Advice Needed on Carbs

Deep to MFP and trying to get the food issue down to a science but I am having trouble getting the CARBS that I am told to eat. I just can't do it. I have always stayed away from sodas; breads; candys; cakes; noodles; etc becaue I know how bad carbs are for you and with a thyroid issue I don't need anything making it worse. Now I am on here and it tells me to get so many carbs and I just can't do it. If I am getting the right amount of fat and going over on the protein and not even getting half the carbs they tell me to I ok? Will I see progress with this? Anyone that wants to be friends and give me advice on this....PLEASE CHIME IN! Thanks! Dawn


  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    You should be okay, as long you aren't completely deprived of carbs. Your body needs that for energy! If you are on your home page, click "My goals" and select "Customize." There, there is an option to adjust how much of your diet is protein, fat and carbs. People change this for many reasons, in fact some people prefer to eat less carbs because of specific diets, health issues, doctor's advice or if they are carb-sensitive. I'd suggest not selecting anything below 20% for carbs because then your diet is becoming very low carb & you might want to read up on that first.

    Carbs are pretty easy to get, and although you've heard they are "bad," some are quite healthy for you and actually aid in weight loss. Complex carbs (Those from whole wheat grain products) make you feel full because they take longer to digest and shouldn't spike your blood sugar. They also have vital minerals and vitamins that your body needs. Simple carbs are "the bad ones" (Sugar, soda, candy, honey, white bread, etc) that won't fill you up & might give you a "sugar crash." A lot of popular sources of complex or "good carbs" around here is:

    - whole wheat bread
    - oatmeal
    - cereal (Choose the ones with more fiber & less sugar)
    - steel-cut oats
    - whole grain bagels
    - whole wheat pasta
    - whole wheat pita
    - wild rice

    If you're not into the grain, you can also get carbs from fruit and the "starchier" (less watery) vegetables like corn, peas, sweet potatos, broccoli, etc.
  • clint_covey
    Staying away from processed foods is fantastic. Eat vegetables, fresh fruits, and beans for healthy carbs.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Staying away from processed foods is fantastic. Eat vegetables, fresh fruits, and beans for healthy carbs.

    This. Get your carbs from whole food and not processed things like bread and cookies
  • JennieConner
    As long as you are coming close to your carbs and not going over you should be ok. It has been recently published that people who are overweight should consume more protein to help lose weight and it has been shown in studies to help lose the fat while building muscle.
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    It sounds like you have an unhealthy view of carbs. they are ok. If you are really concerned get them from whole foods like other people suggested. Personally I could eat my weight in sweet potatoes and they are a great source of carbs. Do not make this too complicated though. Get your needed protein, at least .40 grams of healthy fat per lb of body weight for hormone function and fill the rest with carbs.