what my skinny friends say



  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    both you and your friends sound rude
    Agreed. And under-educated in the ins and outs of weight loss.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Sounds like they aren't very good friends if they feel the need to point out the fact that you've put on some weight... Next time they do that... subtly point out what a big nose they have, or how many split ends they have or something else less desirable about them and see how they like it.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    the only reason i said they are naturally skinny is that '' they are '' my friends '' neverrrr work out ''' they '' hate it '' , i live on the 2nd floor so when they come by my place they wait out side my building so that they wouldn't have to take the stairs, cuz the 2nd floor is too much for them '' p.s: it's what they say '' , walking in the street for them is just stupid cuz we can just take a taxi , so i am not trying to not give credit to all the peoplewho work hard to take care of their body or disrespect anyone but some people don't work out and they eat what ever they want and still they don't put on any weight
    I was going to put this out.. if these girls are your "friends" then I'm sure you have a pretty good idea whether or not they work hard to be skinny, or if they are naturally that way. The aren't strangers you are saying this about. I know which of my friends are naturally thin and which friends work to be like that. Get off her back people.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    the only reason i said they are naturally skinny is that '' they are '' my friends '' neverrrr work out ''' they '' hate it '' , i live on the 2nd floor so when they come by my place they wait out side my building so that they wouldn't have to take the stairs, cuz the 2nd floor is too much for them '' p.s: it's what they say '' , walking in the street for them is just stupid cuz we can just take a taxi , so i am not trying to not give credit to all the peoplewho work hard to take care of their body or disrespect anyone but some people don't work out and they eat what ever they want and still they don't put on any weight

    I have skinny friends who eat 'whatever they want'

    However 'whatever they want' may happen to be a big fat burger for lunch but that's likely all they'll eat that day, not through a deliberate attempt to not put weight on, just that they really have small appetites whereas I would have the big fat burger and then also have dinner and several snacks.

    If they are saying to you that you've put on weight I'd respond with something along the lines of 'and you appear to have forgotten your social graces' and then change the subject.
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    I never knew that the Skinny and the Overweight are two different tribes and there is a war between them!!!

    People are people with their issues and insecurities. Rudeness is more often than not a manifestation of these issues and insecurities, regardless of their shape or size. A person who has healthy self-esteem, feels genuinely good about themselves and is at peace does not intentionally hurt another human being.
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Anyone above the age of like 22 has to WORK at being thin. If they eat too much... and don't exercise guess what? They too... will gain weight.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Well, your skinny friends can just bite me. Or you.
  • kpbs68
    kpbs68 Posts: 20
    Yes, some of us that go to the gym all the time and are fit do go home and over eat. That is one of the biggest reasons I am on here as I have a food addiction that has gotten the best of me. I work every day to keep my weight under control and I am still 25lbs over my ideal body weight, but I am fit while being moderately heavy.
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    I was going to put this out.. if these girls are your "friends" then I'm sure you have a pretty good idea whether or not they work hard to be skinny, or if they are naturally that way. The aren't strangers you are saying this about. I know which of my friends are naturally thin and which friends work to be like that. Get off her back people.

    not always true. friends say I am ''naturally skinny'' when I work my *kitten* off all day. I just dont talk about my diet and exercise routines because I dont want to be ''that friend''. Friends dont know everything about each other. They think I eat anything I want and dont exercise- i just dont correct them.
  • Emeshee
    Emeshee Posts: 26 Member
    don't assume they're naturally that way. I take elevators, and am generally lazy throughout the day but still wake up at 6 Am to work out in the morning. people just don't know!
    and as far as food goes, I don't like to discuss how I eat with people. sometimes i say i eat whatever i want to shut them up. and if I eat something unhealthy out with friends, I sure as hell make up for it by eating very little the rest of the day. what you eat in private shows up in public ;)
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate hearing "OH you're as skinny as me!!!" said in the kind of tone that makes me tilt my head to the right and smile sympathetically - I know that feeling of not feeling quite comfortable with your body...
    Plus a girl said to me the other day "Oh you are almost as thin as me!" and I said "yeah, I'm down to a size four"... she got a heart broken look on her face and said quietly "smaller than me, then"... I don't want to make her feel bad, I wouldn't do that, but she has boasted about her being so thin since my 100lbs ago, so I didn't feel so bad.

