maaadde Member


  • Maybe this is a cultural thing, so I don't mean to sound condemning at all, but do you have to keep unhealthy snacks for the children at home? Won't that just make them eat it more, which is a health risk for them too? I have a four year old daughter and I never keep any unhealthy snacks at home, here in Sweden kids…
  • Unfortunately I can't try Benadryl since I live in Sweden and there hasn't been a single product with its active substance available here since April first, 1971 (I just googled, haha). Back then we actually had that Benadryl cream. But since it doesn't itch it probably wouldn't help anyway :( but thanks for your input! I…
  • Wine doesn't have fat in it and it does have carbs, but let's not forget the fourth type of "nutrient" that we can actually take up energy from - alcohol. Which wine does contain a fair amount of ;) if I remember correctly, 100% alcohol contains 7 dietary calories per gram. Otherwise clear liquors like vodka wouldn't have…
  • I should probably do that, thanks for your advice. It doesn't hurt or itch or anything, they look like tiny little zits but maybe that still doesn't rule out the allergy option. And about the fat burners, I know they don't burn the fat away per se but the do increase my energy level more than any amount of coffee can ever…
  • I usually try to stay around 2000 or slightly above like 2200. It happens that I go way above, like if I choose to go out with my friends but those indulgences usually ends up backfiring because I gain like that whole weeks loss right back lol
  • Okay this gives me hope that my current plan (that I switched to the day before yesterday) could work. Some people on here suggested I bump up my calories to what mfp gives me if I wanna lose .5 lbs a week (about 1600), and eat back some of my exercise calories. Haha, sugary foods are the worst/best depending on how you…
  • That's amazing, and I'm sure you'll get down to your goal weight eventually! Like you said it's probably more sustainable with a slower loss and not feel deprived, but on the other hand, not actually being overweight there's not real reason to lose it all very quick. I do however understand that it sucks to accept that,…
  • As it turns out, my iPhone language was set to Swedish (because well, I am Swedish), and in the Swedish version of the app there's no such item on that list. I changed my phone language to English and voila, there it is. No wonder I couldn't find it before lmao. I'll just keep my phone set to English, thank you for your…
  • I see, thank you for your advice! :) maybe it'll actually be easier to stick to a diet a bit higher in calories in the long run too. I use a running/exercise watch to track my exercise calories so I usually add the amount it says minus the amount I would have burnt anyway (ie my BMR/time unit, which I've calculated to be…
  • Sorry, I haven't been on my computer for almost a week and I was in a bit of a rush last time I checked in. First of all I have to say those pictures are so amazing and inspiring, thank you for sharing!! How much of a deficit seems reasonable to you? I try to stick to about 1400 calories a day now, unfortunately I decided…
  • Thank you for replying! Losing 10% of my current bw will put me pretty close to what I consider my goal weight. I have no rush per se but I find it discouraging when the scale hardly moves at all for several weeks :/ If it's harder to lose when I'm already at a healthy weight, shouldn't I be eating a relatively low amount…
  • That's awesome for both of you! Any specific methods or just a general deficit?
  • It does calculate my running VO2max, I haven't been able to go out for a run today yet but I was thinking I will tomorrow to do it. Pace improving for a specific distance feels like an obvious indication of improved fitness!
  • I wasn't saying I'm doing tabata, but for HIIT I most definitely have time to glance at my watch during the 30-60 seconds I'm in either the fast or the slow parts of the workout. Why would you think that was impossible? I know I'll mainly use it for analyzing after but also then I think knowing my HR during the workouts,…
  • I want to be able to know what my HR is while at different paces to kind of gauge how fit I am and see how it (hopefully) improves over time. I'd also like to know for my HIIT that I'm in a good zone etc. But I realize I might need to get a chest strap to get good results for HIIT training so perhaps I should have gone for…
  • That is true. I guess for similar reasons, I mainly want to keep the watch on all day long to use it as a step counter. Of course the biggest thing is I want to know my HR while exercising so that's a given but since I did quite extensive research before buying it and so many people were praising the watch and this…
  • Take the fit test that comes with the program, basically if you pass all the steps, you're good to go. I'd say you have to be in decent shape to do it, but there are a lot of other programs, like Power 90 (P90X without the Xtreme), that would do the job better for someone who's not in as good shape. But yeah, take the fit…
  • I want to lose about 10 pounds and my goals are set for a 350 cal deficit per day, but that's mostly because I need a little more energy than usual seeing as I had a baby 3 months ago and it can, frankly, be quite exhausting at times ;) Also, I'm not in a hurry. I just want to have dropped the weight l before summer. Now…
  • Good idea to keep ham/chicken in the fridge. I'm not too big on artificial sweeteners but some natural yogurt could work!
  • Haha there's a connection between dreams and cheese? Who knew! Eating nuts is a good idea. Kind of hard not to overeat though, cuz they're so good :D But I'll def try it! I eat a lot of eggs already so I'm a little worried my cholesterol levels will get too high if I eat more. But other than that, great tip :)
  • alright let's try a bump :)
    in Europeans? Comment by maaadde March 2012
  • Okay so maybe posting this around midnight a thursday was a little stupid, I'll bump it in the morning :)
    in Europeans? Comment by maaadde March 2012
  • This is actually pretty much exactly what I ended up on when I changed my goals earlier today. A little higher on the protein end but that's probably just good since I'm doing some pretty heavy lifting several days a week :) I hope it's gonna work out!
  • Thanks a lot to all of you. Doesn't seem as hopeless now lol. Some days I have no problems sticking to about 30% carbs, other days I want to eat like 50%. As for the losing weight/getting fit question, I know that they are totally different. What I want is to build some more muscle and lose the flab I have. I did a body…
  • that's great, you must have lost several inches, good job!
  • "Don't eat things that have ingredients, eat things that are ingredients". Heard that quote once, of course most people can't live by it completely but it says pretty much :)
  • Looking hot ;) Seriously though, amazing transformation, you inspire me :D
  • I'm 21, 5'8 and about 146 pounds, trying to drop about 15-20 pounds. Anybody in a similar situation, feel free to add me! :)
  • I think you should eat back your exercise calories but it's easy to overestimate the amount of calories you actually burned. Are you using an HRM? That's probably the closest you'll get to the real number. I use an HRM but I don't eat back all of the calories, usually I go for half. It's better to be safe :)