oatmeal...good or bad ?



  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    Oatmeal is loaded with fiber that decreases your appetite by making you feel full so you can go for long periods of time without eating while keeping your energy levels high at the same time and…

    If you eat oatmeal about 1-to-2 hours before doing your weight loss workout… Oatmeal will give you a longer lasting blast of energy that helps you workout longer & more intensely which helps you lose weight much faster and…

    It's better to eat steel-cut oats, plain or natural oatmeal & not the flavored oatmeal packets that contain lots of sugar.Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods

    Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad" cholesterol. Soluble fiber is also found in such foods as kidney beans, apples, pears, barley and prunes.

    Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Five to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases your total and LDL cholesterol. Eating 1 1/2 cups of cooked oatmeal provides 6 grams of fiber. If you add fruit, such as bananas, you'll add about 4 more grams of fiber. To mix it up a little, try steel-cut oatmeal or cold cereal made with oatmeal or oat bran.
    so you see oatmeal is good for you
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    Bumping for all these fantastic recipe ideas! I love oatmeal, too. If I misbehave and make chocolate chip cookies, I always do OATMEAL chocolate chip cookies. Also working on a recipe for oatmeal chocolate peanut butter protein refrigerator cookies. I'll keep you posted.
  • Mangolassi260
    Mangolassi260 Posts: 15 Member
    Oatmeal is the number one life-extending food. Go for the steel cut or to make your life easier, the old-fashioned rolled oats. I eat oatmeal almost every day with a little wheat germ, half ounce of walnuts, half a cup of strawberries, a little maple syrup. I love it because I eat it at 7am and it keeps me going for hours and hours.

    Stay away from the instant stuff. Most of them are loaded with sugar. Not to mention the expense.
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    hiya, in my experience i have learned that anything that contains oats or wheat play havoc with digestion and your metabolism. should really be avoided if looking to lose weight

    :huh: Riiiiiiiiight . . . . . . I don't get the argument which tells you to avoid healthy whole grains, it's such great energy for your body.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    O.O I have no idea how I have been losing weight then since I have it for breakfast at least twice a week =/
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    Love steel cut made with water and almond milk, also use pb2 powder for flavoring and blueberries. Haven't had any issues with weight loss ;~)

    This is *exactly* my oatmeal, too! :)

    No, wait - plus cinnamon. I'm a cinnamon hound.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    i eat oatmeal every day.

    Me too.

    Me 3! .. (usually made with water and a scoop of chocolate protein - and whatever else I want to fling in)
    OR! .. I add a small handful into the blender WITH a protein shake. YUM! ...
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    Oatmeal is the bomb! it keeps you full longer, has low calories, and it keeps you regular. Don't take just the word of MFP members. Don't eliminate oatmeal from your diet unless and until you learn for multiple source that it is bad for people trying to loose weight (which I doubt).
  • cathomer
    cathomer Posts: 88
    Oats are really good for you, good energy, help lower cholesterol, some people just get a bit OTT, it's best to include healthy foods, and oats are one of them.
    I made it this morning with just water and a tbsp of honey, it was delicious, and low calories. It's the calories you eat that matters, not the food.
  • nsmith6325
    nsmith6325 Posts: 41
    I eat it every day. Steel cut when I have time, never the instant packages...too much junk in them.

    1/2 cup Oatmeal (before cooking)
    1 tsp natuaral peanut butter (the kind you have to stir)
    1 tsp cinnamon
    2 tsp truvia
    2 oz coconut or almond milk

    gives me carbs, protein and a little fat and keeps me feeling full until about lunch time. I add my coffee and I am ready for the day. Lost 50 lbs so far and am at my target weight and have been maintaining with this diet as well.
  • Irie_chick67
    Use either Steel Cut or Old Fashioned, even if it's the microwavable kind. . That way if you need to add any sugar, you can control how much and what type you use. I start with plain and will add any of these to change it up: peanut butter or PB2 peanut powder, dried cranberries, raisins, crushed walnuts/pecans, banana, slivered almonds, shredded coconut.

    When I put my own twist on what I want in it, I don't need to add any sugars. Also, Quaker makes a
    Multigrain cereal which has oatmeal, rye and I forget what other grains. It's higher in fiber than the Old Fashioned oats and taste just the same.
  • BodyElectric1
    BodyElectric1 Posts: 120 Member
    i eat oatmeal every day.
    And me. I eat the regular kind normally with a side of fruit or TBS raisins with a little milk and sometimes cinnamon. Its really filling. If you add twice the water and cook it for twice as long, it doubles up in size. So more for the same amount of calories.

    ETA: Also I find if I don't have oatmeal for breakfast I tend to eat more at lunch.
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I eat oatmeal everyday when I get bored I switch to quinoa for a week.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    what?! Oatmeal is great for you!!!!!! The only way it could be bad is if you load it with bad stuff. Me, I like to eat it with half a tbsp of butter, some fruit, maybe some cool whip, or yogurt, and a lil maple syrup mmmm
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    I eat old fashioned oats everyday in a breakfast shake

    1/2 c old fashioned oats
    1 scoop whey protein
    1c of milk
    1 tbsp peanut butter

    If you try this, blend well.

    it keeps me full for hours, I can have everything ready to go for the morning and drink it on my way to school :)

    I've heard the oatmeal packets aren't "true" oats and there are a lot of processed things in them. Just take a look at the ingredients before you buy things.
  • rhymeswithfox
    rhymeswithfox Posts: 63 Member
    I have a half cup of oat meal and add add 3/4 cup of soy milk. Put it in the microwave for 2:30 and then add half cup of honey bunches of oats with cinnamon bunches because I'm not a fan of the oat meal texture honestly. I also eat 1 egg with it. The oatmeal and honey bunches are so filling I normally can't even finish the bowl plus it keeps me full from 7:30am until 12:30pm! I've lost 9lb in a month :)
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    steel cut, yum
  • ShakeyMD
    ShakeyMD Posts: 59 Member
    I eat it almost every day ...today I tried "refrigerator oatmeal" wasn't a fan, but maybe because I used plain greek yogurt?

    I love oatmeal and tried the overnight oats the other day...I couldn't even eat them. I left them for my daughter to try and she loves them. I showed her how to make more last night. I'm glad to find someone else who wasn't a fan. I used vanilla yogurt and lowfat milk. I didn't like the taste or texture. Something about cold oats I guess LOL
  • JilianneNicole
    JilianneNicole Posts: 119 Member
    No single food item is responsible for weight gain.

    Yup! Totally agree!!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :bigsmile: super good !