    And there ARE two tribes of fat and thin. We socialize once in a while but I SEE how people treat you differently first hand. Women especially - we can be *****es.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    these are people you consider your friends? :huh:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Joined Oct 2012
    Posts: 457
    Mon 11/05/12 06:08 PM
    I absolutely hate it when people assume that I'm thin because I'm just lucky! I work hard and don't eat a lot of things I see other people eating to maintain my weight. Just because you see me eating something at a dinner doesn't mean I haven't lived on veggies all day to be able to eat that. Most "naturally" thin people are really just way better at making food choices.


    well said. :)
    ^^^^^ THIS
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Clearly you need new friends and the world needs to read ms. manners again.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    this guy who weight 110lbs, with about 90lbs of it being lean body mass, he eats less than my 40 pound dog. (and he thinks he eats alot)

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    This is the lie that undermotivated people say to themselves as an excuse to support their self defeating mentality and fail before they even give themselves a chance. I should know, I said this for a long time.

    waaaa, my metabolism isn't what it used to be
    boohooo, if it were that easy we'd all be thin
    *wipes crocodile tear* I'd be skinny too if I had all day

    When I decided that I was in fact no different from everyone else excepting my motivation and submission to my excuses I took control of my health, size, and fitness goals. Here's your tough love, own it. It's not your metabolism's fault, it's not your genetics fault, it's your fault you can't bring yourself to get up and do it. Do it, stick to it, give yourself a chance . . . or keep whining.

    The people who know me know how hard I work and how much I struggle. Any one who *kitten*-U-mes that it's easy . . . well I invite them to live a month in my life and tell me how easy I have it waking up at 430 in the morning to get in a lift and/or run, working my ft job, going to my pt job (which is now in fitness), eeking out a few hours here and there with my son, eeking out a few minutes with my husband, just to fall over and do it again.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Its rude for you to assume it is easy for them to maintain their weight. It is equally rude of them to point out you've gained weight. Be a better friend and you'll have better friends.

    You win.
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    I absolutely hate it when people assume that I'm thin because I'm just lucky! I work hard and don't eat a lot of things I see other people eating to maintain my weight. Just because you see me eating something at a dinner doesn't mean I haven't lived on veggies all day to be able to eat that. Most "naturally" thin people are really just way better at making food choices.

    She mentioned her "friends" so I think we can make the assumption that she knows what their food habits are. My sister was always thin now she is older she cannot eat what she use to and not gain weight. My husband use to say about a mutual friend people who can't lose weight are lazy, just put the fork down and step away from the table it is not that difficult. Well now as we age he has gained and is having a difficult time losing.....sometimes I want to say just put your fork down...and step away from the table...;)

    Having said that sorry to say your friends sound like rude idiots.
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    I have a very overweight friend who strongly suggested that I am the way I am is due to metobolism, and inferred the same thing was true for him. Although I am naturally thin I did want to ask him to show me his workout logs for the last 20 years, or list the number of times he chose a single burger instead of a triple. I'm not where I want to be, but I've worked hard over the years to try and stay fit.
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    And there ARE two tribes of fat and thin. We socialize once in a while but I SEE how people treat you differently first hand. Women especially - we can be *****es.

    Hmm, I hear what you are saying and it would be inappropriate of me to try and invalidate your feelings. I am truly sorry you have had unpleasant experiences.

    However, when I am reading some of the threads, especially the ranting threads, it makes me reflect on the power we all have to take some ownership in reducing the *****iness and unnecessary ugliness in our own lives, exercise appropriate compassion and also set clear boundaries of how we allow to be treated by those around us.

    What I mean by it is firstly try to understand where the other person is coming from. As I said earlier, no healthy and happy person intentionally hurts another human being. If they do, it is only because they feel bad about themselves (regardless of how skinny or pretty they may look) and their 'strategy' is to put another person down. It is textbook insecurity-induced behaviour. If you think of it as this is their dysfunction talking, it is easier not to take it quite so personally.

    Secondly, and very importantly, assert your boundaries. Tell you friend or colleague very politely, calmly but firmly that you felt their comment was hurtful. They either respect that (and you!) or you will find out that this is not a person you want to have around and distance yourself from him or her.

    We all have so much more power over our lives and what we allow into our lives than we care to acknowledge :flowerforyou: