oatmeal...good or bad ?



  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    get the old fashion kind and put fruit and stuff on it for natural sweetening
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I love oatmeal, I find it so filling. I do use the packages from time to time, but when I do, I always add about 1/3 of a cup of whole oats or steel cut oats, along with some water, skim milk, berries or a cut up banana, and sometimes cinnamon for extra flavor. For about 300 calories, I am full for awhile.
  • rainydaze613
    rainydaze613 Posts: 112 Member
    I eat steel cut oatmeal when I can, and flavor it myself with bananas, cinnamon, etc.
    If I'm in too much of a rush, I get old fashioned rolled oats from Three Sisters, a whole foods brand. Or Oats Revolution is pretty similar; they have some flavored stuff too.
    I try to stay away from brands like Quaker and sugar free stuff, but that's just me. Too many ingredients I can't pronounce xD And I feel like it's so processed that the cons of eating it outweigh the pros.
    I find that the more "natural" oatmeals are more filling anyway.
    So long story short, oatmeal in its natural form (or close to it) is good. The generic commercially packaged instant ones, not so much.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    i eat oatmeal every day.

    Me too. In fact it's a go-to for me as a great snack. Stick to whole oats tho. the instant stuff is super processed and a lot sugar.
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Flixie00 wrote
    Real oatmeal (or porridge as its known in the UK) is fantastic. Avoid the packaged flavoured instant stuff, and go straight to real oats.

    I agree. Lots of expensive rip-off versions. The cheapest is just as good and sometimes better.
  • ajzinnecket
    Oatmeal is good for weight loss. It's high in fiber and takes longer to digest and makes you feel more full longer. The key to weight loss is to take in less carloies than you burn off, right? Well half the battle is satisfying your cravings so you don't over eat. If you eat food like Oatmeal you will feel full and not have to eat for a long time. On an average day at work, I eat a bowl of Oatmeal at 8am. Ussualy it satifies me enough where I don't need to eat until at least 1am. That's half day the day satisfied off one meal! That way I save more colories for when I get home later and tempations tend to strike more. Oatimeal is good! I'm down 30 pounds.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Mix in Vitamix blender:

    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1/2 scoop Trutein CinnaBun protein powder (or any Cinnamon flavored protein powder)
    3/4 cup steel cut oats
    1/2 cup coconut milk
    splash of maple extract
    1/4 tspn saigon cinnamon

    Its my favorite protein shake to make.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I've never heard of oatmeal being bad for you. Actually, I've heard it's very good for you and a much better alternative to things like pre-packaged cereals. I eat it every morning. I at pre-packaged stuff at the moment, but once that's gone, I'll try my hand at making it myself from just oats.
  • emilylove10
    I eat oatmeal oatmeal everyday. It's not bad for you if you make it yourself. No packaged crap and it takes like 10mins. :) I have 1/3 of a cup of oatmeal in 3/4 of water cook till it looks right and then add a tsp of brown sugar and some 1% milk. Mmmm so good!!!
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    I eat old fashion oatmeal everyday with a tablespoon of peanut butter. I've been maintaining my 50lb weight-loss for 3 years now.
  • Kona2014
    Kona2014 Posts: 38
    I love oatmeal too, especially in winter. I avoid the 'instant' varieties like the plague, but go for the traditional jumbo oats (a 1 kg bag lasts for ages and is great on a budget). With a big cup of tea = happiness.
  • jynnantonnyk
    jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
    Have oatmeal/porridge most days, use half milk, half water and to make it a treat, I sprinkle in a teaspoon of cocoa powder (although it has to be high quality and not full of crap)

    The tiny bit of cocoa goes a long wy when you mix it through.

    I find it very filling and I was raised on it so it doesn't feel like a 'diet/weight loss food' to me.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    The pre-packaged oatmeal is bad. It's full of sugar, salt and processed oats! The fresh, whole grain old fashioned oats, not 'quick oats' have helped me lose over 40lbs since Jan. I used to never eat breakfast and since I've added the oats, 1/2 cup fruit and, <gasp> Splenda, I'm never hungry until lunchtime or later. The reg oats only take 3 minutes to cook, they arent mushy and adding your own fruit tastes sooo much better than the 'processed, freeze dried, crushed and sugar added to it' varieties. Those little packets are so small they dont fill you up anyway.
    I even created a recipe that I add a scrambled egg (tempering it!) to my oatmeal. It makes it creamier, if you like that, and adds protein and healthy fats.
    Whole grain oats are GOOD carbs! Reg oatmeal is not a 'white' carb. Also, whole grain oatmeal kind of has a nutty texture. I like that instead of mush!
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    Bad!! Oatmeal has carbs and carbs make you fat! You know what else makes you fat? Fat! So don't eat fat. Or fruit. Fruit has sugar and sugar makes you fat. So don't eat fruit or oatmeal or peanut butter or vegetables. That's the only way you'll get skinny.


  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    i eat oatmeal every day.

    I do as well.
  • kafergie
    kafergie Posts: 35 Member
    Eating oatmeal as I read this, its my morning metabolism wake up call.
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    I have porridge every morning. And I use the quick sachet's, but not the flavoured ones. I go for the multigrain hi-fibre. It's absolutely delicious. Makes me full for ages. I'll add a bit of protein like a boiled egg, or some leftover chicken to what my brekky is, have a cuppa, and that's me done for very little calories every morning :)
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    No single food item is responsible for weight gain.

  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Just pure, whole oat meal?
    It's one of the healthiest foods you can put in your mouth.
    It's values and qualities are great.
    People on a low carb diet might snivel, but let them. Oat-meal is a close to perfect complex carb.
  • lauren_sutherland83
    hiya, in my experience i have learned that anything that contains oats or wheat play havoc with digestion and your metabolism. should really be avoided if looking to lose weight