I started using kettlebells religiously in October 2010 and lost 2 clothing sizes in a couple months (in addition to tracking calories). I followed the Bob Harper DVD that came with my kettlebells. Love it! I'm using a 10lb now, not quite ready for the 15lb. I also do rebounding, walking, and elliptical.
Hi, I have a 10 cm submuscosal fibroid. Had 2 myomectomies years ago, twins by C-section in 2008. Was on IUD, but had it removed in Sept. after 5 years. My doc says the submucosal could cause problems with heavy bleeding. I'm 44. Cycles were weird after IUD removal, but I started taking Vitex in eary Dec., which is…
Also, this week Aldi has a spring-based mini-tramp (36 inch) for 24.99. Got one for a friend of mine who doesn't want to spend a lot. Will be interested to see how she likes it. She can't do anything too vigorous due to hip issues, but it might be good for light jogging for her.
I bought an UrbanRebounder from last year. Love it! My favorite winter exercise is jogging, high knee kicks, slalom, twists, jumping jacks all for an hour while watching a movie on Netflix! Soooo good for the body too! It's a total body workout. You can feel all your abs working, too. Great for increasing blood…
I've had the same feeling amazing stuff as you after Mirena removal: lots of energy, nicer to the kids and husband, sex drive is totally back, no longer agitated, very relaxed. And, I have a very small appetite. Lost 6 pounds in first week post-removal with no exercise!
I just got my Mirena out 10 days ago. I started feeling better the same day! I thought the *****iness, zero sex drive, constant state of agitation, intolerance of kids, family, inlaw, etc. was all due to the stress of parenting twins! Now I am back to the woman my husband fell in love with. In the last week I've lost 6…
Bob Harpers Kettlebell workouts! I use a 10lb kettlebell. You can feel your whole body working when you do these. Tons of squats. When I was doing this religiously 3 days a week, I went down to jeans sizes! Really shrinks the hips and tones the legs and arms! I add more ab work while the DVD is doing stuff that's hard for…
Yes, and I was doing intense elliptical workouts every day for 2 weeks and GAINED weight. I was already 99% muscle mass, so it couldn't have been that much muscle gain.
Oatmeal is the number one life-extending food. Go for the steel cut or to make your life easier, the old-fashioned rolled oats. I eat oatmeal almost every day with a little wheat germ, half ounce of walnuts, half a cup of strawberries, a little maple syrup. I love it because I eat it at 7am and it keeps me going for hours…
I bought the Bob Harper contoured kettlebells at Target. Love his Cardio Shred Inside Out Method. I started last October with a 5lb and fairly quickly moved to the 10lb. I started doing kettlebell workout more religiously just in the last 2 weeks, almost every day and now only use the 10lb. I have a 15lb, but not ready for…
I add it to buckwheat pancakes, sprinkle it on oatmeal, add a couple tablespoons into healthy cocoa/choc chip cookies (with ground walnuts and ground oats as well), add it to homemade bread...just make sure you store ground flaxseed in the fridge as it goes rancid quickly. A spare coffee grinder does a great job of…
Love Trader Joe's Aria vanilla, low glycemic, 50/50 whey-soy. Tastes great, not chalky like some.