Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1- Too Easy?

I just started phase 1 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I have recently lost 50lbs and am having a difficult time losing any more weight, in fact despite exercising daily and eating low carb I have gained back 4lbs in the last 2 months. I still have 20lbs to lose almost exclusively in my upper body (dam that apple shape :) So I purchased this program to try and smash this plateau. BUT I started it today it it was so EASY! I never thought I would say easy and Jillian Michaels in the same sentence but it is true. So my question is do any of you feel this way and if so did you skip the first couple of dvds and move on in the series, did you supplement with another of her harder dvds like hard body or did you do something to make the dvd harder and if so what? Or did you just accept that it is easier and enjoy it while it lasts :) I would truly appreciate any feedback you can give me.


  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I found the first couple of workouts easy, I did stay with them as I had a really bad cold for the first 3 weeks which slowed me down. 3-4 were more challenging but I didn't feel really stretched until workout 5, which is very hard.

    Edit: you could add weights to the workout as she is showing you moves that are used at a more advanced level later. I didn't think phase 1 was doing much but I lost weight and inches, so I guess it did do something.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I just completed Ripped in 30 before I started BR and yes, that was my first impression as well for phase 1 especially workout 1 & 2. And by this I mean that I did not have to use the "modifers" as much. I have added heavier weights (8lbs & 10 Lbs) and this is making it more challenging. Works outs 3 & 4 are more challenging and if you've done her programs before, you kow where she is heading and you begin to appreciate that she starts out a bit slower. I feel that my form is better as a result.
  • staceycakes71
    staceycakes71 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, they are easy if you have done other JM workouts. I just added other workouts on top a few days a week, so that I was working out for 1 hour(ish). Mainly cardio / kickboxing.

    Enjoy it now, it gets a lot harder! I just finished 5 & 6, and I'm a bit scared about 7 & 8.
  • DebiVintage
    DebiVintage Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so much! I will increase to 8lb weights and I didn't even think about the form, that is a great point!
  • DebiVintage
    DebiVintage Posts: 17 Member
    staceycakes71...That is exactly what I did tonight, I did 30 minutes of kickboxing on top of her Cardio dvd and I feel good! Thanks for the help!
  • DebiVintage
    DebiVintage Posts: 17 Member
    morty1966..I am so happy to hear that you still lost inches in phase 1 as that is my fear that it will be too easy to make any changes in my body!
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I agree increase your weights. It will make phase 1 more challenging. No worries, it gets much harder and will kick your behind. Phase 2 gets tougher and phase 3 is rough.
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Phase 2 will bite your butt and Phase 3 will nearly kill you...no joking.
    Phase 1 does look like a joke on the other hand.
  • Cskinner2
    Cskinner2 Posts: 16 Member
    The idea with the revolution is to build your stamina and muscle to get to the next level of exercises which are harder. If you find them to easy, add the weights and do the jumps. You will get a much better workout if you are not satisfied with the ones you are getting now. You will appreciate those "easy" ones as you progress through the rest of the DVD's
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i did it last year sure phase one seems easy by phase two and three you will be begging for mercy lol it gets a whole lot harder. so enjoy phase 1
  • DebiVintage
    DebiVintage Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you guys so very much your comments have helped immensely! I increased my weight today and on the second disc she does add ways to make it harder and I did it the harder way and I feel much better! But I am very scared now for Phase 2 and 3!
  • Cskinner2
    Cskinner2 Posts: 16 Member
    Just keep at it, you are stronger than you think
  • laleangel
    laleangel Posts: 1 Member
    Eeek I have just bought this and looking to start it next week!! You all have me worried now of how hard its going to get. Oh well no pain no gain as they say.
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    I felt the same and ended up skipping Phase 1 and went right to Phase 2 and it is a killer!

    But I am happy with my decision because I didn't really feel I was getting much out of doing just Phase 1.
  • DebiVintage
    DebiVintage Posts: 17 Member
    I thought about skipping phase 1 but I am doing it with a friend and she needs the first phase so I am just doing the harder version of each exercise and increased my weights. But I did look ahead at phase 2 and WHOA, then I will be complaining about how to modify everything :)
  • poultryofperil
    I'm so glad I saw this thread. I definitely don't have the money to get the dvds right now, but I'm hoping I can some time in the future, because our apartment doesn't come with a fitness center and I can't afford a gym membership either. I've lost 72 lbs in the last two years, primarily from diet alone. I know the last 20 are going to be the hardest, and I want to gain some muscle as well, which is why I wanted the dvds in the first place. Keep us updated on your progress! I'm looking forward to seeing how well this works out for you. :]
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I found the first phase on iTunes for £5.99, don't know if it's available in the USA. It meant I could start while I saved up some money.