

  • Thanks! I'm gonna try my best... Can't seem to get myself in a work out routine... I just get lazy I guess... Thats HORRIBLE I know! Everyday I say I'm gonna do something and then I come home and I'm tired and I just relax...blah!
  • BRILLIANT! I'm gonna try that!
  • I guess theres no rush really. Just in this funky phase right now. About to turn 30... Although I'm not overweight this IS the biggest I've ever been... I'm just uncomfortable and want to quickly get out of this phase! hahaha
  • This may sound foolish of me but I'd really like to lose at least 1 pound a week. Slow weight loss un motivates me : (
  • i just did this and it says I should eat 1691 calories a day... why is that so much higher than MFP??
  • This has always confused me too. Weight watchers counts Fruits and Veggies as 0 points because they found that people werent eating them because they didn't want to lose points. So confusing!
  • I feel ya Trev! My biggest problem is my coffee...mainly my creamer... i've been working on just some splenda and Half and Half (with NO sugar)... its been an adjustment but i'm getting there
    in No Sugar? Comment by cbelt82 August 2012
  • Oh my goodness! Y'all are awesome!!! Getting such good ideas! Super broke until Next Thursday so I'll be a little limited on what I can get at the store but I am sooooo excited! Gonna def get some hummus and Veggies and eggs. I haven't had cottage cheese since I was a little girl and I didn't like it then... then again I…
    in Help! Comment by cbelt82 August 2012
  • Ummmmm where do I find these teas you speak of???????? Love cassie
    in Help! Comment by cbelt82 August 2012
  • 1. If you're not hungry, don't worry about eating it. I've never been a breakfast eater and now don't have my first food of the day until about noon. No point in forcing yourself to have food you don't even want. 2. For snacks you can just keep in your desk, you might try nuts. The protein and fat will be more satisfying…
    in Help! Comment by cbelt82 August 2012
  • Thank you so much! By the way, whats your opinion on Rice cakes? love cassie
    in Help! Comment by cbelt82 August 2012
  • For some odd reason Slim Fast Does not fill me... I've tried it and within an hour I'm STARVING Love cassie
  • Totally off topic but I love your user name!! Are you an Elvis fan? Love cassie
  • 1. Skipping breakfast: Well, in all reality I'm just not hungry in the morning. lol It could be that the coffee kind of curbs my appetite 2. Snacking: Its a boredom thing. And I'm a creature of habbit. Going to try to do the gum thing. If I DO need to snack ...what would you suggest I keep at my desk(I don't have a fridge…
    in Help! Comment by cbelt82 August 2012
  • Hey! Thanks for the reply! I DO pre package my snacks... I haven't been measuring though. I used to. When I first started this thing last year I was hardcore about it. But I guess I've become lazy! lol I will most def be pre measuring....thank you for the advice! Love Cassie
    in Help! Comment by cbelt82 August 2012
  • I'm a huge fan of Mcdonalds non fat Iced Latte with sugar free vanilla... but I only treat myself to that once a week (on saturday). The rest of the time I drink using the Keurig
  • Hey! Welcome!! I too have a desk job and although I DO get up alot and run around running errands... I find that I snack ALOT more at work then I go when I am home. That is why I rejoined MFP to keep my snacking down. Feel free to add me....and anyone else feel free also! love cassie
  • The thing I love about this group is everyone is different and has different specific goals but we all connect over the main goal of wanting to be healthy and do things in a healthy and smart way! We are all here to support each other and I'm def rootin you on girly!
  • tnk you. Its ever easy and you never get used to it. I was actually at the low part of my healthy weight the first time and I got pretty depressed after and started gaining. I've gained about 20 pounds since we got married and I'd like to just lose about 10-15 pounds and i'll be happy. I think i am still in my healthy…
  • Sending you a friend request! And yall feel free to add me too! Us women need to stick together! I too am newly married... just celebrated our 2 year. I am not overweight HOWEVER I DO feel that since we got married I have let myself go. This is a personal decision of mine to get back in shape. When we met I was very thin…
  • Well last year we did P90X and had great results so once we get all our stuff out of storage and get moved I'm gonna get back into it
  • Thanks everyone!! Loving all the suggestions!! Will def get into some of them!!!
  • I dont have alot of privacy here so i would be really embarassed to do a workout video ( I know that sounds lame). The jump rope idea sounds good... I might have to go get me one! I can probably do the workout on hulu when everyone is gone. lol. I dont even like to do them when my husband is home cuz he'd probably laugh at…
  • i did see their protein bars at the store. Do they fill you up as much as the meal bars? I wanna find something low cal that can take the place of lunch so I dont stress at dinner
  • We missed out on Jo-Burg! Sad! But we stayed in Durbin. Didn't get to see much since hubby was performing most of the time so we never really left the resort. sniff sniff
  • Welcome! Wishing you lots and lots of luck this time around! Feel free to add me! love Cassie
  • Welcome! Wishing you all the luck in the world! Feel free to add me! Love Cassie
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me! I'm always lookin for new friends!
  • I am def dreading it! Had so many parties to go to already and then we leave for a 2 month stay in South Africa and wont have our own kitchen or anything. Grrrrr
  • Welcome Back! Feel free to add me! Love Cassie