aliciapenny Member


  • I would venture to guess your technique is lacking. Some think it's just pulling until you get up there but there actually is a technique to it. I saw a good write-up the other day online that I will try to find again about technique.
  • 1880 for now. on my way up to maintenance. when I wanted to lose I was eating about 1600/day.
  • Not me. I log then I eat. If it isnt in my log I do not eat it.
  • I plan ahead so I can hit my macros properly and also so i can cook ahead of time. I do not want to cook every single night for dinner. I would rather make it on the Sunday before the week begins. When i get home I just have to heat and eat.
  • If you aren't seeing results your diet is off. You either are not using the correct calorie goal or you are not weighing all of your food properly. Measuring is not accurate. You must weigh. Contrary to the excuses posted here everyone is not different. The basic laws apply to everyone.
  • ^^^ Ican't help but eyeroll at that. Your body doesn't respond to guessing if it will get fed. Chances are your average calories for the week is why it responded. If your weekly average calories is lower than your TDEE then you will lose.
  • what is a vibration plate? 1-2 lbs a week is the most you should aim to lose.
  • as you have less to lose it comes off a lot less quickly. Try eating at maintenance for a week or two then go back to your deficit level of calories. Your body probably needs a break from dieting. you really should be using a TDEE calculator NOT the calorie recommendation given by MFP.
  • put food in your purse. I always keep something in my purse when out running errands.
  • are you kidding me?!?!
  • Exactly this. It isnt muscle. It is probably water weight. Also be sure you are being accurate on weighing. Somethings actually need to be weighed instead of measured for accuracy. Oatmeal is one that comes to mind.
  • if you did not go over your calories for the day what is the issue? fast food doesnt make you fat. it only does if you go over your calories. the mroe you stress and the more you try to complicate things the more likely you are to fail. stay within your calorie range and let yourself live a little.
  • There is no better tool there than free weights (machines are secondary). learn how to use them. ask people or do research online, watch youtube videos, etc. Do you not just avoid the weights.
  • Weight Watchers is the program that uses the point system correct?
  • So true. Perhaps those people that say "my body is differen"t are the ones who need excuses to justify a lack of sucess?
  • Nuts are not at all filling but I eat them for fat intake. Fats are needed for hormonal balance and fats do not make you fat so there is no harm. I just usually eat them earlier in the day when I am not trying to feel full but still need the fat intake. At night I need to be full so I sleep.
  • Do higher fat foods like nuts make it easier for you (personally) to indulge? Is that like a trigger for you? I have a hard time eating a lot of nuts. I think it's because they dry out my mouth.
  • This is what I was going to suggest. I prefer carbs at night.
  • It sounds like you have an unhealthy view of carbs. they are ok. If you are really concerned get them from whole foods like other people suggested. Personally I could eat my weight in sweet potatoes and they are a great source of carbs. Do not make this too complicated though. Get your needed protein, at least .40 grams of…
  • I would suggest using an online calculator (not MFP) to figure up your TDEE and stick to that. If you do that it takes into account your activity level which means no eating back calories. If I use the formula to dtermine my TDEE I get about 2050. If I set up MFP to set my goal to gain one lb a week it gives me about the…
  • I no longer eat dairy. If you are just lactose intolerate you have a few more options though. some items are still considered dairy products but they are lactose free. As for dairy free there is Tofutti dairy-free sour cream and cream cheese, Veggie sliced cheese and shreds (not non dairy but is lactose free), Silk soy…
  • you need at least .40 grams of fat per lb of body weight which may or may not be 10% of your calories. Creatine is not a necessity. no supplements are. I can get my protein with just food. it's not that hard. If you want to put on weight you need to eat more food (over maintenance). If you want to lose weight you eat under…
  • I think the point of the post is that you can eat foods that you like and still lose weight. That is true. You can maintain your weight this way as well. If you are trying to build muscle, train for a sport etc you need to make sure you get the correct nutrients but realistically you dont need to cut out everything that…
  • it's nice to see that not everyone buys in the the BS and you even have a sense of humor. love this thread.
  • Totally agree
  • What you have said is right. you knew how much you ate and it was less than what your body burned so you lost weight. I agree completely. that makes you just like everyone else though.
  • If you eat more than your body burns you gain weight. No matter what the food is. your body will get better nutrients from better foods but even eating a whole bunch of good food that equals more calories than your body can burn you will gain weight.
  • You cannot lose weight just by eating better foods. You had to have been eating less simultaneously. And yes essentially all people are the same when it comes to losing weight. You eat less, you lose weight. You can say you are different but you arent.
  • I would not suggest losing this much weight this fast. Not only is it unhealthy you will be eating away at muscle along with the fat. Without a base of muscle things will be a-jigglin'. If you are overweight you probably have a decent amount of muscle underneath in order to tote that body weight around. You do not want to…
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