

  • I quit smoking on 7/30/12. I used the patch for 6 weeks and now I'm chewing nicotine gum. It is amazing how much better I feel in just 2 months. You will do fine...just keep in mind how much better you will feel, how much better you will smell (smokers stink so bad, i'm realizing now) and how much better you will breath.
  • Here's a link to a whole list of potassium-rich foods:
  • Club Soda is not high in potassium, it does have some, but i'm sure there are better sources.
  • I stopped buying all junk. Even though my hubby and son can eat it, I don't want them to. I buy a lot of fruit and yogurt for snacks and they've learned to like Cherios to munch on. The thought of some of the stuff we use to eat turns my stomach anymore. If I crave chocolate, I keep some no fat pudding cups in the fridge…
  • I also weigh myself every day. I usually only weigh in on this website every couple of weeks. But, I can't help myself, I must get on the scale every morning. I don't freak out if i go up a pound or two, I just stick with it and it goes back down. If you feel that seeing fluctuations will upset you, then don't weigh in so…
  • I had the same experience a few weeks ago. No more fat lady section!!! And there sure is such a better selection of everything!!!
  • I'd like to know also. I make corrections all the time on bad entries and never thought about someone changing what I've entered. I wish everyone was careful. It's no wonder people are *****ing all the time on these message boards that they aren't losing weight.
  • When I go out I usually try to plan ahead so I can eat something I normally wouldn't, red meat or cheese cake or other dessert for example. I don't go overboard, but occasionally it is good to splurge a little.
  • I don't trust any user supplied info. I use to trust them when they had a lot of confirmations, but I checked a few that I used frequently and they were incorrect. I keep a calorie book right next to my computer so I can verify every entry. It's no wonder I see so many posts from people who aren't losing weight.
  • I think a lot of people way over exaggerate the amount of calories they're burning. I see people posting questions about how to count breastfeeding, sitting on a balance ball, sitting at their desk at work and so fourth as exercise. They're only cheating themselves by doing silly things like this. I use the calorie counter…
  • You must not be calculating your calories correctly. There is no way you could be gaining if you are only eating 1400 calories a day. I don't trust any of the food in the data base that other members have added. I double check everything because i have seen so many errors and some of them are huge errors. Make sure you are…
    in Sigh Comment by mab0669 September 2010
  • I eat most of my calories at supper time and I've lost consistently. As long as you stay with your calorie goal for the day it doesn't matter what time you eat them at all.
  • I eat a lot of salads, but I make them at home and go light on the cheese, I use mostly vegetables and fat free dressing. You can eat a lot of fresh veggies for little calories, but you have to sacrifice cheese, meat and croutons.
    in New... Comment by mab0669 August 2010
  • I'm at 15.2% , and my BMI went from 40.7 to 34.5 so far! I slacked off on exercise for the last couple of weeks, but I'm starting again...i do so much better with exercise and I just feel better.
  • I have the same issue. Not sure what to do either. I haven't researched it much though, but if I find out anything I'll let you know.
  • I eat all or almost all my calories each day and so far I've lost 35 pounds. I started MFP in May, so I've been losing around 11 or so pounds per month. I also eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains and it seems like I'm eating all day also, but it works. I'm thrilled with the results. I don't feel like I'm…
  • I weigh myself every morning at the same time...however, I only log my weight once a week (I pick a good day). Some days I'm up most days I'm either the same or down. The days that I'm up motivates me to keep trying harder...I see a lot of people that get discouraged and eat like crazy. That just makes no sense to me.…
  • make chicken stir fry with a lot of veggies and put it over some brown rice and spanish rice is good too and not a lot of calories. I use 1#lean ground beef, 1 lg can of diced tomatoes, a can of tomato sauce 1 packet of taco seasoning, some green peppers, red peppers and some onion(i like lots of onion), you simmer all…
  • I would continue on using the calories MFP is giving you. I went a couple weeks without losing any weight, but eventually i started again. Eating more calories isn't going to help you. Maybe you need to be more careful when you are eathing to make sure you measure correctly and log all your food. I can eyeball some stuff I…
  • somehow i posted my post 3 times....Sorry
  • I personally don't log activities as cardio unless it increases my heart rate. I see a lot of people on here trying to figure out how to add breastfeeding, sitting on a ball and so on as exercise. I think that if your heart rate isn't up, then your not burning a lot of calories.
  • I eat a lot of salads, I just go easy on cheese, I don't usually have croutons and I use either low fat or fat free dressing (and I don't use a lot) and i usually use a vinaigrette dressing, it has a lot of flavor so you don't need to use too much...all the vegies in salad don't add up to a lot of calories, but I don't use…
  • Hi! I joined a couple months ago and I'm doing good so far. I've lost 23 lbs using this site to track my calories and my treadmill for exercise. I'm 41 years old and have another 50 or so pounds to go. You can add me as a friend (i'm not sure how this site works other than to track my calories). I'm the heaviest I've been…
  • Hi! I've been dieting since march and I've lost 23 pounds...I still have a lot to lose myself, this site has been very helpful in keeping me within my calories for the day. Good luck.
  • That post that says you can burn 200 calories sitting on that ball for 1 hours has got to be wrong. I burn 100 calories on my treadmill in 20 minutes and when i'm done i'm sweating. I sit on my ball and i don't feel it is doing much. I mostly use my ball for sit ups, push ups and leg lifts, so I don't count that towards my…
  • I count any drinks that have no caffeine as my water for the day...i'm not saying that it's technically right, but that is what i do.