might have to try that this weekend. I was more looking for dinner things though. Stuff that I can just chuck in and let it do its thing. I love steaming stuff because you don't use extra oils or fats. I'm just not sure what works well that way lol
  • Thanks cheetahcub201 and meechoXD. Good to know there isn't any real danger in it. I've learnt something today! :)
  • Lol well its good to hear that I'm not the only one out there! It runs fine. So yeah, its not really a big deal. I just wish I could make my partner see it that way.
  • Every part of me believes it. And every part of me wants to be able to stop eating fast food. But I know I won't. Those nights that you just don't feel like cooking - maccas is on the way home. I wonder if one of those mystery ingredients is some sort of drug to keep us addicted, isn't that the only way you can surely keep…
  • thanks all! some great ideas out there. Sometimes they have alright shows on the tvs in front of the cardio area that I might tune in to, but lately its just football and midday movies. I love midday movies but with only half hour to workout (as I go in my lunch break) I'd miss most of the movie lol. Think I might get some…
  • I try to stay away from sugar as much as possible and I eat rather healthy. Veggies all the time, I still eat red meat for dinner more times then white meat, as I have low iron issues and thats the easiest way for me to keep them normal. I do half hour of exercise about 4-5 times a week as well as about half hour of…