Major weight changes

Good Morning everyone.

I hope someone out there has words of advice or maybe even answers.

I don't know what's causing wieght differences within days on the scale. I'll weight myself Sat am (which seems to be the best time) and then by Tues or Wed of the week I've gained weight back. This time it was 4 lbs. :sad:

I've lost weight overall but to think on Sat you've worked off a 2lb weight loss and then 3 days later back to square one is depressing. Can your body fluctuate like this or is it water weight?

Thanks in advance


  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    Good Morning everyone.

    I hope someone out there has words of advice or maybe even answers.

    I don't know what's causing wieght differences within days on the scale. I'll weight myself Sat am (which seems to be the best time) and then by Tues or Wed of the week I've gained weight back. This time it was 4 lbs. :sad:

    I've lost weight overall but to think on Sat you've worked off a 2lb weight loss and then 3 days later back to square one is depressing. Can your body fluctuate like this or is it water weight?

    Thanks in advance
  • TheGuardian
    TheGuardian Posts: 53 Member
    Aside from many other factors, I notice that my body weight DOES fluctuate, and in fact my "valley" for a given week is around Thursday morning while my peak is around Monday. The difference is 3-4 pounds usually.
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    check your sodium intake that could have a lot to do with it. For you to gain 4 pounds over the days, U should have consumed at least 14000 calories...wowww.. so see. I don't think U ate that much. There are so many factors that causes the scale to move up and down daily normally within a 1 sometimes to 5 pound range. Don't worry about it, You are doing good. Great work on your weight loss so far..
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    DEFINITELY pay attention to your sodium. There is so much sodium in foods that are otherwise healthy (ie: canned veggies, frozen low-cal foods). I started watching my sodium and dropped 4 pounds right away. I know it was water weight, but seeing the scale go down is such a motivator!! And, reducing sodium in your diet is healthy for your blood pressure. If I go over my sodium (sometimes on the weekends), unless I drink TONS of water... I always see a 1 to 2 pound gain.
  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    Thanks for the advice.

    I didn't even think about the sodium intake. I'll have to watch that closer. I know I should be drinking more water also.

    And thanks to Destined for the realistic # 14,000 calories. I know I didn't eat anywhere near that and have been working out every day. So I know it can't be "real weight" I've put on.

    Icorrell14, Destined and TheGuardian - you have made my day. :smile: I feel much better now and vow to only weigh in on Sat am (that time seems to work for me)
  • mutkin
    mutkin Posts: 109
    I don't have any great wisdom, but I know exactly what you're saying. The same thing happens to me. Saturday tends to be my low day and Tuesday tends to be my high day. Of course, I weigh track on my Tuesday weight. grrr. I figure it's the after effects of letting myself have a slightly looser diet on the weekends. But, I know those couple hundred extra calories I let myself have do NOT add up to 2-3 lbs difference on the scale.

    Perhaps those above me are right with their guess of sodium.
  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    I don't have any great wisdom, but I know exactly what you're saying. The same thing happens to me. Saturday tends to be my low day and Tuesday tends to be my high day. Of course, I weigh track on my Tuesday weight. grrr. I figure it's the after effects of letting myself have a slightly looser diet on the weekends. But, I know those couple hundred extra calories I let myself have do NOT add up to 2-3 lbs difference on the scale.

    Perhaps those above me are right with their guess of sodium.

    I've heard about the water weight gain with sodium but I guess I'm guilty of "that doesn't happen to me" - well I'm thinking it does. I'm gonna try to watch it and drink more water.

    And not weight during mid week - I do that because I'm part of the biggest loser here and we turn in our weights on Wed. I'll just give my Sat weight.

    We'll see :smile:
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    I know that others have given this advice - but I only weigh myself once a month. I don't even have a scale at home.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    The human body can fluctuate up to 5 lbs (up or down) from our "real" weight every single day. Why? It depends on tons of factors, but the biggest are what you ate that day (and the day before), what kind of workout you have done, how much waste you have in your system, and how dense your muscles are.
    Yes, sodium is a factor, sodium is one of the ways the body retains water. Remember this guys, 16 oz of water is about a pound of weight. So if you have that extra glass, or ate a lot of fiber the day before, you can be heavier the next day (fiber helps absorb water). This isn't really a bad thing, and no, skimping on your water won't help. Water is the lubricant and the transport system for the body, without it, nutrients, protein, and energy can't get to the places they are needed, also without water, waste really doesn't move out of the body in a timely way (and nobody wants that!).


  • jazzycarolanne
    The body is at least 55 % percent if you are 180 pounds then 99 pounds of that is water. This is how many people loose more weight in the first week of a diet as the body re-adjusts its water content. We can fluctuate quite a bit in this area. There are so many factors that influence water in the body including sodium, as many have suggested, menstrual cycle and even bowel habits. (sorry).

    There is almost no way that you could put on 4 pounds of fat in one week without hugely overeating (16 extra big macs, 50 chocolate sundaes from dairy queen, or 70 Skor bars). worries, just stick to it and all will right itself in the next while!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I don't have any great wisdom, but I know exactly what you're saying. The same thing happens to me. Saturday tends to be my low day and Tuesday tends to be my high day. Of course, I weigh track on my Tuesday weight. grrr. I figure it's the after effects of letting myself have a slightly looser diet on the weekends. But, I know those couple hundred extra calories I let myself have do NOT add up to 2-3 lbs difference on the scale.

    Perhaps those above me are right with their guess of sodium.

    I've heard about the water weight gain with sodium but I guess I'm guilty of "that doesn't happen to me" - well I'm thinking it does. I'm gonna try to watch it and drink more water.

    And not weight during mid week - I do that because I'm part of the biggest loser here and we turn in our weights on Wed. I'll just give my Sat weight.

    We'll see :smile:

    That is so bazarre cause I am the same. Why Sat.? :huh: I'm going to really watch too and possibly use my Sat weight for the BLC too!
  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    Thanks for all the info everyone!

    Needless to say I couldn't stand it and had to go home and weight last night (which for me is bad to weight at night anyway). It's is funny how 3 lbs can disappear. So they weren't "real" to begin with. I'll try to do better with water and watch my sodium intake.

    Banks - glad to see your back! :happy: I just started to read all the wonderful info you had out there and realized you left.

    Hotmomov4 - I just weigh on Sat am because the weekends aren't as crazy. Old habits die hard I guess. No other reason.

    Hope everyone has a great day! :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    your 'weight' flucuates more than you know. If you stick to 1 day a week or every 2 weeks you will stop driving yourself crazy.

    I stepped on the scale 4x this morning for a BL weigh in

    6:30 am = 141.5
    potty break
    7:00 am 140.5
    coffee and water with potty break
    7:30 am 140.0
    no food, no water, AND a potty break
    8:00 am 142

    So go figure. In less than 2 hours I fluctuated 2.5 pounds! The body is a wonderous thing, a complicated machine that is very mysterious.

    Now I did this to make a point. If I weighed at 7 am like I do 1x a week I would have been dancing around the house that I am at 140 right? But I had to go jump on again at 8 and ruin my day.

    Dont know how this will help.............but it made a big impression on me.

    No scale til next wed morning at 7 am!!:flowerforyou: