Should I give up on losing vanity pounds?

Damn. After being sooo happy that I actually managed to lose wright, I've now put on for the last two weeks ( only a pound but I'd only lost 4). Don't seem to have done any different. Hopefully it's only water weight and will come off again for next week. So disheartening though. I find measuring pointless too as I can easily change my measurements by half inch without realising, by just pulling the tape measure a bit tighter. I've also taken photos but can't see any changes.

I'm beginning to think is it worth it. my healthy weight at 5ft 7 should be 11.5- 8.5. I'm about 10.5 with a BMI of 23.I wanted to get down to 10 stone. In fact just found a calculator that uses loads of formulars to calculate your ideal weight and they are around what I am. My worry is, if I eat more, will I then put ON. Maybe I should try it. Getting fed up though of eating 1450, exercising about 4-5 times a week and still not losing.

At what point should I accept that this is the way I'm meant to be- and just get on with my life.


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    10.5 is great at 5'7 (I'm the same but an inch shorter) but don't give up if your still not happy. If you're fed up at 1450 cals though, I'm sure you could get away with a few more - maybe try 0.5lb loss a week for a bit - I've been having a wee break from it and maintaining at around 1800 for a few months.

    If you've been at this a while, you might be eyeballing your portions? Get the scales out of the cupboard again for a few weeks and be meticulous with your logging and you should see a change.

    And I know you didn't ask (but I say it to everyone) but think about adding strength training. There is a girl on another thread with only a 3 lb loss but the difference in her figure is amazing.

    Cute doggies btw :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you dont think its worth it, we cant tell you it is! you're the one who has to put the hard work in... and when its vanity pounds it is hard work!

    i am only getting rid of vanity pounds... but its SOOOOOOOOO worth it for me! no more fat pictures, no worrying about whether a top or a pair of jeans are too tight or make me look fat.... i just wish i had done it sooner!
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Give your body a bit of a break. Eat at maintenance, keep working out and let your metabolism recover for a while... Then start again with a small deficit.

    If you're exercising then you should be eating more than 1450. No point in stressing out your system and getting nowhere.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am doing strength training- doing alternate C25k with Chalean Extreme. After having my rant and listening to advice, think I'm going to change to half pound lost and eat some of my exercise calories. I'll do this for a few weeks to have a break and then see how I feel/ see how weight changes.
    I do weigh everything by the way.
  • staceycakes71
    staceycakes71 Posts: 14 Member
    do you enjoy the CLX and the C25K? Maybe just focus on something you enjoy more and you feel more motivated to do it. It's worth thinking about the reasons you want to lose weight, other than just a number on the scales. Jillian Michaels covered this on one of her recent (free) podcasts - w.orth a listen
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I DO enjoy the exercise once I get going. The problem is- I'm just not losing the weight. I think that's the problem- not enough reasons to lose the weight other than just that if feels like giving up!
  • Polarpaly05
    Polarpaly05 Posts: 74 Member
    Assuming you're a healthy person with no medical problems. There is only 1 reason that you have hit a weightloss plateau, you are miscalculating you caloric intake/output. When was the last time you reset your caloric intake goals?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Assuming you're a healthy person with no medical problems. There is only 1 reason that you have hit a weightloss plateau, you are miscalculating you caloric intake/output. When was the last time you reset your caloric intake goals?
    That's my problem. I do t seem to be able to find a figure that works for me. I weigh and log everything so I know my intake is accurate. I've tried a Fitbit, BMF, MFP calculations and scoobie calculations but still not getting the regular weight loss. I just keep gaining and losing the same few pounds. I've had my thyroid levels tested.

    I'm 48, female, 5ft 7.5 and weigh about 149 pounds at the moment.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Your carbs and sugars look high- you could try reducing those.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I DO enjoy the exercise once I get going. The problem is- I'm just not losing the weight. I think that's the problem- not enough reasons to lose the weight other than just that if feels like giving up!

    If you are not losing the weight, you are not in a calorie deficit. Do you use a food scale and measuring cups?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Your carbs and sugars look high- you could try reducing those.

    OP, your carbs look fine, but I would up your protein to 1g/lb lean body mass. I try to get at LEAST 100 g of protein every day. I focus on that, then the fats, and let the carbs fall where they may. Ignore the sugar macro, and replace it with something else, like potassium. Only diabetics need to track their sugar (which is a carb anyway).
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Your carbs and sugars look high- you could try reducing those.

    OP, your carbs look fine, but I would up your protein to 1g/lb lean body mass. I try to get at LEAST 100 g of protein every day. I focus on that, then the fats, and let the carbs fall where they may. Ignore the sugar macro, and replace it with something else, like potassium. Only diabetics need to track their sugar (which is a carb anyway).
    Yes I weigh everything. Don't look at my diary today. I had a rebellious day. Does upping the protein REALLY make a difference. I'm a vegetarian and so that doesn't come naturally to me.