Terraforcejenny Member


  • I'm lifting a bit more than I was before, actually. I've cut back on cardio, but I'm trying to add it back. I've found I prefer lifting so it's been hard to have as much cardio going on, haha
  • Ok so here are the advantages, in my opinion, of quest bars: Low on sugar (seriously low, about less than 1g), decent calories, high on protein for small amount of bar. Not many carbs or fat either, but still present. Aren't as slick-chewy as powerbars, aren't as thick/granola-y as cliff and similar. Not as soft or as…
  • I can do a full pushup! I can clamber up the stocking shelves at work like a monkey! I have more nights where I can get to a restful state of sleep, as well as nights where I can "go to bed" (versus reading, getting distracted, etc) when I'm supposed to. I can hear someone be rude to me, or say something that would have…
  • CICO; calories in, calories out. Keep track of your water too; a lot of medications cause weight gain due to impacting appetite but also affecting hormones and water retention. Regardless, if you're consuming less calories than you're using, you'll lose weight (even if it might be slower/ less even than it should be). I…
  • Eating late has actually helped me with my diet. I would get heart burn if I didn't eat for so long, and I would also be more likely to wake up during the night. I've found something high in protein or with a whole fat in it to be helpful (greek yogurt with some protein powder is a good mix).
  • Is it possible you're gaining muscle pretty swiftly? I've heard that muscle gains are fastest when you're initially a novice, and slow down as your body becomes more used to the activity. Hearing that it's from your calves makes me wonder if this is the case (my calves were some of the first to grow).
  • I am taking a FULL STOP rest day. It's been a struggle to do this, but my muscles are sore, I'm low on sleep, and the idea of doing cardio is in my mind but I am trying to rest so I can lift tomorrow. In addition, I added up my week's calories, and my deficit isnt' as low as I'd like. To keep in line with that, I would…
  • Is it panic-then-binge, or you start binge-then-panic...? I don't usually want to eat during a panic attack or the more jittery kind of anxiety moments, but if I'm out and about and in a social scenario (or one where I feel pressure to "present" myself), I'm more likely to eat large amounts (usually in the avoidance of…
  • I'm probably smaller in frame than this person, but I still have weight to lose. You're entitled to your opinion, but for me, I think that's a realistic photo to choose. There is nothing in that image that tells you her bodyfat %, or that she "doesn't have much to lose". You can't see her stomach, thighs, arms. You know…
  • If you don't stay properly hydrated or it upsets your stomach frequently, you might think you're gaining weight because it can cause bloating. The calories alone in coffee aren't enough though; might want to watch creamers and sweeteners though.
  • I don't have BPD but one of my best friends has it; like you, she initially was overwhelmed by depression and had a lot of problems with getting motivated physically. She doesn't have PTSD, but I do (as well as ADHD-C and MDD). Since her and I didn't have the same diagnosis but often overlapped on medications, we compared…
  • If I'm going for flavor, and not health: Melba snack toast, a weight watchers icecream, fudgsicle, handful of nuts. For healthier choices: sliced cucumber, baby carrots, spinach (raw, if you eat at least a handful it really does stave off hunger cravings), apple, fiber bar if I gotta be quick and dirty about it
  • I can't do rest days fullhog. I have to do something. I get too anxious otherwise! It's fine if it's just like, me being social so I miss the workout (I'll just make that the "Rest" day for the week). But, I love cardio. I love moving. My life is pretty sedentary and I like it as a healthy outlet for my anxiety and stuff.…
  • Your BMR is if you were at your most sedentary; this is you not exercising, not standing for most of the day, etc. This is what you should eat to maintain basic functions; you can go below it, but your body wont be burning fat effeciently, etc (you'll start getting slim but losing muscle, you'll start becoming nutrient…
