Dear Fast Food, PT. 1

After spending an hour on youtube watching videos like "how are chicken nuggets made"... I've decided to take a break from eating YOU, a long break. I never knew the facts about certain foods, until now. For example, did you know that until recently McDonald's cooked their fries in 93% beef tallow; which in turn, meant they had more saturated fat than their burgers? That was 1990.

Due the some less than great publicity about the hazardous amounts of cholesterol in their fries, they switched to vegetable oil in 1990. However, McDonald's still continues, in 2011, to use an ingredient they refer to as "natural flavoring," which they admit comes from an animal (they just won't reveal which one), but it's probably an abused one. Plus, buy some McDonald's fries out for a month... any mold? Now, cut some real potatoes, fry them, leave those out for a month.... any mold?

Wait... there's more.

You just ordered a strawberry milkshake. Congratulations, you just purchased a 5th grade science project. The average strawberry milkshake at a "fast food" restaurant contains more than 50 different chemicals, many of which could only be deciphered by a...… scientist. In addition to these four- and five-syllable words in the ingredient list, they also contain something called "natural flavoring," which, as aforementioned, may in fact come from nature, but not in the form that you'd expect.

Yes, people.. more animals. BARF!

Of course, the knowledgeable people of the FDA insists that to claim the use of "natural ingredients" in a food product, the ingredients have to be derived from natural sources. Natural sources include herbs, spices, yeast, roots, fruits, vegetables, beef, chicken, and other animals, oink oink. Therefore, the natural flavoring in your strawberry shake is probably NOT strawberry.

Oh! Did you also know... that guy, you know... the cute guy behind the counter making your "100% beef, never frozen" burger, didn't wash his hands after using the bathroom? Now I'll give most proud employees the benefit of the doubt... some wash their hands, including myself, because I... like 265% of America; worked at a famous fast food chain. Sadly, I have encountered plenty of times, where my stoner co-worker didn't think to wash his hands before placing the pickles, and the tomatoes on your "100% beef, never frozen" burger. Eat up, you burger is filled with delicious stoner germs.

Are you awake... good, because that wasn't the least of it. Working at this wonderful establishment, I've stepped on numerous cockroaches, ducked away from odd looking spiders... had many "WTF is that?" moments? Seen my greatest of friends prepare a undercooked burger, and then quickly place it a "buttered bun".... oh yeah, that butter... isn't butter... it substitute. I don't know what ingredients it consist of... but hey, it was yellow.

Okay students, facts of the day!

1) A sausage burrito at McDonald's contains more than 50 different ingredients, including milk, egg, wheat, corn syrup, and a range of chemicals and preservative agents. The hash browns are cooked with animal products and the bacon contains wheat and soy. At the "restaurant" I worked at... we "cooked pre-cooked bacon in the deep frier" along with fries. Hint... Ronny Jockets at Fix Slags.

2) Back in the 80s, when fast food chains weren't chemistry labs... workers use to come in early to peel and slice real potatoes. Yum. Well since then, people got lazy. Yada yada.. french fries get brown quickly, so fast food corps decided to find a way to make the perfect potato. Oh, and there is no peeling or slicing involved -- all fries are now made with machines, and bleached with a cool bleaching agent called sulfur dioxide. I've heard it washes your whites perfectly!

3) Your in a rush... kids are hungry. "I want cicken nugets mommy!"... Here's your kids' 5pc nuggets --->

4) Most of the meats at Subway contain MSG AND plenty of causer-causing nitrites. So next time you want to fill up on a delicious healthy sub, understand that the roast beef is filled with sodiyum and plenty of nitrates.

5) You love KFC fried chicken? I bet they don't....

Don't want anything with unknown, extra saturated, odd-sounding, chemically preserved ingredient... order a diet coke. But... you might want to watch this first: or even better,

I stated the facts... let's decuss it!
--- Don't believe me... here's the facts for you doubters of the delicious potato sticks.


EDIT: I am a fast food loving American, just like majority, matter of fact... while out all day... I ate some Wendy's a couple days ago BUT after reading about the FACTS... I can't. I'm more aware of what going on and I don't want ANY part of it.



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    watching chicken nuggets video, and probably regretting it
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    An interesting read. I'm not really able to discuss very much at the moment. But I read the other day that a person eats an average of 12 pubic hairs from fast food restaurants a year.

    That said, I'm grabbing McDonalds tonight.
  • Figuringoutme
    Every time you get a craving i hope you remember all of this!!!

    eww. I am so glad i don't eat fast food!
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member
    An interesting read. I'm not really able to discuss very much at the moment. But I read the other day that a person eats an average of 12 pubic hairs from fast food restaurants a year.

    That said, I'm grabbing McDonalds tonight.

    Make sure to order a delicious strawberry milkshake and some nuggets!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Thankfully I eat neither. I get the salads. Not a nugget fan and I hate sweet stuff.
  • Appleness
    Every part of me believes it. And every part of me wants to be able to stop eating fast food.
    But I know I won't. Those nights that you just don't feel like cooking - maccas is on the way home. I wonder if one of those mystery ingredients is some sort of drug to keep us addicted, isn't that the only way you can surely keep people eating it when they know its all so horrible and bad for you?

    Dear me I wish I was stronger! Maybe I can stop the maccas runs by keeping frozen pizzas or pies at home for those nights, surely they can't be AS bad as "natural flavouring".