Kebby83 Member


  • I don't burn as many calories as with other videos (like bob harper). I really enjoy her kick boxing video. I did 30 day shred several times and I feel strength from it.
  • I wear a heart rate monitor and add it as circuit training but put in the amount my HRM said. It is usually about 100 cals less than MPF suggests.
  • The old me has screwed up too. The me 12 months ago that would have scoffed at the idea of eating cookies - what wasted calories. The me that worked out straight after work and then went for a walk with my kid and ran around the park -- the me that then decided that those calories looked pretty good and what did it matter…
  • Once upon a time there was a hare who, boasting how he could run faster than anyone else, was forever teasing tortoise for its slowness. Then one day, the irate tortoise answered back: “Who do you think you are? There’s no denying you’re swift, but even you can be beaten!” The hare squealed with laughter. “Beaten in a…
  • What you just described is a glorified day care. :) I do agree about the school lunches though. The school encouraged us big time to sign up for the free lunches. And I qualify but I send her lunch in every day (Gotta keep her fed while you are busy raising her and I am off gettin' my nails done!). Also - Really glad…
  • My husband is 20 years older than me. I still make him take the trash out.
  • Having been to a lot of NA meetings with my ex husband - it IS religious based. I disagree. The religion is the step program. It is a cult. My ex husband STILL, to this day (even though he was a drug and alcohol counselor, 20 years clean with a relapse) has to consult his higher power (the group) and sponsor as to whether…
  • Mine has said that!
  • It's not really funny. I don't like 12 step programs but I don't think it's comical that someone finds it so hard not to over eat that they need to get help for it. Why do you?
  • Also some people just really suck their guts in. :) Men especially wear pants under their belly.
  • I weigh between 135 and 143 (seriously, F U junk food cravings) and I fit a size 4 (US) most times, sometimes a size 6. (US). I am 5"5, brown eyes and a charming smile :)
  • skinnymusic you aren't normal if you have an eating disorder. You may be acting irrationally for a rational reason but it is not normal to starve/binge/purge - which is why it is disordered and why people need treatment so that they can learn how to have a "normal" relationship with food. (From a girl that has had an…
  • I love turnips (rutabaga). Just boil them.
  • Beautiful smile in the car.
  • The other day I ate half a box of special K - one bowl after the next with 2% milk in each. And about 10 fun size milky ways, a kit kat, 5 guys and fries burger and fries, a bowl of icecream and an apple. Within about two hours, and it wasn't all I ate all day - I stopped logging after lunch because it all went downhill…
  • Don't watch people work out, wipe down machines, Don't talk to people, do talk to people, don't make eye contact, do make eye contact, don't go on a machine next to someone and look at their numbers, do watch people to see what you should do, wear work out clothes, wear slobbish clothes, do wear make up, don't wear make…
  • 1 cup = 16 table spoons. That's all I know.
  • At 17 I would eat and vomit about 10-15 times a day. Call it bulimic, whatever. I wasn't very well - I was agoraphobic and in such a bad mental space that it freaks me out to think of it now. When I stopped throwing up I carried on eating the amount that I binged on. Hello 285lbs. I still struggle with it but not in the…
  • I think it's weird. But... each to their own. I mean - there is no politically correct way to explain why I think it's weird. You are worried in a male dominated place that you will have to fight to show dominance - so you take up a mostly female activity in a public place and post about it on the internet - that's weird…
  • I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate hearing "OH you're as skinny as me!!!" said in the kind of tone that makes me tilt my head to the right and smile sympathetically - I know that feeling of not feeling quite comfortable with your body... Plus a girl said to me the other day "Oh you are almost as thin as me!" and I said "yeah,…
  • You have probably changed a lot too - the way you stand, the way you speak, the way you act. They could just be indimidated by the more confidence you have. I find women aren't as nice to me now also that I am thinner. They used to talk me and joke with me and now some of them are stand offish. I don't know why, but I do…
  • I don't tell anyone anymore because I have lost a lot and people are bored of it, lol. I just do my thing. I used to tell people and I would get unwanted advice, unwanted attention and unwanted criticism. It's none of anyones business anyway. I don't need a reason to say no to a damn doughnut!
  • What do your kids do while you rock climb, salsa dance and are at the gym? Does your house get messy while you are doing those things? When do you get time to sit and relax with your kids? I sit and watch a movie with my kid and we snuggle and talk about it and it's fun :) Also - you would laugh at me because last night we…
  • I use jillian M's 30 day shred and bob harpers cardio DVD's. I like them, I get bored of Jillian though. I don't get bored of bob - more to look at if you know what I mean!
  • I am bad at interacting. But I read the news feed at least 1000 times a day, it encourages me and helps me. I just don't get much time to interact. When I can I try to shove comments in and it feels a little like a popularity contest. I know I've been unfriended in the past but myfitnesspal really isn't my identity, you…
  • My husband - "If you lost 50lbs you'd look just like her", after saying how beautiful an actress is. I lost 100lb, and I pick on him all the time about it.
  • Just say No. That's what we teach our kids - can we have the same will power we expect them to have against something as serious as drugs against a candy bar? I think so.
  • Mine have gotten better. The less weight I am I notice the less days it is here. When I was 280+lbs it was horrible cramps and lasted at least 7 days. Now I am 130something and it lasts about 3 days. I do get more carb craving than I used to though (honestly because before I was probably eating those carbs like a crazy…
  • I always have a greek yogurt right after my workout. I am not really hungry but if I don't then I find I feel like crap - headache, nausea, dizzy about 2 hours later.