  • Start thrift shopping; pants with spandex, and tops with similar stretchy materials, often shrink a little in the wash (I avoided saying dresses because when they shrink it's less "fitted" as a result and more likely to be a poorer fit). I suggest added these to your wardrobes; leggings if you're a lady, if you're a guy…
  • What made you interested in getting healthier initially? Was it so others could appreciate your body? Was it personal? Was it a sort of F-You to someone/somepersons? General fitness? Usually when you hit this point, it is suggested that whatever your initial goal is 1. Not enough OR 2. You've become disconnected from it OR…
  • So when I can't fill MFP, I keep a written diary...that I always, ALWAYS forget to put into MFP D: In addition, I almost always forget to include my exercise (I swear I'm not just sitting in one place every day xD). I only just made my food log public, and it's frustrating when the days I eat the most properly...are the…
  • I know I suggest this a lot, but if you find yourself unable to meet you goal/ not being hungry at the appropriate times, but you know the time you should be hungry (say, 4-5 hours after your last meal), an occasional insure or carnation instant breakfast can be a good meal supplement. I highly suggest actual food items…
  • Buffalo sauce and jasmine rice with seaweed. You make the rice, then take the stripseaweed, "grab" the rice with it, a bit of sauce and BAM! Delicious. Also, this is a sometimes food, cinnaminsugar toast. Cookiecutter shape is optional :3
  • Ok this is a super late update but here it is! I talked to a psychiatrist, and got a new sleep aid (apparently this one is the one they switch you to specifically to avoid sleep eating!). I haven't been sleep eating as much, but I HAVE discovered a few things: 1. My sleep eating occurs most often when I "jolt" awake at…
  • I don't own a body scale. I found myself getting depressed and anxious, and it gave my jerkbrain an opportunity to trash myself. I also don't have a body mirror; I feel like this contributed to me not noticing a lot of my weight gain :( but even if it's a good idea to have them, I have such low esteem towards my body right…
  • Are you a pikachu? Because you're shockingly beautiful ;)
  • Recently discovered that the Cosmos podcast I was listening had a section where they repeatedly suggested I go and eat snacks. I didn't know about this (I was asleep already) but my boyfriend woke up to Neil deGrasse Tyson saying 'eat snacks" 3 times in a row and shut down the podcast, haha. Now I'm wondering if these…
  • Hey, not to be rude to the above posters, but just because someone isn't fit doesn't make them "skinny fat" or anything like that. It's good to exercise, but the reason shouldn't be because there's a shame factor, and telling people to exercise because otherwise they'll be less attractive is a bit rude. The more guilt you…
  • Thanks everyone for your responses! I had no idea that antidepressants/sleep aids could contribute to this. I haven't been taking my sleep aid in awhile, so I'm not sure if that's it, but I will try to monitor this (I am supposed to "take as needed", so I will probably have the sigfig keep track of me whilst on vs off). I…
  • I started losing weight on lexapro; sort of like what you said, I just ate smaller portions or just...lacked an appetite at all. May I humbly suggest carnation instant breakfasts (the smaller bottles) or Ensure? Obviously this is something to discuss with your doctor, but on the days where food just couldn't be tolerated,…
  • Ughh I hear you. Especially when you're creating the habits that lead to fitness; for me, when I first lost weight, it was a combination of habitually recording food (so I could be aware of my intake) and THEN the exercising regularly (I started doing it before entering my food logs, so they fed into each other :) ). Now…
  • I always find that timing is more important in how much I eat when I have time to eat; if I go longer than 4 hours, I tend to hit that "I'm SUPER hungry" and will eat more than I planned. If I eat a meal at a 4 hr point, then snack in 2 hrs, I tend to eat the right amount. This is something I'm still working on though...
  • It's totally worth it! You don't have to drink if you don't want to (I suggest the "empty beer can" trick if you want to blend in while avoiding beverages, or the solo cup of coke without rum :) ). It's always nice to mingle; if you feel uncomfortable at a particular invite due to shyness, just bring a +1 of a friend you…