Guys and fan ettiquette, or is there?

At my gym there are several fans that can be turned on when you're on the bikes, and one is right in between the upright bikes, (the kind where you really sweat and grind), and the recumbant, where people read books and chat on their cell phones. Now I can see how you may not need a fan when you're on a recumbant, so I try to be polite about turning it on if somebody is already working out. But I've noticed everytime that women don't mind the extra air, and in fact, are always the ones to turn them on. The men NEVER want the fans on, and sometimes are a bit snippy about it, as if there's a guy code that I'm not aware of. Not just on the recumbant, but the uprights too. Is it just my little corner of the universe, and the men in it? What is the big deal? Am I a sissy because I don't want to sweat like a horse?


  • Julie837
    At my gym there are several fans that can be turned on when you're on the bikes, and one is right in between the upright bikes, (the kind where you really sweat and grind), and the recumbant, where people read books and chat on their cell phones. Now I can see how you may not need a fan when you're on a recumbant, so I try to be polite about turning it on if somebody is already working out. But I've noticed everytime that women don't mind the extra air, and in fact, are always the ones to turn them on. The men NEVER want the fans on, and sometimes are a bit snippy about it, as if there's a guy code that I'm not aware of. Not just on the recumbant, but the uprights too. Is it just my little corner of the universe, and the men in it? What is the big deal? Am I a sissy because I don't want to sweat like a horse?
  • michellelynne1
    I say absolutely not!! Who wants to sweat like a horse?? Not THIS guy! (pointing at myself) :happy: . But seriously, they put the fans in gyms for a reason. The reason being, when you work out, especially trying to get in shape, it's not always a very comfortable feeling to be out of breath, in pain, and, HOT! I think if one chooses to put the fan on so be it! Seriously, would the guy beside you working out be too cold, as everyone else in the gym are sweating their buns off?? I think not.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    If there are fans, they are meant to be used.

    Snippy or have the right to use them.

  • Coach2010
    I think that in a gym with multiple folk, you're correct in being polite.
    I'm a bit disappointed in Men that have forgotten what chivalry and good sportsmanship mean.

    Be patient, and keep the communications open with these guys, as they can learn how to be nicer (sigh... it's tough being a guy sometimes when I hear this sort of thing :mad:
  • TheGuardian
    TheGuardian Posts: 53 Member
    maybe they still think that you literally sweat away your weight?
    so if you aren't sweating as much you aren't getting as good of an exercise?

    Personally I try NOT to get super-sweaty... not for any reason other than I can make my workout last longer if I don't overheat!
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Wonder if guys want to LOOK like they're working out really hard? Maybe they think that if they're not sweating, people will assume they're not pumping enough. ?
  • Julie837
    Hi, 99% per cent of the guys there are great, so you don't have to fret, I was just wondering if I struck a nerve somehow. And it's dumb of me, of course that's what the fans are for!! Why was I self concious! Not anymore--thanks!
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    Just like anything else, some like it hot, some like it not. Perhaps the guys you met just like working in the heat? I know when it is hot out here I really feel like running or cycling, but when it is cool I have a harder time getting motivated.

    I suppose if the fans are there you have the right to use them. Of course others have the right not to use them. Who is right?

    My gym, for one, for not having things like fans, and therefor not putting that stress on the clientele.:laugh:
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I don't want to stand up for the men (because I think they sound less than chivalrous) but in my old gym, I'd get cold when working out, and it would make me more likely to get light headed and pass out. I tend to guess these guys are not trying to prevent that ...
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    maybe they still think that you literally sweat away your weight?
    so if you aren't sweating as much you aren't getting as good of an exercise?

    Personally I try NOT to get super-sweaty... not for any reason other than I can make my workout last longer if I don't overheat!

    I've wondered about this. I've noticed a lot of men at my gym who work out in sweat suits (the plastic/nylon kind meant to make you sweat more) and in sweat shirts with the hoods actually up over their heads. The only thing I can think is that they are trying to sweat off the weight. I've never noticed any women doing this.