tpcooper Member


  • I have lost over 50 pounds 4 times in my life and working on #5. I don't just start going back up immediately, I generally hold the weight off, anywhere from 1 year to 10 years until some major life event causes me to lose focus. When I lose the weight I am usually in a good place in my life overall and can focus on the…
  • Your sister's friend is clearly either just using the term flippantly or has a disordered body image. I actually opened this thread to read because of the fact I don't think "fat" is scientific term (though I could be wrong!). I was 175 most of my adult life. When I hit 185 I felt fat. When I hit 195 I felt giant. When I…
  • Congrats on deciding to do something about it!
  • Here is my philosophy, it is only a failure if you didn't enjoy it. :-) I did not get fat because I made poor choices on vacations and special events, I got fat because I are poor all the time, when I was alone, when I was bored, when I was busy, etc. etc. If I only ate poorly times I would actually ENJOY IT, no big deal.…
  • Welcome! I am sure you will love it here.
  • In my opinion it really just depends on where you are starting from, and what your experience is with exercising in the past. I would not go from NO exercise to 6 days per week.
  • Just so you know, there is a dedicated Medifast group. You may want to join there so you can get a lot more opinions. I am on Medifast and have some thoughts I will post in a bit (I have to be at a hike in a few minutes!).
  • Welcome! I love this place.
  • And let me add. I just think this program works too well to not restart it! :-) Sorry, I'm just a big fan.
  • Hi Melissa! Personally, I would recommend doing the 5&1 and cutting back. I know that isn't what you want to hear. :-) I can tell you I exercised a lot on the program, so much I don't even want to post it so as not to encourage other people to do the same. Here is how I did it though. 1. Cut back the first day. 2. Slowly…
  • Thanks!
    in My Results Comment by tpcooper July 2013
  • It is great that at least it seems to be out of genuine concern. I can't believe some of the things people think about heath, nutrition, and weight loss.
  • I went last week and had the Herb-Grilled Salmon. I recommend it. I am new to low carb so it was hard for me to watch all the pasta and breadsticks being eaten!
  • First, let me say I have never done this well! I think the best way to do it would be to up your calories 100 per day, keep there a week, and see what happens. Once you reach a point you don't lose for a week you are probably about there. Then weigh once a week and if you gain a week make a small adjustment down. Of…
  • I am a believer in Medifast, but different things good for different people, so I am not going to try too hard to defend the program. I can say I lost 50 pounds using a program most people on MFP would have agreed with. I hate 1800 - 2300 cal a day and lost the weight over 6 months. I held if for a couple and gained back…
  • Have you all never been asked what length marathon you ran or are running? You know, a 5k marathon, a 10k marathon and so on. :-)
  • Lol. I would be thinking about food. Forget my family and loved ones, that's why I have life insurance. :-) I would eat EVERYTHING. I guess this shows who the true food addicts are.
  • Stay strong this weekend! The longer I go staying on program, the easier it gets.
  • I wouldn't worry about it. I learned when I was about 5 to never assume someone was pregnant. My dad is a dentist and I basically asked his hygienist when her baby was coming. To think an adult woman would not know the same lesson by now is hard for me to believe, I have to think it was intentional
  • It sounds like the original poster already made his decision, but just for other people that may read this thread, I wanted to post why I am doing Medifast, and 4.5 weeks in, it is working for me. I don't think it is right for everyone at all times though. I first lost over 50 pounds when I was around 16. I just started…
    in Medifast Comment by tpcooper June 2013
  • No, but I did have a particularly strenuous day the day before. I was out in the sun for over 4 hours and it got to me. It was 91 in Nashville. My body was probably trying to recover.
  • I am just starting the program (this is my 11th day) and I am scared to eat anything not specifically part of the diet. How does adding things like 1/2 a cup of almond milk fit in? I have had pancakes but no Medifast syrup so I have been eating those plain every morning. :-)
  • On my 10th day. I like the shakes. I like the bars. I like most of the mix water and microwave products. I still can't stand the "bites" type items. I have the bbq bites, the nacho cheese puffs, and the mixed berry cereal. They have gotten worse for me every day. I try to eat one of them every day so I eventually use them…
  • This sounds absolutely awful, I love Chinese buffet restaurants, and that would be my splurge. Not going to do a splurge though!!!!!
  • Well I made it one full week with no cheats! That is a pretty big step for me! I did make a couple of mistakes but they don't seem to have hurt the plan - I didn't realize brussell sprouts were not ok and ate them as part of my lean and green one day. I also had a restaurant meal that had a few baby carrots in the mixed…