TheGuardian Member


  • Aside from many other factors, I notice that my body weight DOES fluctuate, and in fact my "valley" for a given week is around Thursday morning while my peak is around Monday. The difference is 3-4 pounds usually.
  • Definitely a Polar F6 is a great option. If you are not doing self-guided workouts but instead following videos or something an F4 would be ok.
  • I also ate really poorly on the weekend - in fact ate out Friday night, Saturday Morning and Saturday night. Saturday was so bad I didn't even have lunch - 1700 calorie breakfast and 1300 calorie supper. Ouchy.
  • time to buy a new scale my old one was like that. not as bad, but it would still vary +/- 10 pounds even getting off and right back onto it! Also make sure you get one that fits your feet completely and comfortably.. I have big feet and this was a problem for me too.
  • visit mcdonalds and then hit baskin robbins on the way home :) Seriously though ... just do what you can, don't overeat just to cover the calories.
  • I did it last summer. It was working really well, I got to week 5 but then I hurt my knee playing tennis so that ended it for last year. I'll probably do it again this year although starting partway through as I've been working out (elliptical and P90X) recently.
  • I had people steal my homemade tuna sandwiches once (have to be in the fridge of course) Instead of just your name, write "My name is xxxxx and I licked this bottle!"
  • Umm.. isn't that a contradiction?
  • I don't have a treadmill, but it seems my elliptical was overestimating my calories by 50%
  • The Polar F6 has a chest strap which monitors your heart rate directly, no need to be moving your arms. It sounds like the one you got is only for walking/running.
  • I also have the F6. I'm not sure what the differences are between this and the F4, but the price difference is not all that much, plus it was in stock and the F4 was not :)
  • it also depends on the height... if it's low enough that you have to bend your legs, that's a mega workout for your core (which includes your abs) to stabilize you...
  • maybe they still think that you literally sweat away your weight? so if you aren't sweating as much you aren't getting as good of an exercise? Personally I try NOT to get super-sweaty... not for any reason other than I can make my workout last longer if I don't overheat!
  • Yup! I got a Polar F6 last week and my elliptical has been overestimating my calories burned by 50% Considering I was typically doing close to 800 according to the machine, that's a significant amount 6 days a week!
  • Also, if you weren't doing much running before, you might actually be adding muscle in your legs (your body counts as weights). I did the couch to 5k program last summer and didn't lose any weight at all until about week 5 due to all the leg muscle I was adding. I lost a couple inches in the waist though!
  • So, I joined here a few weeks ago but haven't gotten around to doing this yet. Anyway my normal weight for years was 165 or so but last summer I hit 219 and decided enough was enough, no 220 for me. It was mostly overeating (sometimes for a meal I would eat four mini-pizzas and a whole bag of microwave popcorn). Anyway I…
    in Boo Comment by TheGuardian January 2009
  • even if you do nothing else, do 10 minutes of stretching. Being bedridden for two days at least for me can really stiffen up a lot of places.
  • I have done the Couch to 5K program in the past. It's designed to take you from couch potato to 5k runner in about two months. And it works!