Stop working out for 3 or 4 days and you will most likely get it back
They all have cardio bursts for one minute. Things like high knees which aren't too bouncy. I'm on week 7 and today was rock star jumps which I modified so I was only lifting one foot at a time. My downstairs neighbour has never complained. I only exercise in the early evening so I'm not waking anyone up.
Cardio 1 is low impact - no jumping. The later workouts are more jumpy - I just try to land softly and not thump. Moving to a house tomorrow so I won't have any more excuses!
do you enjoy the CLX and the C25K? Maybe just focus on something you enjoy more and you feel more motivated to do it. It's worth thinking about the reasons you want to lose weight, other than just a number on the scales. Jillian Michaels covered this on one of her recent (free) podcasts - w.orth a listen
I just finished week 6. My muscles have really toned up, my muffin top is not quite as muffiny! My legs feel pretty solid, and all of my clothes are fitting a lot better. It's only 30 minutes a day, and if she gets annoying you can mute her and stick on some of your own music.
Yes, they are easy if you have done other JM workouts. I just added other workouts on top a few days a week, so that I was working out for 1 hour(ish). Mainly cardio / kickboxing. Enjoy it now, it gets a lot harder! I just finished 5 & 6, and I'm a bit scared about 7 & 8.
Wow, good job!
She's most likely feeling very insecure. When you got together, I'd assume you were a similar 'level of attractiveness'. Now you're into fitness and she's getting bigger. She might think deep down that you want to leave her for someone thinner/ fitter etc. If she thinks that it's impossible for her to lose the weight, she…
I'm on weeks 5&6. It took about a week for the major soreness to subside. Just keep going and take hot baths/showers/ibuprofen.
you are shrinking!! how did you do it?
Good for you, you look great!
Well done on your weight loss! Next normally has nice swimsuits, that you can mix and match with the fuller briefs. John Lewis normally has good range too.
I just did week 2 day 1. It felt a tinier bit easier this week which means I must be getting fitter!! The double day almost killed me but I felt amazing for doing it.
Wow you look 20 years younger! :happy: